Expert Details
Electrical Engineering, specializing in Fire Investigation, Product Liability, Code Compliance and Associated Matters

ID: 724628
New Jersey, USA
Expert has served as the corporate generator specialist at The Shaw Group (formerly Stone and Webster, Inc.)
At this time, Expert is involved in the analysis of the automatic transfer system for a fossil fuel combined cycle generating station, addressing modification requests from the new owner (a refinery). During his experience with fossil fuel generating stations, he has used the NFPA 70 (also known as the National Electrical Code or the NEC) and the National Electrical Safety Code as a guide to the design and engineering. As an Electrical Expert, he has assisted the legal profession with evaluation of cases associated with lack of compliance with the NEC in residential and commercial applications. This has included cases dealing with improperly sized service conductors, incorrect specification and installation of electrical equipment and lack of compliance with both the NEC and the UBC (Universal Building Code).
In his 15 years of experience as part of Engineering and Plant Betterment at the Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Stations in Lower Alloway Creek, NJ, Expert was involved in a wide variety of duties. These included 1) submittal of Incident Reports (and planned condition resolution) to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2)wrote or reviewed several Safety Evaluations and Reviews (in conformance with 10CFR50.59), 3) created hundreds of modification packages, 4) was certified as an adjunct instructor at the PSE&G Nuclear Training Center, 5) performed commercial grade dedication of off the shelf material for nuclear safety related service, 6) was a Level II Test Engineer, 7) performed equivalency evaluation for several obsolete spare parts and issued equivalent replacement modification packages to satisfy the "action statement" (as listed in each plant's Technical Specification - part of the Updated Final Safety Analysis Report) and 8) was a system engineer for the Radiation Monitoring System. All of these tasks were performed in accordance with the licensing requirements shown in the UFSAR, the main licensing document issued for approval to the NRC.
During his over 20 years of nuclear engineering experience, both on site and as part of the conceptual engineering effort, Expert was part of review group for the Salem Nuclear Generating Station primary cable separation document CDS-1 and used it as a guide when designing cable routing in accordance with the redundancy requirements of safety related instrumentation and controls and electrical systems. The post Three Mile Island atmosphere pushed issue of NRC Reg Guide 1.97 which mandated enhanced separation requirements for safety related and important to safety systems, along with careful consideration to human factor analysis. Expert was part of the Human Factors Team during the design of the control room for the Nine Mile Point Units 1 & 2.
Expert is a licensed building inspector in the state of NJ (license inactive at this time but in good standing). He has investigated instances of lack of conformance with the National Fire Protection Association standard NFPA 70 (also known as the National Electrical Code) and NFPA 70E (National Electrical Safety Code).
Supported client's claim against local utility, proving that utility provided substation transformers in apartment building complex were inadequately sized and that provided power quality was not in accordance with state tariff agreement. Performed sizing calculation in accordance with the National Electrical Code and testified in federal court as expert witness.Was called in to support owner's complaint against local utility. Utility changed out the distribution transformers (and location of same), increasing the size of the transformers without increasing the size of the service conductors. This lapse in design caused the client, owner of a popular hotel, restaurant located at the Jersey shore, to experience power loss during three busy weekends, incurring losses in the tens of thousands of dollars. .Was engaged to defend client against nuclear power plant's allegation of improper work practices engineering, designing and installing a plant modification. Familiarity with nuclear plant quality assurance procedures, modification practices and testing and commissioning was vital in providing expert assistance.Was consulted by another builder of custom homes in his claim of fraud against his electrical contractor. Performed thorough examination of the entire electrical construction plan, provided a material take-off and submitted an estimate based on commercially available software. Examined all billing and verified that there were a number of entries that had no basis and/or were overstated or shown duplicate times. Also had to examine the programming and operation of a whole home automated system and found discrepancies with conformance with manufacturer's requirements. This case has not yet been scheduled for court.Performed forensic analysis of failed contactor coil that was in nuclear service. Dissection of failed component showed failure of insulation, the arc path and the associated failure scenario. Ratings of equivalent replacement component were based on the need to upgrade of failed component.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1996 | Degree: BS | Subject: Electrical Engineering | Institution: Widener Evening College |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2018 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Chief Electrical Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Specialist in leading various electrical design and engineering projects. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Owner/Consulting Engineer | Department: |
Responsibilities:Investigated over 350 cases concerning electrically-caused fires, product liability, NFPA code compliance and personal injuries associated with electrical and instrumentation and control maintenance at power plants and substations. Has testified in federal and state court and has been deposed on several occasions. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2013 | Employer: Shaw / Stone & Webster, Inc. | Title: Senior Lead Electrical Engineer | Department: Power |
Responsibilities:As Lead Electrical Engineer, supervised the design, engineering (25 person staff) and construction efforts for a 3 x 1 combined cycle generating station at the Florida Power & Light Marcus Hook Station. Duties included creation of the project proposal and accompanying estimate, managing a $25million equipment and man-hour budget, performing final bid evaluations for equipment procurement, and coordination of information for integration into the site 3D computer model. As senior engineer, performed (or approved) required sizing calculations for UPS, batteries and chargers, safety grounding, protective relaying, isolated phase bus duct, (including short circuit and motor/equipment load studies) and specification of all associated equipment. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1998 to 2001 | Employer: Washington Group International | Title: Supervisory Discipline Engineer / Electrical / I&C | Department: Fossil Services |
Responsibilities:As Supervising Discipline Electrical Engineer, Expert performed load, short circuit and cable calculations, project budgetary controls, supervised design and engineering personnel, scheduled and allocated manpower and presided over design presentations to the client for numerous upgrade projects (electrostatic precipitator, cooling tower, 480 VAC distribution among others) for South Carolina Electric and Gas Co. Canadys and Wateree coal/oil fired installations and the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Project for Wisconsin Electric Power Company’s Pleasant Prairie Station. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to 1998 | Employer: Day and Zimmermann, International | Title: Lead Electrical Engineer | Department: Chemical and Fabrics |
Responsibilities:As Lead Electrical and I&C Engineer, handled I&C Process and Electrical design for foreign and domestic DuPont Tefzel and Lycra plants and ICI Americas' Mighty Concrete Additive installation. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 1997 | Employer: PSE&G | Title: Lead Electrical Engineer | Department: Nuclear |
Responsibilities:Has over 20 years experience (15 of them on site) in System Engineering (Radiation Monitoring and Reactor Protection Systems), Power and I&C functional design, Purchasing (specification of equivalent replacement for obsolete spare parts, commercial grade dedication), Licensing (submitting of incident report resolution, verification of plant compliance with the Technical Specification) and has been certified as an instructor at the PSE&G Nuclear Training Center. As Procurement Engineer, evaluated, classified and procured equivalent replacements for Electrical and I&C obsolete spare parts and performed commercial grade dedication at the Salem and Hope Creek Generating Stations. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2015 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Chief Electrical Engineer | Department: Engineering |
Responsibilities:Provide technical oversight over Electrical Engineering and Design Department, specializing in power generation, distribution and transmission projects. Take projects from business development, submission of proposal, management of project (including budget and scheduling), specification of equipment, providing quality assurance to project start-up and commissioning. Responsible for project compliance with all applicable state and local codes, along with those of the NFPA, OSHA and associated agencies. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
IEEE, IAEI (International Association of Electrical Inspectors), ASE |
Licenses / Certifications |
Licensed Professional Engineer in NJ, PA, NY and FL, Licensed Home Inspector, state of NJ (currently inactive) |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
He has provided expert testimony at the federal district court level and has been deposed several times. He has over 15 years experience in forensic investigation, in the nuclear power industry, fire investigation and product liability cases. He reported on the violations of the NFPA 70 (National Electrical Code - NEC) in a residence purchased by his client. This report, which caused a swift settlement out of court, pointed out each violation, referencing the particular section of the NEC with which the installation was in conflict, such as under-rated disconnecting devices, insufficient grounding, unsafe wiring practices and other numerous situations that were a dangerous hazard to public safety. He has also aided his client's motion against a local utility, verifying the existence of inadequate service conductors via forensic evaluation of the destroyed conductors, placement of the new distribution transformers and questionable rating of the new transformers. An appearance as an expert witness was included in this effort. He has also assisted a client (a building contractor) in defense against a claim of non-compliance with local building and electrical codes. This required knowledge of the UBC and the NEC. The case is scheduled for court sometime in the first quarter of 2008. Has performed forensic analysis of failed components that were functioning in so-called "!E" Nuclear Service. These components were part of safety related systems at the Salem and Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Stations in Lower Alloways Creek, NJ. Before he could specify an equivalent replacement for the failed component, he had to determine the cause of failure for that which was being replaced so that replication of the same failure scenario would not occur. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert has presented training for preparation of Modification Document Packages for PSE&G Nuclear Generating Stations at their Nuclear Training Center. He has been certified as an adjunct instructor. He has also assisted in the preparation of the training for developing safety evaluations in accordance with 10CFR50.59. Expert has prepared a course on public speaking. |
Marketing Experience |
He is able to use his 30+ years' experience in power generation (design, construction and start-up), protective relaying and distribution to address problems concerning this area. Has been called in as a consultant for evaluation of existing automatic power transfer systems and the accompanying protective relaying. Has also calculated setpoints for protective devices associated with various combustion turbine generators. Was the corporate generator specialist at The Shaw Group, formerly Stone and Webster, Inc. Has also been called in as a consultant during the planning stages of various power generation and Fuel Gas Desulfurization (FGD) projects. |
Fields of Expertise
forensic electrical engineering, expert testimony, product liability, fire investigation, forensic engineering, alternating current, electric power distribution, fossil fuel electric energy generation, power distribution, power engineering, alternating-current transformer, alternating-current voltage, residential power distribution, electrical safety code, nuclear power, nuclear separation technology, nuclear standard, root cause failure, electric power, alternating-current generator, case analysis, energy-efficient power distribution, building compliance, coal desulfurization, electric current, electric distribution system, coal, nuclear instrumentation, Nuclear Regulatory Commission, nuclear utility, battery application, home diagnostics, budgetary control, industry standard, electrical construction oversight, electrical area classification, electrical hazard, electric power supervisory system, Electric Power Research Institute, induction motor, differential transformer, electrical impedance, alternating-current measurement, battery terminal, direct-current voltage, transformer testing, electrical wiring standard, isolation transformer, reductant, electrical safety National Electrical Code, electric power system, nuclear-fueled steam generation, characteristic impedance, dry-type transformer, alternating-current relay, electric power substation, pulverized coal, industrial electrical machinery, electric power generation equipment, auxiliary power unit, electrical rectification, primary winding, direct current, electric circuit element, clean-coal technology, electrical cable, electric utility electric power distribution, industrial electric power distribution, industrial electric power transmission, electrical safety standard, low-rank coal, combined heat and power distribution, building electric power, electric power system analysis, electric power system planning, electrical-load management, system design, electric motor control, electric transient, alternating-current variable-frequency motor, electrical-power system control, electrical-load stability analysis, electrical load flow analysis, electrical-fault location, electric power plant environmental impact, electric energy generation, alternating-current to direct-current conversion, alternating-current frequency converter, electrical grounding, direct-current motor, electric current energy, busbar, electric power utility, electrical engineering, alternating-current motor drive, electrical wire insulation, alternating-current synchronous generator, gas turbine electric energy generation, power transformer, voltage transformer, phase changer transformer, instrument transformer, current transformer, power, nuclear technology, overload protection, surge arrester, electric field, electric battery, electrical equipment, electric switch, electrical shock, radioactive material, power factor, overvoltage protection, oil-filled transformer, industrial air conditioning, fossil fuel environmental effect, electric power plant, electric generator, electric circuit, capacitive reactance