Expert Details

ID: 723370
Wisconsin, USA
He has done work for (and is presently employed) a juice company doing all aspects of Quality Assurance and government compliance. He has written HACCP, GMP, SSOP and SOP programs, obtained organic certification, and has brought the company up to government compliance in all areas. He also runs the Quality Control Laboratory doing microbiological and analytical testing as well as supervising the plant's sanitation and GMP's.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: | Degree: | Subject: | Institution: |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: | Department: |
Responsibilities:Available upon request. |
Fields of Expertise
brewing, alcoholic beverage, beverage, carbonated beverage, fruit juice, microbiological medium, microbiology, microbiology laboratory, microorganism, molecular biology, food industry quality assurance, applied microbiology, bacteriology, culture maintenance, food industry quality control, food safety, hazard analysis critical control point, industrial microbiology, beverage ingredient, microbial biochemistry, microbiological physiology, food additive safety, eukaryotic molecular biology, analytical biochemistry, applied molecular biology, clinical microbiology, Food and Drug Administration food regulation, food analysis, molecular genetics, mycology, metabolism, genetics, cloning technique, bottling sanitation procedure, biochemistry