Expert Details
Automotive Emission/Fuel Economy

ID: 713373
District of Columbia, USA
AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION CONTROL; AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION CONTROL TECHNOLOGY. In both his current and previous positions, Expert has been involved in the development of emission controls for cars and light trucks. His expertise is principally in fuel systems and electronic control, as well as overall system design and cost estimation.
ALTERNATIVE FUEL VEHICLES; COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS. Expert currently directs a variety of projects that monitor world-wide developments in methane-fueled, compressed natural gas (CNG), and electric vehicles. He has access to a wide variety of data on vehicle performance, emissions, and efficiency under test conditions.
MOBILE SOURCE AIR POLLUTION CONTROL REGULATION. Expert's group supports many regulatory agencies, including the EPA for the State of California, in developing new emission control strategies and evaluating new test methods and technologies to meet standards. He also assists automotive manufacturers in emissions and regulatory compliance issues.
OXYGENATED AND REFORMULATED GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUEL. Expert has extensively studied the effects of fuel properties and additives on exhaust and evaporation emissions. He provides assistance to fuel suppliers on gasoline reformulation issues, as well as to regulatory agencies on fuels and emissions relationships.
HEAVY-DUTY ENGINE EMISSIONS. Expert has conducted a wide variety of studies on heavy-duty engine emission controls and emission test procedures. His expertise includes both on-highway and off-highway engines, and he is currently involved in off-highway emission regulations.
MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE PROGRAM. Expert serves as the main contractor to the EPA, California, and some foreign countries in program design and evaluation.
OFF-HIGHWAY MOBILE SOURCE EMISSIONS. Expert is the lead technical member in the development of new regulatory strategies to control emissions from off-highway vehicles.
Automotive Technology Forecasting: Expert and his group monitor product plans of the world's eight largest manufacturers and have
assembled detail profiles of new product and new technology introduction over the next 5 years. This information has been organized to provide a detailed technology forecast and fuel economy forecast at the vehicle nameplate level for all light vehicles sold in the US.
Corporate Average Fuel Economy Statute: Expert is widely regarded as one of the leading experts on CAFE. He has assisted both the EPA and the CARB on developing CAFE and greenhouse gas emission standards, and assists auto-manufacturers in product planning for CAFE compliance. He served as the lead expert witness for defending the California standards against challenge in the US District Court and the judge ruled in his favor in every area of challenge.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1989 | Degree: MBA | Subject: | Institution: Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania |
Year: 1975 | Degree: MS | Subject: Aerospace Engineering/Computer Information and Control Engineering | Institution: University of Michigan |
Year: 1972 | Degree: BT | Subject: Aerospace Engineering | Institution: Indian Institute of Technology |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2011 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: President | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2007 to 2011 | Employer: ICF International | Title: Vice President | Department: Energy Technology |
Responsibilities:Directed all auotmotive and transportation related studies on energy and emissions |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1979 to 2007 | Employer: Energy and Environmental Analysis | Title: Managing Director | Department: Automtoive |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1976 to 1978 | Employer: Bendix | Title: Senior Engineer | Department: Electronics and Engine Control |
Responsibilities: |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1972 to 1973 | Employer: Aeronautical Development | Title: Jr. Scientific Officer | Department: |
Responsibilities: |
International Experience
Years | Country / Region | Summary |
Years: 2011 to 2012 | Country / Region: Australia | Summary: Developed potential new fuel economy standards for Australia |
Years: 2010 to 2011 | Country / Region: India | Summary: Developed inspection and repair procedures for buses to maximize fleet fuel economy for bus transport operators |
Years: 2010 to 2010 | Country / Region: European Union | Summary: Developed forecasts for electric vehicle technology and costs for the European Union's Direcorate of Climate Change |
Career Accomplishments
Associations / Societies |
Expert is a member of Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society) and the Society of Automotive Engineers. |
Professional Appointments |
Expert was nominated to submit articles on automotive technology to two different encyclopedeas. |
Awards / Recognition |
Expert graduated first in his class at the Wharton School in 1989. He also won first prize at the University Science Fair in India. |
Publications and Patents Summary |
Expert is the author of many publications on automotive emissions control and fuel economy. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Served as expert witness in six automotive technology related cases.Most recent case was in the defense of the California greenhouse gas emissions regulations for California, where he served as the lead expert witness for the State. |
Vendor Selection |
Expert has experience locating vendors of: Emission testing Specialized fuel systems and electronic controls for internal combustion engines |
Marketing Experience |
Expert provides very detailed tracking of industry's new technology introduction plans and provides significant insights into the technology directions followed by different manufacturers for CAFE compliance. |
Fields of Expertise
alternative fuel vehicle, automotive emissions-control technology, automotive exhaust, automotive fuel-economy technology, compressed natural gas, compressed natural gas vehicle, electric automobile, fuel system, heavy-duty engine emission, heavy-duty engine emission control device, heavy-duty engine emission test procedure, mobile source air pollution control, mobile-source air pollution control fuel effect, mobile-source air pollution control regulation, off-highway mobile source emission, oxygenated diesel fuel, reformulated diesel fuel, diesel fuel, motor vehicle safety program, fuel economy and cost savings programs, governmental investigation, governmental relations, vehicle inspection, corporate-average fuel economy statute, automotive technology forecasting, automobile fuel economy, automotive inspection, motor regulation, natural gas system, automotive transportation, Environmental Protection Agency test procedure, rolling resistance, automotive emission product, oxygenate, automotive fuel, fuel efficiency, emission control, emission control device, technology evaluation, test strategy development, automotive emission control, mobile source requirement enforcement, natural gas engine, automotive regulatory compliance, methanol-fuel vehicle catalyst, mobile-source air pollution control catalyst, mobile air-pollution-source catalytic converter, mobile air-pollution-control-equipment tampering, energy-efficient engine, energy-efficient drive, energy-efficient fuel additive, oxygenated gasoline blend, vehicle air-pollution test procedure, vehicle air-pollution test equipment, refined product environmental effect, wood-chip fuel, automotive gasoline engine operation specification, automotive gasoline-engine emission-control specification, automotive diesel engine operation specification, automotive diesel engine emission control specification, diesel engine exhaust, combustion, technology forecasting, automotive transmission system, evaporative emission product, forecasting, fuel injection, strategic planning, fuel consumption measurement, hydraulic torque converter, automotive power train, off-road vehicle, diesel engine specification, gasoline engine specification, liquid fuel, spray nozzle, reformulated gasoline, particulate trap, nonroad engine, natural gas, methanol vehicle, liquid flow through a nozzle, jet engine, in-use durability, hydrogen fuel, heavy-duty engine, future studies, energy conservation, Clean Air Act, carburetor, camshaft, automotive industry, automotive engineering, alternative fuel