Expert Details
Criminal Justice Systems; Risk Assessment; Drugs Policy; Harm Reduction; Project Management

ID: 728301
United Kingdom
• Chaired national delivery and stakeholder boards developing action plans for criminal justice, linked to government strategy and drawing on international networks of experts. Negotiated with Ministers, Senior Government Officials, Chief Executives and Third Sector to achieve consensus.
• Managed negotiations and discussions with key stakeholders and senior partnership executives on London wide policy decisions, including planning and risk-assessing complex investigations within the Healthcare Sector to minimise harmful impact of crime and social issues on minority communities.
• Elected Fellow of The RSA; Chaired Board of Directors of Estate Management Company delivering a customer focused approach, improving quality of life in a rural community.
Change Management
• Led, planned and organised partnership teams delivering improvement across the UK drugs and substance abuse sector, co-ordinating and directing business process change across 43 police forces and business sectors.
• Inspired and motivated a multi-disciplined team across 9 Criminal Justice agencies, standardising methodology for organisations who were working together for the first time resulting in the national inspection of the Government’s Street Crime Initiative, which analysed complex processes, recommending changes to embedded practices for improved performance.
Programme and Project Management
• Prince2 accredited practitioner; Led a £3m amalgamation project to merge 60 staff, with different cultures and working conditions, from HM Revenue and Customs and The Metropolitan Police into a single team focusing on serious and organised drugs crime.
• Programme managed 21 linked national improvement projects across 43 police forces and steered the introduction of senior stakeholder and practitioner advisory groups monitoring frontline project delivery.
• Led, managed and evaluated multi-themed projects across UK criminal justice partnerships, delivering national strategy and operating procedures for drugs prevention, enforcement and intelligence, on time and within budget.
Problem Solving and Analysis
• In 2009/10, as an independent consultant, led a London-wide strategic review of The Drugs Intervention Programme within Criminal Justice and Health Sector Partnerships on behalf of the Home Office.
• Local champion for a leading criminal justice agency, excelled in performance against crime in Westminster. Steered 120 staff with a £1m budget, achieving significant crime reductions in partnership with the community.
• As senior investigator, he shaped the strategy and led the team of 50 investigators reviewing the Central London May Day Riots, making best use of intelligence and analysis to gather and assess evidence against more than 100 linked offenders to achieve successful prosecutions.
Has led a review of Government initiaitive on behalf of the UK Home OfficeHas project managed the delivery of a series of five conferences on the policing, prevention and treatment of drugs offendersLed and facilitated workshops for RSA examining User Centred Drugs Projects
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1996 | Degree: BSc (Hons) | Subject: Systems Analysis | Institution: Open University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2009 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Principal Consultant | Department: |
Responsibilities:Managing Director,Principal Consultant, Prince2 accredited Registered Project Manager, Home Office approved Police Discipline Appeals Tribunal Panel Adjudicator, UK Security Clearance (SC level). |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to 2009 | Employer: Association of Chief Police Officers (UK) | Title: National Drugs Coordinator | Department: Drugs Portfolio |
Responsibilities:Detective Superintendent,Responsible for developing national strategy and policy for policing in partnership with criminal justice agencies other local administrations and NGO’s, International liaison on Drugs Policies, Advisor to Government and Charity Projects. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2002 to 2005 | Employer: Metropolitan Police, London | Title: Head of Drugs Directorate | Department: |
Responsibilities:Detective Superintendent,Police Discipline Appeals Adjudicator, Authorising Officer for police applications verifying compliance with ECHR requirements. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2001 to 2002 | Employer: Her Majesties Inspectorate of Constabulary (UK) | Title: Lead Inspector | Department: |
Responsibilities:Head of Project Inspecting; UK Police Forces, Criminal Courts, Prisons and Probation Services and Criminal Justice System.Developing guidelines for Joint Inspection of Criminal Justice Agencies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1996 to 2001 | Employer: Metropolitan Police | Title: Senior investigating Officer and Crime Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:Head of Project Inspecting; UK Police Forces, Criminal Courts, Prisons and Probation Services and Criminal Justice System.Developing guidelines for Joint Inspection of Criminal Justice Agencies. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1978 to 1996 | Employer: Metropolitan Police | Title: Various | Department: |
Responsibilities:Various Police Officer Roles at Chief Inspector, Inspector and Constable ranks. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2010 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Independent Member | Department: England and Wales Parole Board |
Responsibilities:Reviewing cases of persons in prison - risk assessing and recommending whether they should be released from prison back into the community. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2009 to 2010 | Agency: UK Home Office | Role: Consultant | Description: Led the review of The Drugs Intervention Programme across 33 Operational areas |
Years: 1979 to 2009 | Agency: UK Police | Role: Police Officer | Description: Served as police officer at all ranks to Detective Superintendent |
Years: 2002 to 2009 | Agency: UK Home Office and Ministry of Justice | Role: Expert Advisor | Description: Has provided expert advise to numerous government and NGO led advisory Groups |
Years: 2010 to Present | Agency: Ministry of Justice | Role: Independent Member of England and Wales Parole Board | Description: Considers cases of persons in prison to risk assess and recommend on their release back into the community |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Fellow of the RSA ( FRSA) - Royal Society for the Encouragement of Art, Manufactures and Commerce |
Licenses / Certifications |
Prince2 Registered Practitioner ( Project Management) |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
UK Expert for Police on Drugs, Drugs Policy, Drugs Prevention and Harm Reduction. Independent Member of England and Wales Parole Board. |
Training / Seminars |
Chaired International Drugs Conference, Warsaw, Poland 2008. Planned and delivered UK National Criminal Justice Conferences (Drugs) on Dealing with Demand: From local to global: 2009; High Society : Enforcing the rules: 2008; Testing the Boundaries: Exploring new ideas: 2007; C The Future: 2006; The Winning Formula: 2005. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Prince 2 Qualified Registered Practitioner; Project management. |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
English | Native language |
French | Basic language skills |
Turkish | Beginning to learn langauge |