Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Commercial and Architectural Glass and Glazing Systems; Commercial Doors and Hardware

ID: 731711 Washington, USA

Request Expert

Summary of 36 Years’ Experience in Commercial Glazing Executive, Curtain Wall Senior Director, Director of Technical and Scientific Services, Master Journeyman Glazier, COO, CEO and Executive Consultant.

Director of Technical Services; scientific and field investigation team leader for mitigation and investigation of glass fabrication and processing, Technical Consultant of QA/QC for major glass and aluminum extrusion fabricators and processors. Consultancy offered to major processors and fabricators of glass and glazing systems, General Contractors and Architects. Consultancy in expert litigation offered to Attorney Groups for their matters needed of expert witness of death, injury and patent products in the commercial glazing trades. Door, Hardware and Architectural Millworks and Commercial Glazing Management and Senior Project Management. Design-build, VE and negotiate with Owner and Architect/Engineers. Excellent skills as Director; Project Management of both medium and major iconic projects; exacting take-off of material and labor and specification and installation teams. Expert with ordering, provision and installation of commercial storefront and curtainwall, glass and architectural doors, frames and hardware and accoutrement millworks. Hiring and management of both small and large teams of Union and non-union Installation Crews. Recruiting and leading Teams of Project Managers and Installers from start of job to final completion. Management of Scope of Work, take-off of blueprint and specification, review/proof of Contract, submittals, vendor negotiation of materials and supplies.

Noteworthy; He has been known for many years as “The Fixer” of Operations and staff and “The Sheriff” of both good and miscreant men and jobsites all over the planet.

1. Olaya Towers Riyadh KSA is two multi-use Curtainwall towers near Um Al Quaim Business District. Metal system Shuco modular unitized front load. Each tower 590 meter height of 36 floors each. Glass system (97,000 Sq M) from Emirates Glass Dubai “Emicool” high reflective blue/green, outboard 8mmx6mm laminated and inboard clear. Google Images “Olaya Towers Riyadh” for visuals.

a. Problem faced; although each IGU was not necessarily very large (average 1.95M x 4.9M) the distortions seen upon installation were gross and the customer very angry that their beautiful glass towers had many different types of distortions evident. The distortions far beyond a roller wave distortion from tempering.
b. Investigation; as the Senior Technical Director for the supplier of glass went to the jobsite and noted 6 floors of each building loaded with glass and further glass installation halted. Meeting with both Owners Representatives and Architect and Engineers and the Glazing contractor was told most emphatically that the glass was utterly unacceptable and to be completely rejected and what solution would I propose to that or the Supplier fired and another Supplier of glass awarded the project.
c. Solution proposed and outcome; very carefully with the Senior Architect and Engineer looked at the gross distortions of the glass and immediately noted multiple problems with the installation of the Shuco metal system. Misalignment, offset, curved per floor and generally in a horrid installed condition. Expert showed with lasers and engineering calculations that in fact the IGU’s were distorted many different ways from the myriad of deflections in the metal system and not the glass at all. In short the glass was being “bent” from the installed condition of the metal system. Expert then wrote a highly detailed Engineering Report on correct installation of metal system to successfully correct the problem.

Report in fact resulted in the removal of the Aluminum Installation Company, a new company from Manchester England hired, Shuco system completely re-set to a very pleasing visual effect of the then-flat and distortion-free glass IGU’s.
2. Haydar Aleyev Cultural Center Baku, Azerbaijan is both a cultural center and museum designed by designed by Iraqi-British architect Zaha Hadid and installation of the free-flowing glazing design by Al Akhashe Contractors under the Main Contractor Dia Holdings. For visual of the project please go to

a. Problem faced; under extreme duress from the Owner and Main Contractor to have the glazing IGU’s in an utterly perfect visual condition with no distortions whatsoever, I was faced also with enormous sizes ranging from 2M x 6M and up to 3.2M x 7M. Units with weight ranging from 600KG up to 1,200KG. Further to make matters far worse, the IGU’s were installed in vertical to slope to overhead conditions. Sag weight along was causing the outboard laminated to bend to the point where it was actually touching the inboard lite upon installation. Gross distortions and horrid installation methods everywhere. The Main Designer/Architect Ms. Hadid absolutely 100% convinced that 3.2M x 7M IGU could be installed both vertical and overhead perfectly with no troubles whatsoever.
b. Investigation; I visited the jobsite many times along with others from my Team of Inspectors from the Glass and Glazing Federation (UK, London) to assure both the Owner and the Processor/Fabricator of the IGU’s (St. Gobain Paris) that both metal system and glass were being installed in a correct condition and they were clearly not. Offset condition of metal, gross miscalculation of sizes, roller wave distortions although within ASTM C-1651 standards were still grossly beyond what the Owner and Architect demanded without failure. “Perfectly flat with no distortions whatsoever” was the demand.

Makeup of the units was OP 10mm gray Solite FT x 1.52 pvb clear x 8mm HS Low Iron Clear x 16mm AS x 8mm FT Low Iron.

c. Solution proposed and outcome; at exactly 1/3 points across the height of the IGU’s, proposed and provided mockups with ultra-clear acrylic bar stock set inside the IGU adhered with Three M ultra-clear glazing tape. This bar stock was to act as a “bridge support” between the extraordinarily large and heavy plates of glass and provision a “stiffener” without visual notice. All parties agreed and the end result was a remarkable stiffening of the IGU’s, near complete elimination of bending and sagging and a remarkable reduction of roller wave distortions. The Cultural Center opened with great applause in May of 2012.
3. Fifteen Twenty One Hospitality downtown Seattle across from the Historic Landmark Pike Place Market; the highest and most expensive luxury high rise in downtown Seattle history. Was hired by the Main Contractor Opus Northwest as Executive Consultant for the interior fit out of all glass and glazing, architectural millworks and the complete package of stain-grade doors and accoutrement millworks supervising Union Trades of Glaziers and Carpenters simultaneously.

a. Problem faced; upon hire as Executive Consultant was immediately told that both Glazier and Carpenter Companies were to be almost immediately fired from the project due to incredible poor on-site management and it was Expert's job to either salvage both or provision of termination of contract for both and then supervise new companies to be awarded provision and installation of glazing and finish carpentry.
b. Investigation; very carefully investigated every floor of previous installation of glass and aluminum system and then interior fit of millworks and carpentry of doors and accoutrement stain-grade millworks. Discovered no plan whatsoever for precise installation, inventory of supplies, hundreds of crates of stored materials with no clue as to what was inside the crates and a poor attitude indeed from the Union Men hired to install with professional pride.
c. Solution proposed and outcome; along with the help of the Business Rep’s from both Unions, immediately assigned Floor Sergeants from each Union to monitor the men of their floor’s installation, fired quite a few with bad attitudes, hired many new men immediately and then held daily task force meetings to discover Building Captains as needed at least 6 to cover the 52-story building. Did indeed discover those Captains and Sergeants and with their help reorganized the entire work crew to daily precision and pride in workmanship. Work sped up, punch list disappeared and the Owner and Main Contractor happy indeed. An attitude of Comradeship was instituted and we completed the job on time with great thanks for the Owner and Architect.
4. Al Mamoura Executive Offices, Abu Dhabi is the imposing Headquarters of Development for HH Prince Khalid Al Burg; two new state of the art office buildings located in the strategic Al Muroor district in Abu Dhabi. No expenses spared whatsoever in the two buildings and opulence indeed at every interior and exterior elevation and nook and cranny of both buildings. Estimated value of the building construction told to me at about USD$ 15,000 per sq ft. (

a. Problem faced; the building exterior flawless. Perfect in every way possible. And yet the glazing roof conditions another story entirely. Skylight glazing everywhere for day-lighting installed and that glass breaking within 1-2-3 years of building completion. Due to the height and size of the glass panels for overhead glazing (average 2M x 4.5M) only crane and powerlifter could be used for glass replacement.
b. Investigation; after issuance of Problem Report from the office of His Highness in Abu Dhabi, immediately went to the building to attempt a solution to the cause of glass breakage and report such. Met with several members of the Royal Family (male and female) whose offices were there in the building along with several Engineers and Architects who were liable for the construction and installation of the glazing system. Anger indeed over broken glass at extreme expense and difficulty to replace.
c. Solution proposed and outcome; as the investigation was in July of 2011 and the weather quite the norm for Abu Dhabi (F – 125-130) was on the roof elevations inspecting between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. Noted that many of the overhead glass lites were being “split” by overhead shadows from accoutrements of the building causing the glass lites to be split between full shade and full solar heat gain. Temperature readings from my temp-gun were reading 60~ C shaded to 200~ in full daylight. Cause of the breaks obviously SHG thermal breaks of ultra-clear laminated layers of glass. Proposed replacing all with tinted and LOW E and reflective glass laminated units and all parties agreed.
5. “Vitroglaze” (a type of “non-stick” self-cleaning glass topical coating) as provisioned to many dozens of major processors of glass supply houses throughout The USA, the EU and the Middle East.
a. Problem faced; numerous glazing contractors and installers of glass panels were advising the Manufacturer of this product that super-weight IGU’s were “slipping” off vacuum power-lifters to extreme danger. Literally the 800-1,000 KG IGU upon grip of suction cups and flying that unit in the air for installation and the IGU slipped right off to potentially catastrophic and deadly results.
b. Investigation; immediately commenced a regime of technical and scientific investigation of what exactly this topical coating was doing to the surface of the glass and the interaction of that new coating to the “slip rate” of glass.
c. Solution proposed and outcome; wrote a highly technical and extremely detailed report of what exactly Vitroglaze Topical Coating is and the new surface viscosity rate of adhesion of rubber suction cups is and how to safely fly super-weight glass IGU coated with the substance.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1982 Degree: BEng, MBA Subject: Structural (glass and building envelope curtain wall) Engineering and Master of Business Administration Institution: Honors Degree Abu Dhabi University United Arab Emirates
Year: 1994 Degree: MBA Subject: Business Administration Studies Institution: Baptist Texas University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2012 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: CEO Department: Director Technical Services
Brings more than three decades of dedicated experience in glazing projects located over the world. Hospitals, Major Religious Buildings, Casino and Iconic High Rise Buildings. Specializes in trouble-shooting glass assemblies, Field Investigation of glass breaks resulting in injury or death, water and air penetration failures, review of designs and structural loads for metal and glass designs and inspection services for Building Owners and Architects and Glazing Contractors.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2010 to 2012 Employer: Emirates Glass Group Title: Senior Technical Director Department: Technical Director
Posted as Senior Technical Director for the largest processor of architectural glass products in the Middle East; my team of 22 direct reports was directly responsible for all technical issues arising from curtainwall orders of glass and aluminum fixing problems. Responsible for Order Management from Sale and all processing to shipping and then Quality Inspection of installed glass. Direct Manager of QA/QC Team from float glass through processing with the largest sputter deposition factory in MENA.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1990 to 2010 Employer: Active Door and Glass LLC Title: CEO Department:
Starting from scratch in 1990 in a severe recession in Southern California and on the strengths of the previous 14 years working towards my goal of Master Journeyman, Active Door and Glass Inc. was built into a well-known and respected member of the DHI in San Diego CA and the CA Glass Dealers Assoc., provisioning and installing Architectural Door & Specialty Glazing Projects across the Western United States and Internationally as Executive Consultant for Major Projects.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1984 to 1990 Employer: Admiral Glass & Door Title: Chief of Operations, Executive VP Department: Commercial Door and Glazing Contractor
Hired as Lead Journeyman to manage and lead the Installation Division in Glass and Door projects throughout Southern California. Promoted to Operations Manager and Senior VP in 1988 and lead the company of over 100 employees in daily task assignment, hiring of Office and Field Staff, managing monthly P & L and a budget of $3 M per month.

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 2008 to 2008 Country / Region: Macau/Hong Kong SAR PRC Summary: Executive Director Consultant to the glass/glazing provisioned at The Hard Rock Hotel Casino.
Years: 2009 to 2009 Country / Region: Singapore Summary: Executive Consultant to the curtain wall and glazing at the Sands Hotel Singapore.
Years: 2010 to 2012 Country / Region: Dubai UAE Summary: Posted as Senior Technical Director for the largest glass processor and aluminum installation company in the MENA.
Years: 2011 to 2011 Country / Region: Istanbul Turkey Summary: Posted by Emirates Glass of Dubai UAE to oversee installation of the largest glass curtain wall at the Riyashci Airport.
Years: 2011 to 2011 Country / Region: Riyadh KSA Summary: Posted by Emirates Glass of Dubai UAE to troubleshoot and offer solutions to several horrid curtain wall projects.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
1) Expert report and technical investigation of IGU failures and PIB failure of adhesion. Case on-going in Federal Court.

2) Expert report of failed structural sub steel window frames in hurricane impact glazing system. Case on-going in State Court.

3) Expert Report, technical investigation and deposition at the Al Sharfa Blue Hotel Dubai. Case settled in favor to Emirates Glass.

4) Expert report and technical investigation of coeffaction of friction loss (slip rate) for topical coated IGU. Case on-going.

5) Investigation and witness in the death of a child falling through an operable window in a high rise building. Case settled in favor of plaintiff.

6) Investigation and witness in two injuries of impacting and breaking wire glass installed at Seattle Children’s Hospital. Case awarded to Plaintiff.

7) Investigation of mold and leaks at a Seattle high rise building. Case awarded to plaintiff.

8) Investigation of glass breakage and failure of IGU. Case awarded to plaintiff.

With his firm, he also has many years of investigations and technical reports requested from General Contractors, Insurance and Attorney Groups where no court deposition was asked for.
Training / Seminars
He offers training seminars to both General Contractors and Architects on technical properties of architectural glass and methods and means of correct and failed installations.
Vendor Selection
He maintains close ties with most all the major suppliers of aluminum glazing systems and all the major processors of glass types here in North America and several major companies in both the EU and MENA.
Other Relevant Experience
Exacting mathematical skills for spatial mechanics and engineering characteristics of aluminum and glass systems. Technical and scientific expertise in calculations and structuring of both glass and glazing systems. Highly skilled internationally for problem and crises management for glass and CW projects. Noted and well-received national and international author of trade articles for Engineering and Glass Magazines and noted Speaker at Fenestration Trade Shows. Professional writer of technical articles and responses to customers in trouble. Coordinator of all facets of Estimation and Sales, Order Receipt and Fabrication to Ship Out and Installation of major Glass, Aluminum, Door and Hardware projects internationally. International extensive travel and interaction with several dozen highly sensitive cultural groups and successful moderation of Team Effort to final conclusion and completion of job 100% and paid.

Fields of Expertise

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