Expert Details
Control of Odors and Corrosion in Municipal and Industrial Waste Handling Systems

ID: 729913
Maine, USA
As a professional engineer, Expert has state-of-the-art knowledge regarding the technologies utilized to minimize and control odors. He has designed innovative enclosures around waste processing equipment to minimize the volume of air to be treated and to improve conditions for workers. He has evaluated and designed the full range of odor treatment technologies including activated carbon adsorbers, packed-tower scrubbers, in-ground and in-vessel biofilters, bioscrubbers, and others. Expert also designed innovative systems to economically treat odorous air in the aeration tanks of wastewater treatment plants. He contributed a chapter on odorous air treatment for the Water Environment Federation’s Control of Odors and Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants.
Expert is an expert in the detection, monitoring, and control of hydrogen sulfide corrosion in sewers and waste handling systems. He has performed numerous assessments of sewer corrosion that has included continuous hydrogen sulfide monitoring, concrete pH testing, estimates of concrete loss, etc. He has conducted modeling to predict sulfide build-up in wastewater and the corrosion rates of concrete pipe affected by hydrogen sulfide.
Expert has evaluated and field-tested numerous chemicals designed to control hydrogen sulfide in sewers. These have included iron salts such as ferrous chloride and ferrous sulfate; oxidants including hydrogen peroxide, sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate, and sodium chlorite; pH adjusters such as magnesium hydroxide and sodium hydroxide; and nitrate-containing solutions designed to prevent hydrogen sulfide generation. Expert has had extensive experience with injection of pure oxygen for sulfide control, having designed the first U.S. “multiple U-tube oxygen dissolver” for controlling sulfide generation in a force main.
Expert has been an active member of the Water Environment Association’s Odor and Air Quality Committee for over 10 years, and previously served on the WEF Corrosion Control Task Force. He has made numerous technical presentation on odor and corrosion control for the Water Environment Federation, International Water Association, Air and Waste Management Association, New England Water Environment Association, Virginia Water Environment Association, Florida Water Environment Association, and other organizations. He has conducted training sessions for pollution control agencies in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine.
Township of Woodbridge, NJ - Biological Odor Control. Expert worked with a local firm to evaluate odor emissions and their control at a large wastewater pumping station. An innovative odor containment and treatment system was conceived and designed. A biological scrubber eliminated odor complaints, and the new odor containment system greatly improved working conditions.Oakland and Macomb Counties, MI - Odor and Corrosion Control. Expert was a key player in the assessment of corrosion and odors in a large deep-tunnel collection system serving suburban Detroit. A variety of recommendations were developed to mitigate odor releases and control corrosion in the tunnel system, including upstream chemical addition, improved ventilation with odor treatment, and protection of the concrete with an inert lining system.City of Los Angeles - Independent Odor Control Review. Expert was selected by the City of Los Angeles, the State of California, and U.S. EPA to provide an independent review of the City of LA Sewer Odor Control Program as required by a Court settlement regarding sewer odor emissions. The program included extraction and treatment of sewer air with 2-stage odor control systems at seven locations.Henrico County, VA - Odor and Corrosion Control Assessment. Expert worked with a national engineering firm to conduct a comprehensive assessment of odors and corrosion in a large wastewater collection system. Recommendations included an innovative iron-peroxide chemical addition process, a cost-saving biological scrubber system, and rehabilitation of corroded sewer lines.City of Mamaroneck, NY - Odor and Noise Control at a Solid Waste Transfer Station. Expert worked with Webster Environmental Associates to quantify the odor and noise emissions from the waste transfer station, and assess their impact via dispersion modeling. Recommendations included use of high-velocity dispersion fans, collection and treatment of odorous air, and multiple noise control systems.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1976 | Degree: MS | Subject: Environmental Engineering | Institution: Cornell University |
Year: 1973 | Degree: BS | Subject: Civil Engineering | Institution: University of New Hampshire |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1991 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: Engineer |
Responsibilities:Expert is president and principal engineer of the firm, which has specialized in the assessment, treatment, and prevention of odors and corrosion in waste handling plants and collection systems since its inception. Responsible for preparing proposals and protocols, performing field work and analyses, creating recommendations, and writing reports of finding and recommendations. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1983 to 1991 | Employer: J.M. Smith & Associates | Title: Vice President | Department: Municipal Wastewater |
Responsibilities:Expert was in responsible charge of developing business in the municipal wastewater market and managing projects involving the planning, design, and implementation of wastewater facilities. During this time, he was principal author of the EPA Manual “Odor and Corrosion Control in Sanitary Sewers and Treatment Plants.” |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1974 to 1983 | Employer: US EPA | Title: Research Engineer | Department: Office of R&D |
Responsibilities:Expert conducted pilot-scale research on advanced wastewater treatment processes at the plant in Washington, DC. He developed research concepts, prepared sampling and analytical protocols, evaluated the data, and prepared reports. At the Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory in Cincinnati, he managed both in-house and extramural wastewater research projects. As part of the Innovative and Alternative Technology Program, he participated in a series of national seminars on new technology for wastewater collection and treatment. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1974 to 1983 | Agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency | Role: Research Engineer | Description: Expert conducted pilot-scale research on advanced wastewater treatment processes at the EPA Pilot Plant in Washington, DC. He developed research concepts, prepared sampling and analytical protocols, evaluated the data, and prepared reports. At the Municipal Environmental Research Laboratory in Cincinnati, operated by the U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development, he managed both in-house and extramural wastewater research projects. As part of the Innovative and Alternative Technology Program, he participated in a series of national seminars on new technology for wastewater collection and treatment. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2006 to 2010 | Country / Region: Canada/Toronto, Ontario | Summary: Expert participated in the Value Engineering Program for the proposed Humber WWTP odor control improvements in Toronto. New recommendations developed by the VE Team resulted in significant projected savings in both capital and O&M costs. Expert was subsequently part of the design team for the improvements, which consisted largely of containment of the odors followed by treatment in organic media biofilters. |
Years: 1992 to 2010 | Country / Region: Canada/Edmonton, Alberta | Summary: Expert has worked with a large Canadian engineering firm on multiple projects involving odors and corrosion in the sewer system, treatment plant, and off-site sludge treatment/storage facility serving the City of Edmonton, Alberta. |
Years: 1992 to 1993 | Country / Region: Republic of Singapore | Summary: A comprehensive study was undertaken to assess odor emissions from the 75 mgd Ulu Pandan Sewage Treatment Works in Singapore, and to make recommendations for their control. A seven-day intensive sampling and analytical program was implemented, including on-site odor panels to determine odor detectability and intensity, and characterization of various liquid streams. Ambient odor surveys were conducted to document downwind odor levels.The project involved major technical challenges in developing recommendations to control odors from the facility. The goal was to reduce buffer area around the facility to a minimum, and to design covering and control facilities which were aesthetically pleasing. Considerations of operator access and safety were critical due to the high H2S levels. Multi-stage odor control systems were required to meet the stringent requirements associated with reduced buffer distances. |
Years: 2003 to 2003 | Country / Region: Australia - Gold Coast | Summary: Expert assisted a large Australian engineering firm in a Gold Coast (Queensland) project, where high levels of hydrogen sulfide were causing odor and corrosion problems in the sewer system of a resort community. Expert also provided technical assistance on a related project involving a major expansion of a sewer system that required provisions for both odor and corrosion control. |
Years: 1995 to 1997 | Country / Region: Canada/Edmonton, Alberta | Summary: The Capital Regions Sewerage Commission near Edmonton, Alberta had experienced corrosion in a large gravity interceptor sewer which receives the discharge of four long force mains. Expert was retained by the Commission's engineer to assist in evaluating the extent of the problem and to develop alternatives to control the corrosion. Expert developed a sampling program to measure sulfide levels in the discharge of the tributary force mains and in the wastewater along the gravity interceptor sewer. These data were then input into the Pomeroy-Parkhurst corrosion model to identify locations with the highest potential for corrosion problems. Subsequent core borings confirmed the predicted extent of corrosion damage in the concrete interceptor sewer. Laboratory and pilot studies were then conducted to evaluate alternatives to control sulfide levels and corrosion rates. Recommendations included caustic slugging in the force mains and regular monitoring of dissolved sulfide and atmospheric H2S levels. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Water Environment Federation, New England Water Environment Association, Maine Wastewater Control Association |
Licenses / Certifications |
P.E. Registered in Maine, New Hampshire, and Ohio |
Awards / Recognition |
Commendation from EPA Administrator |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Over 20 publications, including contributions to 1 EPA Design Manual, 2 WEF Manuals of Practice, and 1 IWA Manual on Odor Control. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has been an expert witness on approximately 10 legal proceedings dealing with odor and corrosion issues. These have included depositions, arbitration proceedings, and court appearances. Subject areas have included community odor impacts, sewer corrosion, and patent infringement. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert has developed and presented training courses on odor control for wastewater treatment plant operators in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert routinely contacts vendors and suppliers of odor control equipment, processes, and chemicals, and maintains up-to-date files of products, vendors, and performance data. |
Marketing Experience |
With 40 years experience in the wastewater industry, Expert is often contacted for his opinion on trends in the marketplace, new odor control technologies, and customer attitudes. |
Fields of Expertise
air odor control, air odor control equipment design, carbon adsorber, concrete corrosion, corrosion control, deodorizer, hydrogen sulfide abatement, hydrogen sulfide absorption, odor, odor abatement, odor abatement equipment design, odor absorption, odor chemistry, odor control, odor measurement, odor threshold, odor-controlling waste-storage equipment, odor-controlling wastewater treatment system, oxidizing scrubber, ozone deodorizer, acidic corrosion, biological corrosion, cement corrosion, corrosion, corrosion evaluation, corrosion monitoring, corrosion prevention, corrosion protection, corrosion rate, microbiologically-induced corrosion, pipeline corrosion, sulfuric acid corrosion, wastewater treatment corrosion, activated carbon fiber, sewage collection system, solar wastewater treatment, aquatic chemistry, wastewater system, wastewater plant design, liquid waste thermal destruction, hydrogen peroxide scrubber, corrosion removal, corrosion test equipment, waste pond, water pipeline corrosion, plating wastewater treatment, wastewater treatment equipment, chemical waste minimization, chloramination, effluent treatment, fiberglass storage tank, continuous counter-current ion exchange system, wastewater flow, biological oxidation, dissolved air flotation, wastewater statute, corroding material life length analysis, chemical oxygen demand, pulp-and-paper industry wastewater purification, non-ionic adsorption technology, biological control, wastewater air stripping, biochemical oxygen demand, zero-discharge closed cycling wastewater treatment, corrosion chemistry, federal environmental regulation, water pretreatment, peroxide oxidation, activated-sludge process, waste-treatment sludge, collection equipment, municipal water treatment constructed wetland, municipal wastewater treatment, municipal wastewater nutrient removal, municipal wastewater disinfection, secondary municipal wastewater treatment, sludge management, industrial waste management, municipal wastewater, waste disposal statute, radioactive water treatment system, land disposal air quality control equipment, ferrous metal corrosion, wastewater treatment, tertiary treatment, municipal waste treatment, industrial wastewater treatment, industrial wastewater filtration, packed-tower air stripping, wastewater treatment facility design, municipal wastewater treatment facility design, biological municipal waste treatment, primary wastewater treatment, air stripping, effluent product, floc, industrial wastewater wet-air oxidation, aerobic digestion, bioremediation, granular activated carbon, treatment system, microorganism, sludge wastewater treatment system, wastewater collection equipment, wastewater pumping equipment, wastewater storage equipment, wastewater disinfection, sewer system, physical industrial wastewater treatment, industrial process, Environmental Protection Agency regulation, copper corrosion, Clean Water Act, waste clarification, chemical industrial wastewater treatment, anaerobic municipal wastewater digestion, anaerobic industrial wastewater digestion