Expert Details
Business Plans
ID: 722720
Wisconsin, USA
Expert has developed and implemented chemical safety procedures for several clients, including a chemical recycling facility, and metal finishers using strong acid and alkaline chemistries, etchants, and electropolishing chemicals in their manufacturing and/or wastewater treatment processes. Activities include safety tours, chemical safety training, and recommendation for industrial hygiene testing.
Expert has developed precision cleaning processes throughout his career. Primarily using aqueous chemical processes along with mechanical energy (i.e. spraying, ultrasonic, etc.), he developed processes for cleaning a variety of miniature manufactured components. A strong background in design of experiments and process development facilitate the development of robust cleaning processes specific to an often complex manufactured product.
Expert is familiar with a wide variety of analytical tools used to identify surface and material contamination. His broad-based manufacturing knowledge allows for using the elemental analysis to design experiments and processes to isolate and eliminate the contamination. Examples include: (1) chloride contamination on stainless steel components tied back to inadequate water treatment; (2) organic material identified as a component of a surfactant from a proprietary cleaner exceeding the "cloud point" and depositing during the cleaning process; and (3) inorganic material in a "white spot" contamination from a process chemical that was inadequately rinsed in subsequent operations.
Expert has years of background in membrane separation technologies, primarily in reverse osmosis for water treatment and microfiltration in wastewater treatment applications. He has served clients with reverse osmosis systems in the capacity of system specification, operational troubleshooting, training, as well as design, install, and startup of systems ranging from 1 gallon/minute to over 100 gpm. Applications include ultrapure water systems, pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturing systems, to toner rinsewater, and facilities process (i.e. boiler) feedwater. He has experience with microfiltration for heavy metals removal from metal finishing wastewater, organics removal from toner manufacturing wastewater, organics removal from ethanol plant condensate, and pilot study to remove facultative bacteria from manure processing waters. He also has experience in multiple steps (MF to RO) to facilitate water reuse, or many combinations such as RO-DI-UV for ultrapure applications.
He has a background in industrial wastewater treatment that includes a strong expertise in separations technologies. Specifically, membrane technologies such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration and reverse osmosis, along with ion exchange and traditional conventional metal hydroxide precipitation chemical treatments round out the expertise. Material removal experience includes dealing with heavy metals, oils, organic material, and agricultural waste. Examples of clients served include: metal finishing operations, printed circuit board manufacturers, plating operations, medical device manufacturing, toner manufacturing, and centralized waste treatment facility. He also has experience in manufacturing facility design and facility management including operation of pollution control technologies.
He has developed several passivation processes, primarily for manufactured 300 series stainless steel components. By using design of experiment fundamentals, he has been able to use a variety of commercial and basic chemistries to develop specific, robust processes that allow the manufacture to meet or exceed ASTM standards. His experience includes a working knowledge of passivation testing procedures.
Expert's strength in process development comes from over 20 years’ experience with design of experiment fundamentals and pilot testing experience. He has applied these fundamentals for a variety of clients, including designing a jar test and pilot study for a heavy-metal-laden oily wastewater separation process; isolating a contamination problem and implementing a new cleaning process; installing a new etching process with hazardous chemicals; and linking several manufacturing processes together (metal injection molding, plating, vapor deposition, precision grinding, etching and cleaning). Expert enjoys troubleshooting existing process problems, optimizing underperforming processes, and developing new processes for new business applications. Expert was recognized by a previous employer with trade secret status (internal equivalent of a patent) for a process control parameter development. Examples of clients served include metal finishers; plating operations; medical device manufacturing; toner manufacturing; lumber processing; pharmaceutical manufacturing support; centralized waste treatment; and agricultural waste treatment.
Expert has over 20 years of industrial water treatment experience. He has experience with water treatment processes for all aspects of facilities including boiler, cooling tower, process rinsewater, ultrapure water, and wastewater treatment. In addition to design of processes and systems, he has experience in the management of these systems in a large manufacturing setting. He has developed a specialized training package customized to specific clients training needs. Since he does not sell equipment or chemicals, the training is designed to help clients make educated purchases.
Expert has extensive background in the area of photochemical etching, in particular process control and process development for ferric chloride etching of ferrous alloys, but including many others. In addition to the etching process, he has developed the ancillary processes to support this process, including the safety and facilities requirements, with facility design management project leadership for two separate companies.
Expert developed a new cleaning and passivating process for a medical device component manufacturing company. The work required a complex design of experiment (DOE) approach. The resulting process changes required an upgrade to a pure water system, which he specified and the startup of which he oversaw.He performed pilot studies and developed specifications for a two-pass reverse osmosis rinse water system for use during toner manufacturing, and a corresponding microfiltration wastewater system to remove toner and color. Expert developed a batch treatment process to segregate and treat heavy-metals-laden oily wastewater for a licensed Centralized Waste Treatment (CWT) operation, allowing them to expand their operations. He developed a process for a small company to utilize several manufacturing technologies through outsourcing to demonstrate the feasibility of a patent application. Technologies included molding, coating, electroplating, electroforming, etching, physical and chemical vapor deposition, thermal spray coating, and metallurgical testing. Expert designed the chemistry portion of a pilot study to determine the feasibility of using membrane cross-flow filtration technology to recycle facultative bacteria and solids from swine and dairy manure treatment operations.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1987 | Degree: M.B.A. | Subject: | Institution: College of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN |
Year: 1982 | Degree: Bachelor of Chemical Engineering | Subject: Chemical Engineering | Institution: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2000 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President and Principal | Department: |
Responsibilities:Expert is a consultant focusing on process development with specialties in etching, plating, precision cleaning, and coating. He has a track record of successful design of experiments. He also consults on environmental, health and safety with a focus on industrial pure water and wastewater. He has a strong experience and expertise base in separation technologies (membrane, IX, and conventional). |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 2000 | Employer: (Undisclosed) | Title: Manager | Department: |
Responsibilities:He held a variety of positions over an 18-year career including process engineering, product/new business development, functional technical management, and project management for multimillion-dollar projects. He has been awarded trade secret status (internal patent recognition) for process control parameters. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 2003 to 2004 | Agency: State of Wisconsin Department of Military Affairs | Role: Consultant | Description: Trained to facilitate counties in the state of Wisconsin to update their Emergency Operating Plan (EOP) to incorporate terrorism and WMD countermeasures, including bioterrorism. |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 1990 to 1992 | Country / Region: Germany | Summary: Managed a product line component that was sold into a product manufactured in Germany. His company explored a joint marketing project. He did not live in Germany, but travelled often to Germany and Europe during the time period. |
Years: 1987 to 1987 | Country / Region: Japan | Summary: Traveled to Japan to work with a Japanese supplier of thin gauge rolled metal, working on specifications and various other aspects of purchasing from the vendor. |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Amember of the Federation of Environmental Technologists (FET). |
Professional Appointments |
He is Chair, Eau Claire County (WI) Groundwater Advisory Committee. He is a past Member of the Local Emergency Planning Committee for Eau Claire County. He is Past President, Western Wisconsin Chapter of FET, and is a stakeholder in Project XL for the 3M-Hutchinson, MN facility air pollution permit application. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
He has been awarded trade secret status (patent equivalent) with his former employer for process control parameter development. |
Additional Experience
Training / Seminars |
Expert has presented: "Your Water, Clear Water" - a basic water course for facilities personnel, including boiler, process, cooling tower, and pure water basics; "MP&M rule" - an update on the (then) proposed MP&M categorical effluent limit guidelines, and the technology alternatives to meet the discharge limits; and "Environmental Management Systems" - He developed and delivered several seminars on the topic of EMS, and developing them to pass ISO 14000 standards. |
Vendor Selection |
He has significant expertise with sourcing suppliers in a wide variety of areas, including: facilities maintenance; industrial water treatment; electroplating; vapor deposition; coatings; chemical suppliers; regulatory agencies (hazmat, wastewater, industrial hygiene, air pollution); and controlled environment areas. |
Fields of Expertise
passivation, business development, business plan, management consulting, venture capital, chemical safety, stainless steel acid etching, cleaning, precision cleaning, chemical cleaning, metal cleaning, printed circuit board cleaning, stainless steel ultrasonic cleaning, ultrasonic cleaning, contamination analysis, membrane separation, reverse osmosis water treatment, microfiltration, industrial wastewater treatment, metal finishing wastewater treatment, metal passivation, process development, metal etching, metal finishing process, wastewater pretreatment, water reuse, water treatment, coating, industrial water treatment, photochemical etching, photoetching, positive photoresist, stainless steel chemical etching, unique value proposition, nanomaterial, venture, bioterrorism, venture capital support, technical support, exit planning, environmentally-friendly process changes in printed circuit manufacturing, business strategy, chemical process design, photoresist chemistry, point-of-use filtration, Environmental Management System, ISO 14000 Environmental Management Standard, aqueous parts cleaning, business intelligence, pH electrode, stainless steel corrosion resistance, plating wastewater treatment, chemical label, aqueous filtration, Food and Drug Administration validation, photoresist stripper, effluent treatment, ultrafiltration membrane, etched printed circuit board, class 10000 clean room, negative photoresist, chemical handling, photoresist stripping, electrochemical potential, clean-in-place, chemical waste disposal, chemical process monitoring, chemical safety training, nanofiltration, pickling waste, water, stainless steel pickling, stainless steel passivation, aqueous cleaner, process hazard analysis, influent water treatment, wastewater recycling, chemical process troubleshooting, granular activated carbon industrial wastewater treatment, water treatment chemical, coating material analysis, multilayer printed circuit board, membrane process, pilot plant process development, membrane filtration, wastewater chemistry, chemical process development, separation technology, clean room contamination assessment, clean room contamination detection, water pretreatment, capital, water reclamation, manufacturing process development, osmotic pressure gradient, manufacturing process optimization, aqueous corrosion, chemical process safety management, validation, hazardous waste personal protection equipment, boiler water treatment, printed circuit board manufacturing, medical device process validation, development process, industrial wastewater filtration, hazardous waste precipitation process, filtration, electrochemical sensor, membrane, wastewater, hazardous waste management regulation, process validation, osmotic membrane, pharmaceutical water treatment system validation, ultrafiltration, thermal spray coating process, stainless steel, reverse osmosis industrial wastewater treatment, reverse osmosis, purification, physical vapor deposition, photoresist, Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulation, nitric acid, FDA medical device regulation, liquid-solid filtration, iron removal, defoaming, Environmental Protection Agency regulation, electrochemical analysis, demineralization, contamination control, Clean Water Act, clean room, Clean Air Act, chlorine, chemical vapor deposition