Expert Details
Corrosion in Plant, Buildings, HVAC, Hi-Temp, Surveys/Failure Analysis; Expert Witness, Seminars
ID: 107828
Nevada, USA
He offers Advisory services, Troubleshooting and Failure Analysis (Cause and Origin) investigations on malfunctioning machinery and equipment, including component breakdowns, structural collapse, fire, heat and flood damage.
Examples include isolated breakdowns in process plant and equipment, piping, water mains, storage vessels, underground storage tanks, reactors, machinery, aerosol cans, tools, chairs, ladders, plumbing, wire ropes, elevators and escalators, automobiles and transportation vehicles, ships and cargoes.
He has experience with all common engineering materials including: Aluminum and alloys, Copper and alloys, Cast Irons, Steels, Stainless Steels, Nickel and alloys, Titanium and alloys and Refractory metals in natural environments (atmospheric, waters, soils), and many industrial corrosives. Corrosion Failures analyzed include: General and Localized Attack, Pitting, Crevice Corrosion, Dealloying, Erosion Corrosion, Formicary Corrosion, Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracking. Specialty areas include formicary (ant nest) corrosion of copper and SCC under insulation.
Expert has experience with major plant failures – including process plant, refineries, gas turbines boilers, pipelines and buildings – after explosions, fires, chemical release, flood damages and structural collapse.
He is an experienced expert witness in metallurgy, materials selection, failure analysis, design and corrosion-related issues.
He has a special expertise in high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion, notably associated with power generation (boilers, gas turbines, waste incinerators, heat exchangers, reactors, kilns, and reformers. He has undertaken research on materials performance in hot waste combustion atmospheres, including sulfur-rich gases, metal-halogen vapor reactions (chlorine, fluorine, bromine, and iodine), molten salt corrosion (vanadic slags, sulfatic melts) and molten glass reactions with metals. He has assessed plant and equipment following fires and explosions. He has written and teaches a two-day seminar on "Materials for high-temperature service," offered by NACE International.
His special expertise in high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion, notably associated with power generation (boilers, gas turbines), waste incinerators, heat exchangers, recuperators, kilns, reactors and reformers, has been utilized in resolving major plant failures in process plant, refineries, gas turbines, boilers, pipelines and buildings. Cases include: Explosions, Fires, Flood Damages and Structural Collapse.
His published research includes materials performance in hot waste combustion atmospheres, including: Sulfur-rich Gases, Halogen Gases (Chlorine, HCl, Fluorine, HF, Bromine, and Iodine), Molten Salt Corrosion (Vanadic Slags and Sulfatic melts) and Molten Glasses.
Expert has over 35 years experience with site surveys, failure analyses, metallurgical testing and chemical analysis, including laboratory simulation and testing, (salt spray and humidity cabinets, coupon testing and electrochemical techniques). He has experience with on-line electrochemical monitoring systems and has networking arrangements with laboratories that specialize in these techniques.
Expert has advised many organizations on materials selection and performance and undertakes failure analyses. He has organized and presented in-house seminars to a variety of companies as well. Expert consults for several material manufacturers and product developers. His consulting work has included work for several government committees. He has conducted surveys in the food and beverage industry. He has provided input to regulatory bodies who specify requirements for food and beverages. He works with persons from all disciplines and from all sectors of industry in helping them to better appreciate, understand, and ultimately eliminate or control corrosion.
Acidic corrosion processes vary for reducing acids (where the cathodic reaction primarily involves the reduction of hydrogen ions to atomic and then molecular hydrogen) versus oxidizing acids (where the cathodic reaction reduces the acidic anion, e.g., brown oxides of nitrogen are produced by steel in dilute/moderate concentrations of nitric acid). Material performance in acidic conditions is dictated by temperature and concentration; impurities influence attack.
Commonly: sodium hydroxide (caustic soda), ammonia, potassium hydroxide (caustic potash), calcium hydroxide (caustic lime) and sodium carbonate (easily hydrolyzed to NaOH at temperature). With most metals and alloys develop insoluble hydroxides that limits attack; hydrogen forms on amphoteric metals (i.e., those attacked by both acid and alkali), e.g., Al, Zn. Irons, steels find applications to moderate concentrations; Fe-Cr alloys actively corroded above ambient; limitations include caustic embrittlement (SCC). Nickel alloys generally resistant, as are titanium and zirconium.
Expert has devoted many years in understanding the degradation of materials, specifically how and why materials corrode in natural environments and in most other industries, including food & beverages, chemical, energy, oil & gas, utilities. He has special expertise in high temperature corrosion.
He examined and reported on an explosion of an alloy steel urea reactor; subsequently testified successfully in Court attributing blame to poor process plant operation and control. He has examined, confirmed and reported on premature failures in copper tubing used for HVAC systems. Formicary corrosion (evident as very fine pits) sources and causes. He surveyed and reported to insurers on the condition of reactors, vessels and piping that experienced different levels of damage from a refinery plant fire. He examined discolored metal roof panels on a refurbished property that others attributed (incorrectly) to a nearby marine environment. His conclusions were upheld in a subsequent arbitration and trial. He reviewed and tested surgical devices that failed through defective fabrication not improper use. Litigation.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1965 | Degree: Ph.D. | Subject: Chemical Metallurgy | Institution: University of Manchester, England |
Year: 1963 | Degree: M.Sc. | Subject: Chemical Metallurgy | Institution: University of Manchester, England |
Year: 1962 | Degree: B.Sc. | Subject: Metallurgy | Institution: University of Manchester, England |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1987 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President, Principal Consultant | Department: Metallurgy and Corrosion |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1986 to 1987 | Employer: Cortest Engineering Services, Inc. | Title: Senior Consulting Engineer | Department: R&D, Sheffield, UK; Consulting - Houston, TX |
Responsibilities:Consulting |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1985 to 1986 | Employer: Independent Total Inspection | Title: Director | Department: Watford, UK; Houston, TX |
Responsibilities:Corrosion Specialist and Metallurgy |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1968 to 1985 | Employer: University of Manchester Institute of Science & Technology, UK | Title: Lecturer (Professor) | Department: Corrosion & Protection Centre |
Responsibilities:Academic staff - Lecturer to post- and under- graduates; research group for MS and PhD students |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1965 to 1968 | Employer: Kynoch Works | Title: Project Officer | Department: Metals Division, Birmingham, UK |
Responsibilities:Imperial Chemical Industries |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1972 to 1982 | Agency: UK Government | Role: Committee on Corrosion | Description: He was a member of the Working Party on Education & Training. |
Years: 1981 to 1986 | Agency: UK Government, Overseas Development Administration, | Role: Technical Support Position | Description: He provided consulting services to R&D at Cuernavaca and on-site troubleshooting (at various power stations) for IIE (Instituto de Investigaciones Electricidad) of CFE in Mexico. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2010 to Present | Country / Region: England, UK | Summary: He provides material recommendations for a novel high temperature process for producing titanium, tantalum & other metals by electrochemical reduction in fused salts. R&D to commissioning activities. |
Years: 2010 to 2011 | Country / Region: South Africa | Summary: He provided materials/high temperature expertise in litigation relating to the premature failure of gas coolers in a sulfuric acid plant, with inadequate operation and monitoring issues. Tribunal - Johannesburg. |
Years: 2010 to 2011 | Country / Region: Mexico | Summary: He conducted audit in new plant manufacturing aluminum components as alternates to copper for air conditioning systems. He presented hands-on seminar on materials and corrosion issues in HVAC applications. |
Years: 2005 to Present | Country / Region: Dominican Republic | Summary: He conducted failure analysis and lab testing on boiler deposits to ascertain the cause of boiler tube failures in a small generating station. |
Years: 1985 to Present | Country / Region: Venezuela | Summary: Brief Summary: conducted site visit to identify cause of a boiler explosion; tests and subsequent testimony attributed failure to design defect in tube configuration that allowed tube material to overheat (graphitized). |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
- Fellow and past Chairman of the Institute of Corrosion (I.Corr) - Fellow and Corrosion Specialist of NACE International - Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals & Mining - Member, ASM International - Member ASTM |
Licenses / Certifications |
Chartered Engineer (CEng). Chartered Scientist (CSci). |
Professional Appointments |
At various times: Honorary Visiting Lecturer at the University of Manchester (UMIST) Corrosion & Protection Centre, UK. Visiting Lecturer, University of Madison, WI. Reviews/edits technical papers for ASM, NACE and other professional organizations' journals. |
Awards / Recognition |
NACE International - Distinguished Service Award |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Several patents. Author, of over 100 published technical papers; book chapters. Over 100 professional presentations, including plenary and invited lectures to international symposia in USA, Europe, Canada, Mexico. Radio and television presentations. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Testified in trials (federal and state) and depositions, including mediations (End-Dispute, JAMS) and other arbitrations in USA and overseas, (South Africa and Venezuela). Court-qualified as an expert in metallurgy, materials engineering, design, failure analysis and corrosion. From 2006- present, Expert has been involved in 44 cases. Trial- 6 plaintiff, 4 defendant Arbitration/ Mediation- 4 defendant Deposition- 15 plaintiff, 23 defendant |
Training / Seminars |
Specialist in planning and presenting seminars and in-house training courses on materials, design and corrosion control for engineers, management, designers, operators, inspectors and risk assessors. Presentations include Materials Selection and Design, Corrosion Engineering, Corrosion in the Oil and Gas Industries, Troubleshooting and Failure Analysis, and, Facing the Challenge of Corrosion. Customized hands-on presentations for clients worldwide, including seminars or short courses held at universities, private companies and for professional societies. Focused topics include: Approach to Failure Analysis; Materials Selection & Design; Overcome the Challenge of Corrosion; Designing to Minimize Corrosion; High Temperature Corrosion. Past courses: CfPA, (USA, Netherlands, Kuwait, Switzerland); NiDI, (USA, Mexico); University of Madison, Wisconsin; Private Companies, (USA, Mexico, IVEPE, (Greece). |
Vendor Selection |
Independent consultant to wide spectrum of companies. Network with other independent consultants (chemical, mechanical, electrical, civil, environmental, architectural, etc.). "Team" member in large industrial ventures or multi-million dollar failures for adjusters and insurance companies and litigators. |
Marketing Experience |
Alert to current corrosion issues affecting all sectors (e.g., civil/structural - bridge collapses; medical implants; environmental clean-up issues, (air, water, soil), etc. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Advisory Services; Troubleshooting and Failure Investigations. Malfunctioning parts and equipment, including: Component Breakdowns, Structural Collapse, Fire, Heat and Flood Damage. Examples: isolated breakdowns in Process Plant and Equipment, Piping, Water Mains, Storage Vessels, Underground Storage Tanks, Reactors, Machinery, Aerosol Cans, Tools, Ladders, Chairs, Plumbing, Wire Ropes, Elevators and Escalators, Automobiles and Transportation Vehicles, Ships and Cargoes |
Language Skills
Language | Proficiency |
French | He passed grammar school (college) "O" level examinations in French. |
Spanish | Very basic reading ability (technical results) |
Fields of Expertise
metal corrosion, aluminum corrosion, copper alloy corrosion, crevice corrosion, erosion-corrosion, nickel alloy corrosion, nickel corrosion, stainless steel corrosion, titanium alloy corrosion, titanium corrosion, corrosion resistance, atmospheric corrosion, austenitic stainless steel corrosion, brass corrosion, bronze corrosion, carbon steel corrosion, cavitation erosion, concentration cell corrosion, corrosion control, ferritic stainless steel corrosion, ferrous metal corrosion, fretting corrosion, galvanic corrosion, galvanizing, intergranular corrosion, iron alloy corrosion, iron corrosion, localized corrosion, martensitic stainless steel corrosion, nonferrous metal corrosion, outdoor weather corrosion, stress corrosion, superalloy corrosion, uniform corrosion, zinc alloy corrosion, zinc corrosion, galvanizing standard, copper corrosion, high-temperature corrosion, power generating system corrosion, high-temperature oxidation, corrosion testing, materials failure, pitting erosion, materials selection for chemical compatibility, acidic corrosion, material degradation, metal embrittlement, alkali corrosion, corrosion prevention, copper alloy, copper alloy property, copper, cast iron, carburizing, carbon steel, bronze, brass, austenitic stainless steel, austenitic cast iron, aluminum alloy, aluminum, stray, HVAC trouble shooting, industrial corrosion, chemical metallurgy, beverage industry, corrosion engineering, corrosion coupon, aluminum corrosion resistance, ASM International, nonferrous alloy, metallic element, metal material selection, materials selection, low-alloy steel, iron-alloy property, corrosion measurement, alloy corrosion, corrosion, high-temperature material, copper alloy data, heat-resistant metal, stress corrosion cracking, corrosion protection, zinc, white iron, udimet alloy, titanium alloy, titanium alloy property, titanium, superalloy, steel, steel corrosion, stainless steel, refractory metal, pitting, photomicrography, nimonic alloy, nickel alloy, nickel, muntz metal, Monel, alloy, metallurgy, metallography, martensitic stainless steel, iron alloy, iron, heat-resistant steel, heat-resistant alloy, gray iron, ferritic stainless steel, failure analysis