Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Green and Clean Energy: Petrochemical, Refining, and Downstream Chemical and Utilities Sectors: Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, and Plant Startup

ID: 737529 Singapore

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Executive summary:

Expert has 17 years' experience in the petrochemical, refining, and downstream chemical and utilities sector. His experience includes pre-commissioning, commissioning, plant routine startup, shutdown, and emergency operations. His management roles include service as process trainer and process commissioning engineer -- mainly as operations and maintenance coordinator.

Expert's key skills include process troubleshooting team membership and general involvement in handling work permit system (Radiography, Vessel entry – confined space and critical hot work), DCS punch-list, function and loop test, control tuning of startup DCS critical SIS parameters in Oil and Gas, Refinery- utilities and Petrochemical industries.

Commissioning experience in Steam cracker unit, Metathesis conversion, Benzene, Gasoline hydrotreating unit, ethylene and propylene storage tank-farms in major chemical complexes such as Naptha steam cracker. Offsite and utility sections such as Membrane treatment unit for water filtration, Waste-water treatment, Marine terminal operations, Flare drums, Nitrogen compressors, Air compressors GTG, HRSG, water treatment, sea water chlorination plant. Coordinated with multidisciplinary units like olefins conversion unit, Butadiene and MTBE unit during plant construction stage. As a commissioning supervisor in a combined cycle power plant – in Tuas, Singapore, where Expert managed and planned to commission activities. Coordinated in field and DCS activities during commissioning and pre-commissioning activities for the manufacturing complex units involving Ethylene, propylene, MTBE and butylene manufacturing and handling auxiliary processes. Managed and supervised Field and DCS technicians, vendors and guided them throughout startup and shutdown activities. Handled and involved in troubleshooting of DCS control systems like YOKOGAWA – SYSTEM and CS-3000 and HONEYWELL TDC-3000, Bailey and EXPERION Control Systems, Fieldbus transmitters.

Energy Reduction:
Means of production and storage o Consideration of the temperature (compatibility, variations, performance)
o Foot print reduction (especially in Asian countries)
o The minimum operating time
o Availability
o The boot time and loading ramps
o The number of start - stops
• Distribution Network
o Respect of temperatures delivered to substations.

1. Conduct company assessments for carbon, energy, water, waste, hazardous materials, environment impacts, etc.
2. Develop overall strategic sustainability plans
3. Provide plans on how to reduce vital resources including energy, water and oil
4. Provide plans on environmental management and compliance
5. Provide plans on waste reduction in company operations and manufacturing
6. Provide advice on green building design, construction and facility improvements
7. Provide options on packaging to minimize waste and reduce weight
8. Provide plans on communication and marketing strategy with PR and media campaigns and sustainability reporting
9. Provide guidance on sustainable purchasing practices
10. Install and implement measurement tools to monitor and report key data
11. Provide training and education on environment and sustainability topics
12. Provide implementation and project management support with sustainability initiatives
13. Provide plans to improve community involvement and volunteer programs
14. Assist with developing key relationships with non-profit organizations and other important stakeholders
15. Assist in corporate culture change to make companies self-sustaining

Area Of Expertise: Utilities- steam, chilled water, cooling water, cryogenic operations, Incineration, HRSG, Waste water treatment unit, Green hydrogen, marine terminal for cryogenic liquids like ammonia, hydrogen, Ethylene propylene and Loading arm operation., Systems of decentralized production Systems of centralized production Storage system

Processes familiar with : Polyethylene, polypropylene, MMA, PMMA, metathesis cracking -Naphtha, crude oil cracking, refining Bio-pharmaceutical products, specialty chemicals.
Direct simulation: the user selects scenarios and the tool calculates indicators;
- Multi-criteria optimization: what are the scenarios that minimize the indicators?
- Sensitivity studies ;
- Taking into account spatial and restitution of the overall layout of the network.

Engineering scope involved:
P1, purchase and sale of energy ( fuels, heat and electricity)
P2/P3, operating expenses / Maintenance (OPEX ), excluding electricity
P4, annualized expenditures (CAPEX )
Cost of production ( P1 excluding sales of heat + P2/P3 + P4 reduced to one sold MWh)
Primary energy consumption and water
Greenhouse Gas emissions ( CO2, refrigerants,...)
Foot print (Air-cooled condensers and including storage tanks )

Unit operations involved: PCC's oil refinery usually consists of processing units like CDU, VDU, NHT, DHT, SRR, FCC, SRU, and Isomerization unit etc.

Tasks handled:
Energy, Cost and availability of energy
o The electricity market
- Operation / Maintenance / Investments
o The cost of labor
o The costs of maintenance and investment

Energy Reduction:
Means of production and storage
o Consideration of the temperature (compatibility, variations, performance)
o Foot print reduction (especially in Asian countries)
o The minimum operating time
o Availability
o The boot time and loading ramps
o The number of start - stops
- Distribution Network
o Respect of temperatures delivered to substations

Process unit troubleshooting, startup and shutdown:
Crude desalting, Atmospheric distillation, Vacuum distillation, Visbreaker, Resid hydrocracker, RCC, De-asphalting, FCC, Hydrocracker, Thermal cracker, Reformer, Alkylation, Dimersol, Polymerization, MTBE, ETBE, TAME, Iso-octene, C5/C6 isomerization, C4 isomerization, Hydrogen production, Hydrogen purification, Distillate hydrotreater, C FCC gasoline hydrotreater, VGO hydrotreater, Cogen, Resid hydrotreater, ogen, Asphalt plant, Base oil plant, BTX plant, Sat gas plant, Unsat gas plant, Sulfur plant, Calciner, Acid regeneration, Tail gas recovery.

Area of Expertise:
Experience in modeling and optimization of the energy mix in heating networks. Tools and methodology MIX that was developed for heating networks.
- Pre-design of energy supply solutions at building scale (heat / hot water, but also cold water) and centralized network mode (hot and essentially hot water)
- Assessment of local potential renewable energies (mainly solar thermal in the case of Singapore, but potentially fatal industrial heat, wastewater... )
- Technical specifications and development of executable software

Profile - Process control engineer and advisor - MSH
Crude desalting - Removes salt prior to treatment.
Atmospheric distillation - The first major process unit in a refinery. Separates crude oil into its component distillation fractions
Vacuum distillation - Secondary distillation that separates the heaviest fractions into VGO and vacuum resid
Coker - Thermal conversion process that converts the heaviest distillation fraction (vacuum resid) into lighter fractions
Visbreaker - Mild thermal conversion process that lower the viscosity of vacuum resid
Resid hydrocracker - Catalytic conversion process that converts vacuum resid to lighter fractions while injecting hydrogen
RCC - Catalytic cracking process that converts atmospheric resid to lighter fractions; similar to an FCC but with heavier feed
De-asphalting - Solvent extraction process that removes asphaltenes from vacuum resid
FCC - Catalytic conversion process that converts VGO to lighter fractions
Hydrocracker - Catalytic conversion process that converts VGO to lighter fractions (especially distillates) while injecting hydrogen)
Thermal cracker - Non-catalytic process for converting VGO to lighter fractions
Reformer - Increases the octane value of heavy naphtha
Alkylation - Combines light olefins with isobutane to make gasoline
Dimersol - Converts propylene into a higher-value gasoline blend stock
Polymerization - Converts light olefins into a higher-value gasoline blend stock
MTBE - Methyl tertiary butyl ether
ETBE - Ethyl tertiary butyl ether.
TAME - Tertiary methyl amyl ether.
C5/C6 isomerization - Improves the octane value of light naphtha
C4 isomerization - Converts butane into isobutane as feed to the alkylation unit
Hydrogen production - Generates hydrogen for other process units from methane or other hydrocarbon feedstocks
Hydrogen purification - Extracts hydrogen from refinery gas streams
Naphtha hydrotreater - Catalytic process to remove sulfur and other contaminants from naphtha by injecting hydrogen
Kerosene hydrotreater - Catalytic process to remove sulfur and other contaminants from kerosene by injecting hydrogen
Distillate hydrotreater - Catalytic process to remove sulfur and other contaminants from distillate by injecting hydrogen
FCC gasoline hydrotreater - Catalytic process to remove sulfur and other contaminants from FCC gasoline by injecting hydrogen
VGO hydrotreater - Catalytic process to remove sulfur and other contaminants from VGO by injecting hydrogen
Resid hydrotreater - Catalytic process to remove sulfur and other contaminants from resid by injecting hydrogen
Asphalt plant - Creates asphalt from vacuum resid
Base oil plant - Collection of processes that extracts base oil from VGO and vacuum resid
BTX plant - Collection of processes that extracts aromatics (benzene, toluene, xylene) from reformate
Sat gas plant - Collection of processes that separates components in saturated refinery gas and removes impurities
Unsat gas plant - Collection of processes that separate components in unsaturated (cracked) refinery gas and remove impurities
Sulfur plant - Converts H2S into solid sulfur
Calciner - Processes pet coke for use as a specialty product
Acid regeneration
Tail gas recovery.

Advisory Area:
Expert is currently the Commissioning advisor - Polymer units / Renewable energy like solar, wind, Green hydrogen and Carbon dioxide capture, CCS. Onshore degassing and offshore well heads at (undisclosed). Before switching to a renewable and unconventional energy resources career, he was a Commissioning Supervisor at Toyo Engineering Corporation (09/2018 - 02/2019). He was also an Operations and Maintenance Coordinator with engineering team ad he started his career as an operations technician at multinational companies like Biocon ( 2004 -2006 ) Dupont ( 2006 -2008 ) Exxon (2008 - 2014). Overall Expert has over 17 years of experience in petrochemical industry and can advise on related topics.


Responsibilities as Process Control Engineer
(Tasks handled) Handled project delivery, including on-site support by joining the pre-commissioning/commissioning team as a process control authority, perform As-Built Check, DCS Factory Acceptance Test, Production, Transitions, Optimization.
Supported operations and commissioning training for development projects to improve the current technology that will deliver value to the business.
Provided technical expertise on IP to assist patent specialists in understanding the technology.
Delivered training and contributed to safe operation at client site and Participated in plant safety audits.
Interpreted project requirements, specifications and prepared technical proposals for DCS/SIS systems submission to the client.
Ensured delivery of the process control /SIS and instrumentation aspects of allocated projects.
Applied technical standards for control and instrumentation in line with the appropriate industrial practice for allocated projects.
Ensured that project deliverables from Licensing Support Contractor (LSC) meet the required standards.
Process Safety Interlock (PSI) and Emergency shutdown (ESD)Interlock safety integrity level (SIL) reviews to ensure they meet required standards and fit licensing HSE design requirements.
Participated in HSE process reviews
Supported in troubleshooting, testing, and PID controller tuning.

Process Training and support:
Supported in the design and delivery of the Advanced Process Control (APC) /Operator training simulators (OTS) aspects of allocated projects. Identified deviations from usual standards for approval.
Ensured that deliverables from OTS Support Contractor meet the required standard.

Responsibilities As Process Safety Engineer
Handled design stage discussion, pre-commissioning, commissioning preparation and execution @ Olefins cold section unit, utility sections – BOIL OFF GAS(BOG) compressors, tank-farm operation, marine loading, and air compressor units.
Reporting to plant commissioning section head and manager about the commissioning activities, day-to-day follow-up in startup, preplanning, Reporting process deviation, and the immediate corrective action.
Creating, executing, and following-up SAP notifications in pre-commissioning, commissioning, startup, Turnaround, and maintenance activities of Petrochemical units and downstream tankage units.
Developed training procedures and standard operating procedures in Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, Start-up, and Emergency shutdown activities.
Trained workforce during field Pre-commissioning Activities and implemented safety procedures.
Trained and managed the commissioning team from the initial commissioning stage until Hydrocarbon in and implementing safe standards and procedures during the phase of Hydrocarbon in.
Prepared Hazard Identification Study (HAZID), Hazard Operability Study (HAZOP) with other disciplines such as mechanical, Instrument, Electrical, analyzer, sub-station power grid team to enhance commissioning tasks.
Handled client and other departments with regards to Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning, and troubleshooting involved.
Created and developed structured field and DCS rounds as I am handling part of SIS trip check, loop and function test, Fine-tuning of DCS parameters during the Preservation walkthrough and pre-commissioning task.
Lead a team of DCS and field operators as to how to monitor the key parameters in DCS and field patrolling.
Instructed them to report abnormalities immediately to avoid damage to equipment.
Coordinated the solo run and motor test run of equipment after mechanical repair and instruct field operators to monitor key vibration and temperature readings.
Identifying problems and shortcomings with existing systems.
Co-ordinating testing and commissioning activities and providing advice on testing and commissioning procedures and documentation.
Monitored the progress, recording all test results, witnessing final testing and acceptance of equipment, and compiling all documentation for inclusion in the site test dossier.
Safe testing and commissioning of completed installations to achieve the necessary plant performance under project program requirements.
Performed multiple projects in phases such as commissioning / Startup/shutdown within the prescribed scope and ensured that the quality standards on project deliverables meet the requirements.
Interfacing with the construction team and acceptance of completed systems during pre-commissioning stage.
Training and qualification of customer OandM (Operations and maintenance) personnel.
Demonstrated donning all personnel safety devices and critical life-saving devices such as self-contained breathing apparatus.
Participated in ramp-up, optimization, performance testing, and Operating services during the warranty period.

Processes Commissioned, started up and optimized for Guarantee test Run:
Singapore - Olefins steam cracker: Conventional steam cracking unit to manufacture ethylene, propylene, and byproducts. This involves handling units such as reciprocating compressors, Boil-off gas compressors in tankage and Marine terminals centrifugal and reciprocating compressors, refrigeration compressors, multistage pumps and storage tank. Involved in design stage, commissioning, and operation of steam cracker complex.
Singapore - Commissioning of Combined cycle power generation plants in TUAS. Where HRSG boiler, turbine generators were commissioned for generating 411 MW power supply.
Saudi Arabia -Olefin’s conversion unit and MTBE unit– Ethylene and butylene reacts to produce propylene through metathesis reaction. This occurs in a similar way to normal cracking process to manufacture ethylene except the ethylene is reacted with cis and trans-Butane in OCT technology reactor. The process is licensed by LUMMUS technology and named as Olefin’s conversion – OCU.

Software knowledge:
SAP updation for commissioning activities -notification creation, approval, and planning.
Update vibration analysis and Pump performance chart in the Solo run report and vibration check report.
Basics of MATLAB in process control and instrumentation
Updated PandID’s, Layout and drawings in 3D viewer, solid works, NAVIS work and AutoCAD drawings.
Good Knowledge in Aspen HYSIS Simulation software for equipment’s designing.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 2013 Degree: MS Subject: Chemical, Biomolecular and Petrochemical Engineering Institution: National University of Singapore

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2020 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Commissioner Department:
• Developed commissioning procedures, participated on Factory acceptance test (FAT) and site acceptance test (SAT) during the execution stage of commissioning.
• Design of sludge treatment plants. To provide technical support on water resource or treatment issues to government agencies and update them with daily effluent discharge specifications. Conduct water quality studies to identify and characterize water pollutant sources.
• Identify design alternatives for the development of wastewater resources. To Gather and analyze water use data to forecast water demand. To Write technical reports or publications related to water resources development or water use efficiency.
• To analyze and recommend sludge treatment or disposal methods. Design water storage tanks or other water storage facilitate offspec handling.
• Design water or wastewater lift stations. Review and critique proposals, plans, or designs related to water or wastewater treatment systems which includes process modifications.
• Provide technical direction or supervision to junior engineers, engineering, or computer-aided design (CAD) technicians, or other technical personnel.
• Participated in Mechanical completion verification to obtain Ready for Commissioning status to secure a smooth transfer of Commissioning Packages from Construction to Commissioning.
• Been responsible for completion activities related to vendor package equipment and handover to operation.
• Updated commissioning procedures as needed during commissioning
• Follow up with punch list closure in the field and DCS related activities, documented and dispatched for final clearance.
• Updated the mark up drawings/documents with changes identified during commissioning and that as-built documentation is updated according to Site Instructions
• Established and maintained good cooperation with supplier representatives and Commissioning Subcontractors to complete their scope according to call out request for commissioning.
• Established and maintained safe working routines during commissioning.
• Ensure all work performed in commissioning is made in full compliance with client´s safety regulations to maintain “No Failure” objectives of zero accidents, injuries and losses.
• Handled offsites and facilities such as cooling water, compressed air, Instrument air, Demineralized water, flare system, power distribution and wastewater treatment during the stage of pre-commissioning, commissioning, and startup / shutdown stages.
• Handled risk assessment, HAZID, HAZOP on plant debottlenecking process, instrumentation and DCS.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2019 to 2020 Employer: DOPET Title: Function and Loop check Coordinator Department:
• Involved in the process control loop check, DCS & ESD logics checks for PE/PP facility and responsible for all Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and Start-up scope.
• Ensured that the commissioning processes and procedures used for the project comply with the relevant client side technical and international standards.
• Involved in the construction of decentralized or on-site wastewater treatment systems, including reclaimed water facilities. Conducted feasibility studies for the construction of facilities, such as water supply systems, run-off collection networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, or wastewater collection systems.
• Involved with the various engineering, construction, and commissioning departments and with the client operations and start up team members.
• Designed and implemented process control automation applications using Yokogawa’s DCS system like SIS trip logics, DCS trip logics on basis of customer input documentation such as P&ID’s, narratives, and instrument databases.
• Co-operated & liaised with team members, shift supervisors, DCS technicians located at remote locations.
• Discussed, tested, and finalized solutions together with the clients during loop test, Function test, SIS trip test, DCS trip test
• Conducted internal tests, third party interface test, Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) and Site Acceptance Tests (SAT).
• Delivered quality reports with detailed process diagrams, calculations, and analysis in Loop and function checks.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2019 to 2019 Employer: DCS/SIS Automation Title: Planning for Loop Check- Water Treatment and Air Separation Department:
• As Process commissioning Supervisor, involved with a team of multi discipline Engineers, Technicians and Vendors team in the preparation and execution of pre-commissioning activities. Delivered Process & utility system packages to Operations team in accordance with the project technical standards and schedule.
• Involved in the process control, DCS & ESD logics in PE/PP facility and responsible for all Pre-commissioning, Commissioning and Start-up scope.
• As a process Commissioning Engineer have supported handing over of equipment and systems from Mechanical Completion through to System Handover.
• Helped to establish the client's safety principles and promote the GPO safety goal of 'no harm to people and no damage to the environment.
• Assisted in developing new effective production methods and involved in implementing them.
• Worked with production personnel to resolve problems affecting production schedules.
• Handled Interface with Maintenance, Quality Assurance, Quality control and Engineering.
• Trained associates on a variety of manufacturing processes at workstations and in the classroom, including, but not limited to documentation handling, equipment operation (setup, operation, cleaning, troubleshooting, etc.), material handling, etc.
• Developed a training methodology and procedures during the catalyst sequence and transfer stage.
• Ensured that the commissioning processes and procedures used for the project comply with the relevant client's technical and International standards.
• Established a strong working relationship with the various engineering, construction and commissioning departments and with the client's Operations and Start Up team members
• Supported commissioning input to the Delivery Teams quality assurance plans and ensure system quality and acceptance criteria are clearly identified within the Completions System and the Commissioning Procedures.
• Established the client's safety principles and promote the GPO safety goal of 'no harm to people and no damage to the environment.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2018 to 2019 Employer: Toyo Engineering Title: Commissioning Supervisor Department:
Unit Type: Cracker unit, Off -gas cracking unit, Ethylene and propylene product tank-farm, Marine loading.

• As a commissioning engineer involved in design stage considerations at LUMMUS technology – steam cracker, preferably at cold section Enhanced binary refrigerant unit, cracked gas compression unit & MTBE unit
• In charge of pre-commissioning, commissioning, start up and operation activities
• Instruct and to supervise the workforce for field commissioning and start up activities
• Involved in pre-commissioning, commissioning, startup & shutdown activities clearing punch list, loop check & Trip logic test and all type of mechanical, electrical, Instrumentation, analyzer, and substation activities.
• Preparing commissioning plans for all equipment in the Section and Identifying specific requirements, anticipated workforce, work hours and material planning the annual plant shutdown activities.
• Tank management of ethylene and propylene. Control loading & unloading activities in Marine berth & ship loading activities.
• Conducted environmental impact studies related to water and wastewater collection, treatment, or distribution and submitted report to NEA, Singapore.
• Performed cost-benefit analyses for the construction of water supply systems, run-off collection networks, water and wastewater treatment plants, or wastewater collection systems.
• Analyze and recommended chemical, biological, or other wastewater treatment methods to prepare water for industrial or domestic use.
• Commissioned refinery off-gas cracking unit and downstream olefins conversion unit. Off-gas from the fluid-catalytic cracking unit from refinery is fed to the reactors which mainly contains CO2 and H2S, acetylene, oxygen, ammonia, nitrogen oxide, nitriles, water, carbonyl sulphide, mercury, and arsine
• Integrated Off gas recovery units with existing olefins units. A typical post combustion capture unit where the off- gas reprocessing was carried out to recover olefins. They are stand-alone unit that produces ethylene and in addition this is combined with olefins conversion unit (OCU).
• Coordinated with client during pre-commissioning, commissioning, start up and operation issues.
• Ensuring that the pre-commissioning, commissioning, and operating tasks are performed in line with the established procedures and good industry practices and proper safety precautions were followed before commissioning a system.
• To Ensures all the activities carried out during day & night shift such as safety issues/incidents, process upsets, actions for quality deviations,
• To ensure Process deviations and upsets in production rates, problems/ constraints in equipment, equipment change-over, and plant reservation activities are properly logged in
• Creating SAP notification so that problems/constraints in plant equipment’s are immediately notified to maintenance.
• To ensure mechanical run test, startup and shutdown are carried out according to Licensor developed standard operating procedures.
• Interface with other disciplines and to ensure that the works proceed in conformity with the pre-commissioning and commissioning schedule and report any deviations to the Area managers.
• Supervise mechanical completion and plant handover and ensure that the “punch lists works” are performed correctly and rapidly.
• Responsible for safety, safe working practices, and environmental issues in all the areas under their control.
• To ensure HSE during pre-commissioning and commissioning operations and reporting to the Area manager and commissioning manager.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2015 to 2018 Employer: Petro Rabigh Ltd. (startup) Title: Commissioning Engineer & Maintenance Coordinator Department:
Unit Type – Metathesis – olefins conversion unit. Ethylene and propylene product tank farm,
Marine Loading, Reciprocating and centrifugal compressors.
Oil injected screw compressors& Refrigerant compressors

• Generated SAP notification for maintenance activities during planned and unplanned shutdown & startup activities
• Carried out Work permits preparation and approval based on the priority works with safe Permits such as: Cold work, Hot work, E&I work, lifting work, Confined Space, OPE (Open Process Equipment) Permit and Radiography Work Permits.
• As commissioning in charge, communicate & collaborate with other departments during the initial stage of Erection, pre-commissioning, hot commissioning & cold commissioning activities. Submit plan to Section Manager for approval and communicate plan to commissioning managers.
• Part of Coordination team and assisted Section Manager and startup- facilities departments to prioritize steam, Nitrogen & utility air commissioning activities in the Section and implemented scheduled maintenance start up programs.
• Assisted in Introduction with training and documentation of Standard Work Instructions prior to transitioning to production from low production profile to high.
• Created documentation for each process and workstation in each manufacturing department
• Performed time studies on processes to reduce cycle time and improvement.
• Participated in Continuous and Process Improvement
• Provided ongoing feedback to both product builders and supervisors regarding all aspects of training
• Maintained training and validation records in all processes ensuring a flexible workforce
• Navis Work to interrogate 3D models and prepare process isolation for major shutdown jobs.
• Assisted in the development of improved work methods, job simplification and standardization to eliminate unnecessary work and develop an optimum interval for performing maintenance work and reduce the startup time & sequence
• Coordinated with the maintenance team to ensure that production targets and productivity levels meet the EHS standards.
• Conducted daily toolbox talk with the team members before job execution.
• Provided Training for the new process Technicians/vendors.
• Followed up the normal plant startup and shut down procedures with safely.
• Prepared work - job packs for shutdown and confined space man entry works; inclusive of job pack checklist, Risk analysis report, schematic Diagram, Energy Isolation Methods, Blinding for pipeline IN/OUT Sequence Report,
• Assisted DCS control in console operations to coordinate and regulate process variables and to direct flow rates of various process and utility streams according to prescribed schedules.
• As part of the modification team for reactor regeneration downtime and helped control the controlled rate of CO2 release to the atmosphere.
• Assisted shift supervisors to control process parameters according to the laboratory recommendations to determine changes in equipment controls required to produce specified quantity and quality of product.
• Operation and troubleshooting of the online process analyzers, vent gas analyzers, sample vent analyzers and countercheck the availability of the reagent or carrier gas required for their operation, arrangement of cylinders and reagent gases prior to the requirement and to inform the analyzer team regarding the change out of cylinders
• Prepared the relevant mixture of solution as part of preparation that is used as injection chemicals in cooling towers, water treatment and wastewater treatment units. Involved in Design modifications of sea water condenser to avoid fouling and frequent tube damage.
• Implemented design and logic modification of Trip logic system – Total plant shutdown in olefins conversion unit – Metathesis propylene product.
• Conducted Permit audit and ensure policy comply with company safety standards.

Commissioning and start-up of the units
• Reviewed start-up procedure with Licensor for easy startup of new units.
• Monitored, logging and advised on process operating conditions during test runs.
• Prepared Equipment handing over planning for major turndown of the units.
• Prepared Start up, shutdown & emergency handling procedures, Equipment handing over procedures.
• Handling commissioning of various new equipment/machines to enhance capacity and productivity of the organization.
• Streamlining efforts for process enhancement & improving operational efficiencies.
• Implementing cost saving measures & modifications to achieve substantial reduction in terms of man days, cost, raw material & energy consumption.
• Prepare procedure and execution of Overall Tightness Test (OATT), High Pressure Hydro Test,
• Water flushing, Air Drying, O2 free, Steam Blowing, Chemical Cleaning and N2 Preservation Work.
• Prepare check list and execution of Pre-Hydro walk down and hydro test for new pipe lines.
• Startup, Commissioning and Turnaround scope:
• Involved in Singapore ExxonMobil Ethylene Steam Cracker Plant commissioning, Turn Around startup/shutdown & Emergency handling from May to July 2009.
• Involved in commissioning MTBE, Olefins – metathesis OCU: October 2017, Jan 2018 shutdown.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2014 to 2015 Employer: Hyflux Title: Commissioning Supervisor Department:
Unit Type: Simulation and commissioning of Siemens 411 MW power plant
• Heat Recovery steam generator
• Steam turbines
• Waste heat boiler.
• Sea water chlorination unit.
• Boiler / Heat exchangers.
• Demineralized water plant.
• Generator/ Transformer.
• Integrated a 411 MW on-site combined cycle gas turbine power plant with the desalination plant. The power plant will supply electricity to the desalination plant and synchronized with Singapore grid.
• Lead a team of maintenance/operations technicians to provide operations & maintenance of plant equipment complying with the O&M, EHS requirements of the 411 MW power Plant.
• As a commissioning supervisor, involved in data collection and updating the CEMS (The Continuous Emission Monitoring System) which is a facility to measure flow, dust, the concentration of air pollutants (such as CO2, SO2, NOx, CO) and other parameters according to NEA (National Environmental Agency) requirements.
• To Prepare a master maintenance schedule for the plant & perform scheduled maintenance promptly.
• Assisted in the development & update of new Standard Operating Procedures for maintenance of plant equipment.
• Worked closely with engineers, technicians, contractors on site to comply with EHS requirements.
• Assisted in manpower planning, scheduling & provide training to all maintenance technicians to ensure all subordinates understand their maintenance work & comply with procedures & EHS requirements.
• Maintained standard operating procedures and reporting to Analytical engineers about process deviation in online process analyzers.
• Monitored wastewater quality and implemented modifications in cooling water systems.
• Supported pre-commissioning, preservation works and punch list clearance activities.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2008 to 2013 Employer: ExxonMobil Chemical Title: Assistant Shift Leader: Hot and Cold Section Unites Department: CO2 and H2S Wash Tower, Hydrogen Separation Unit (and others)
• Ensured that the DCS startup & commissioning meet requirements, complies with inspection and safety codes, safety regulations as per standards.
• Taking immediate pro- active action in the event of emergencies such as fire or major equipment failure.
• To Take charge of plant emergency situations and safely coast down equipment’s like refrigeration compressors & Cryogenic columns
• Compilation of activities for Turn around maintenance or any major plant shutdown.
• Preparation of blinding & de-blinding lists for all the equipment covered under, so that start up and shutdown are carried out in smooth transient phase.
• Involved in operations of the caustic treatment process which involves the analysis of caustic samples, mainly spent caustic solution that contains highly concentrated CO2 and lean caustic that has low concentration of CO2.
• Involved in startup and shutdown of this 3 stages caustic absorption unit and amine absorption unit. Planned and arranged disposing trucks for the CO2 rich solution which is discarded as per environmental regulations.
• Participated in the caustic consumption reduction Programme, where a feed stock has very high concentration of CO2, and the process is modified by adding an amine wash tower, this rich amine is recycled back to the refinery.
• Involved in technical discussion of amine wash tower commissioning followed by caustic scrubbing. Performed switching over of CO2 rich feed gas to the amine wash tower which helps the process in efficient absorption of CO2 and reducing caustic consumption.
• Commissioned and lined up Amine absorption unit, which is the part of the CO2 removal system that captures Carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulphide which are temporary poisons for the reactor catalysts. Involved in field line up and controlled injection of caustic and mono ethanol amine (MEA) which is a scrubbing agent in a caustic/water wash tower with caustic solution.
• Involved in hydrogen production system isolation and Cold box methanol flush which is a major part of turnaround.
• Supervised the major revamping of hydrogen production – pressure swing adsorption unit control valves. Involved in the trouble shooting of 4- 5 bed operations which produces 99.9% hydrogen.
• As part of CUI (Corrosion under insulation) team investigated the leaking points of hydrogen transfer loop and rectified it during the major turnaround.
• To feedback about the plant operation conditions and plant upset /emergency situations, deviations in product quality, equipment breakdown, abnormalities, status on maintenance activities to plant superintendent.
• Raising work order to perform startup & commissioning activities.
• Raising incident reports on process deviations and safety violations.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2002 to 2008 Employer: Invista Singapore-BIOCON India Title: Trainee & Process Technician Roles Department:
• Routine Patrolling, observation & Safe handing over of equipment for maintenance activities.
• Part of Planning & implementation team during plant preservation activities in case of prolonged shutdown.
• Reported reasons for deviations in product quality and corrective measures taken in shift and recorded in log
• Involved in sequence and logical programming with ABB systems.
• Member of the Emergency Response Team and the Safety and health committee.

Additional Experience

Training / Seminars
Education & Training
National University of Singapore – Petroleum Engineering was ranked No 1 in QS subject ranking
(Under-graduate in chemical engineering & graduate in petroleum production engineering)
MSc Petroleum and Renewable energy Engineering / Civil & Environmental Engineering.
Bachelor of Technology in Chemical Engineering - Second class uppers (honors)/ Chemical & Biomolecular engineering

Training Courses and Skill Sets:
Confined Space Safety Assessor (CSSA). Accredited board: NTUC- Singapore.
Building & Plant construction Safety Supervisor (BCCS). Accredited board: NTUC- Singapore.
Emergency Incident Commander System, Work Permit System and Process Technology Improvement Training.
Permit to work, Gas test, HAZMAT
Firefighting – Sakra Emergency Response Brigade (SERB) training
Safety Orientation Course (Oil/Petrochemical) and (Vessel Entry) Certificate
Chemical Process Technology Centre, CPTC, Jurong Island, Singapore. Process operations Trainer

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
English Fluent

Fields of Expertise

Request Expert

Dev Tool:
1280 x 720
Request: expert/as-a-green-and-3r-clean-energy-consultant-with-17-years-of-experience-in-petrochemical-refining-downstream-chemical-and-utilities-sector-pre-commissioning-commissioning-plant-routine-startup
Matched Rewrite Rule: expert/([^/]+)(?:/([0-9]+))?/?$
Matched Rewrite Query: experts=as-a-green-and-3r-clean-energy-consultant-with-17-years-of-experience-in-petrochemical-refining-downstream-chemical-and-utilities-sector-pre-commissioning-commissioning-plant-routine-startup&page=
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