Expert Details
Coatings, Finishing and Applications

ID: 728855
North Carolina, USA
Finishing materials come in so many forms that the count is endless. When people speak of finishing materials they typically think of varnishes, polyurethanes, paints and stains. When addressing a finishing process, one must seek out the person that is most knowledgeable regarding the types of coatings or finishes that are being used. In most industrial finishing operations there is usually at least one person who is familiar with the correct type or category of product. If that person does not exist it may be necessary to obtain a wet sample and or an MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), or if lucky one might be able to find the Coatings Representative that is honest and cares about the customer.
Film testing can be carried out in a number of ways usually dictated by what the end user is looking for and even what part of the country they are located. Film check can be for adhesion, hardness, surface or chemical resistance, print resistance, cold check, etc. The basic film checks are carried out per ASTM or KCMA standard testing methods.
Metal finishing, like wood and other substrates, is determined by the required end result the manufacturer is looking for. Metal finishes can be applied manually with conventional spray or electrostatically, dipped or powder coated, baked, air dried, forced dried (typically hot air). Many metal coatings, like some electrical enclosures, can use conventional vinyl or butyrate type coatings.
Others may require more durable finishes such as urethanes or polyester primers and topcoats that are run through a rigorous battery of test: i.e. salt spray, sun or uv resistance and severe cold not to mention abrasion. In any situation whether it be for basic coatings of metal finishing or for high quality durable requirements almost every manufacturer will need to solution clean and possibly etch the surface to be coated.
Expert has been involved with the Chemical Coatings Industry for most of his life. Finishing the first piece of furniture at the age of 17 while working in a furniture manufacturing plant in Taylorsville, N.C. Ever since then he has been involved in finishing just about everyday of his life. The finishing industry has many faces. One must learn the inner workings of the formulas that make up chemical finishing. Conversion finishes have guidelines that must be followed in order to use successfully, understanding the catalysts, their different strengths and volumes. Some conversion finishes use different catalyst depending on the time of year or the environment that they are being used or the type of application that is being used to apply them to the substrate.
Conversion finishes can be a standard conventional finish with moderate solids to the very high solids (typically found in European finishes). Normally a customer will use a conversion product to gain more resistance characteristics than found with the conventional nitrocellulose or vinyl finishes. Some formulas can be purchased with a cross-linker incorporated in the formula. Usually it is a very mild catalyst that will only react when cured by heat. Resistance is also minimal. In the case of some conversion products being used in automated finishing procedures it may be necessary to incorporate the two products at the gun or point of application. Another form of extending the life of a conversion product is to keep it chilled or cool. Some users even put catalyzed materials in freezers at the end of a production day.
Expert was a bench chemist for the Sherwin-Williams Co. focusing on water-based finishes for a variety of end users. Once a golf ball coatings using a water-based conversion urethane was so good that the customer couldn't use it because the ball traveled too far and true. Other finishes in the water-base field that were studied and formulated were the urethanes used for the approach in bowling alleys as well as a dye stain and wipe stain that gave the sharpness and clarity of the alcohol or solvent base stains that the cabinet and furniture industries had grown accustom to.
Expert has also done his time working in the "designer" type or "decorative" type of coatings for some of the smaller shops that make the one of a kind or accent furniture. There the use of crackle finishes, tortoise shell finishes, faux skin (goat skin, leather) and faux granites and marbles were the required look. Unlike the large production lines, these finishes take patience, knowledge of the coatings, and an imagination. It is possible to take a cube of MDF and turn it into a granite accent piece or an office desk and turn it's maple top into a beautiful slab of marble. If you know how!
Exterior coatings is dictated by the right formula, the right tests, the weather and the substrate. As in any coatings or finishing situation the surface preparation is important. However, in exterior finishes the possibility of a small failure can become a disaster. Therefore. It is of utmost importance to have the surface prepared correctly for the other protective coats to work. From house paint to military or bridge coatings.
Expert has spent many years of his career working with European and Domestic automated finishing lines. Typically they utilize U.V. coatings because they are for mass high speed production. Most of Expert's experience has been with flat line production: automated spray of different configuration, roll-coating of many variations, curtain coating, in-line spray (molding), vacuum coatings and a combination of all. Some of these automated finishing lines incorporated many different types of curing mechanisms such as stack ovens, different wave length U.V. ovens, infrared ovens, and staged hot air ovens. A great deal of Expert's time has been spent testing many different line schematics for a wide range of reasons. An example of some of the reasons would be: To lower production cost per square foot in finishing processes. Increase production. Decrease culls or rejects. Improve quality of finished products, just to mention a few. Expert has been in charge of a multi-faceted finishing laboratory where customers were not only allowed to see how certain processes could affect their operation, but also experience new products in the coatings industry.
Expert has not only tested new and existing coatings with many different line configurations on a wide range of items. He has carried out evaluations for coatings companies and companies that use the coatings and reported the results with fair and honest recommendations.
Expert has been responsible for the design and implementation of finishing lines to manufacturers both large and small. He has also followed these designs with the necessary training of factory personnel. He is well traveled in the U.S. and Europe discussing and experiencing other finishing operations. Heading a discussion panel regarding U.V. and water-based coatings at IWF in Anaheim,Ca. as well as attending many IWF shows in Atlanta, Georgia.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1973 | Degree: Associates Degree | Subject: Art | Institution: Mitchell College |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1997 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Owner | Department: |
Responsibilities:Restoring antique furniture and historic homes in the Historic District of Wilmington, N.C. . Some examples are: A Steinway Piano that missed being on the Titanic by just minutes. Many 17th century dining tables, a 16th century writing box, a 16th century blanket chest, a 16th century bed, a chandelier that was in the White House during the term of President Taft. Many floors and doors that can not be replaced because they are protected by the Historical Society of North Carolina. There have been many other items of interest that required professional knowledge and patience, but these were just a few. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1994 to 1996 | Employer: Seagrave Coatings, Inc. | Title: Coatings and Applications Specialist | Department: Chemical Coatings |
Responsibilities:Expert traveled most of the country working with potential and existing customers regarding their finishes in relation to other possibilities of other types of coatings and applications. The changes that would occur, the cost and the possible returns on any new investments. Heading discussion panels and holding seminars at trade shows and other groups inquiring about coatings and applications. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to 1994 | Employer: Stiles Machinery, Inc. | Title: Laboratory Administrator | Department: Finishing Laboratory |
Responsibilities:He was in charge of operations in a laboratory that consist of many different forms of applications, surface preparations, and curing . Automated and manual spray(robot, carousel, reciprocating and in-line stationary) Curing ovens(stack hot air, different type of u.v. ovens, i.r. banks, and stand alone manual and in-line hot air). Many different configurations of roll-coating, vacuum and curtain coatings, as well as material recovery, and conveyance. He was also expected to test and evaluate different coatings from different coatings suppliers and give an unbiased report of pro's and con's. He had to run cost analysis of different finishing scenario's and demonstrate the findings that were reported. Field training of finishing personnel for customers and finishing line designs were also among his duties. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1985 to 1987 | Employer: Sadolin/Paint Products, Inc. | Title: Technical Sales Representative | Department: Sales |
Responsibilities:Technical Sales Rep for Southeastern U.S. Concentrating on European High-Solids conversion coatings as well as U.V. and E.B. coatings. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1981 to 1985 | Employer: Spruance Southern, Inc. | Title: Technical Sales and Service Representative | Department: Sales |
Responsibilities:His territory consisted of the entire Southeastern U.S. Supplying and servicing conventional and conversion type coatings to a wide range of end users. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1973 to 1990 | Employer: Sherwin-Williams Corp. | Title: Various titles and positions | Department: Manufacturing,Q.C., Lab, Sales/Marketing |
Responsibilities:While with Sherwin-Williams (Greensboro, NC) he worked in many areas of their operations, from manufacturing of various types of coatings, color styling, quality control and 3 years as a bench chemist. Upon joining Sherwin-Williams again in 1987 he was Technical Sales and Marketing for the Office Products Group, in charge of sales and technical response to the Office Furniture Manufacturers in Southern Indiana and Western Kentucky. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1993 to 1993 | Country / Region: Italy, Imola & Pesaro | Summary: He has spent time in the manufacturing plants of Cefla and Sorbini.Both companies manufacture finishing equipment that is used all over the world. While there he was taken to many finishing operations in the region. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
He is a "hands-on" type of experienced person. Finishing his first piece of furniture at the age of 17, while being employed by a furniture factory in Taylorsville, NC. He has worked in coatings plants mixing and handling coatings from the raw material state to the finished product, later to go in to the Quality Control Dept. testing, recommending adjustments to formulas and approving materials being manufactured. Then actually formulating and developing coatings of both water-based and solvent born products per customers parameters. Next taking his knowledge of the inner workings of coatings into the field working with customers to better understand what makes their coatings do what they are suppose to do and to make adjustments and recommendations to customers to help improve the outcome. It has been his job in many situations to listen to what management, marketing, production and engineering are looking for and making recommendations and then in most cases actually implementing, personally, the recommended changes or adjustments. |
Training / Seminars |
Most of his training has been through actual "hands-on" experience. He has attended many seminars regarding coatings, applications, and sales and marketing. He has also been part of many seminars and panels regarding coatings and applications. He has been involved with many trade shows from local shows, to IWF-Atlanta, IWF-Anaheim, and Neocon,Chicago. He has been called on to explain what makes things tick and what makes things do what they do regarding coatings and equipment to sales and marketing groups, management groups, and to production personnel. He has been asked to train line supervisors and finishing line personnel. |
Vendor Selection |
It has been his job to research many different request from a large variety of customers. Two case in points: One designer finishing company wanted a special appearance to some vases they were showing and a custom guitar shop wanted a special pearl look to a guitar. In both cases he was able to find a Pearlessence product that could only be found at that time in New York City. Other instances were more common while working in the applications end of finishing. It was common and sometimes even part of his job to seek out and find coatings and equipment necessary to meet a required parameter for a different or unusual substrate. |
Marketing Experience |
In most of his jobs, whether it be in the coatings or applications industry, he was the go to man. In some cases management of his company or that of a customer would hand a project off to him in hopes of success. More times than not he meet the challenge. While on the bench in the lab for Sherwin-Williams he came up with a water-base stain that far exceeded the sharpness and clarity of any other stain on the market. It was such an accomplishment that he was flown to Chicago to explain and demonstrate what he had done. In the applications industry he designed several finishing lines that later were accepted and successfully established. One showing a return on investment within 1 year. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert is a listener and a people person. He has sat in board rooms of some of the largest furniture manufacturers in the world, while turning around on the same day and worked along side of the finishing personnel spraying lacquers, blending colors, sanding surfaces. He shows respect to any and all people. If he asked someone to do something he wouldn't ask if he wouldn't do it himself. |
Fields of Expertise
brushing, buffing, film drying, finished good, finishing, finishing material, industrial finishing, metal finishing process, film testing, chemical conversion coating material, chemical finishing, decorative coating material, exterior coating, lacquer, water-based finishing material, wood finishing material, automated painting, coating drying system, film curing, hot-air coating drying machine, infrared drying, mass finishing process, ultraviolet curing, ultraviolet curing lamp, coating industry, architectural painting, radiation-cure urethane, film radiation curing, automotive paint, metal finishing material, plastics finishing, radiation-curable coating, embossing, deburring