Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Air, Water and Solid Waste Pollution Control & Energy Recovery in US & Asia

ID: 722156 Pennsylvania, USA

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Expert was responsible for the introduction of activated carbon fiber adsorption systems into the U.S. as a licensee of the Japanese firm that developed them. This involved technical liaison with the Japanese as well as sales/marketing to customers. He was also responsible for the process and mechanical design of these fiber systems, cost estimation, supervision of their construction, installation at the customer site and compliance testing. These systems were to either recover (by steam desorption) valuable chlorinated solvents for reuse or to concentrate (by hot air desorption) dilute VOC streams to allow more cost-effective incineration of the unusable mixed solvents.

Expert has been responsible for the design of air odor control systems for wastewater treatment facilities, flavor/fragrance manufacturing, auto assembly plants, railway equipment repair shops, asphalt coating facilities, wood product manufacturing and pharmaceutical plants. The odor control equipment selected in these facilities has included biofiltration, carbon adsorption, wet scrubbing, incineration and improved dispersion of the odors. He was responsible for evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of the above-mentioned control alternatives and recommendation to the client. Field studies of the odor problem included odor measurement and odor impact modeling.

Expert was responsible for the selection, cost estimation and design of air pollution control equipment for gaseous air emission control. These duties also included the supervision of fabrication, installation and startup of the systems. Air pollution technologies included were carbon adsorbers, rotary concentrators, catalytic oxidizers, thermal oxidizers and wet scrubbers. These were for the control of H2S, odors, VOCs, HAPs, carbon monoxide, NOx and SOx emissions. Industries which Expert has applied his air pollution expertise include aerospace, auto, chemicals, electronics, non-ferrous metals, pharmaceuticals, petroleum refining, semiconductors and wood products, as well as power/steam generation.


Expert assisted a New York state pipe coating plant that had odor complaints from a galvanized pipe coating operation. His testing and investigation determined that a tall stack to disperse the odorous fumes would solve the problem at a lower cost than the thermal oxidizer that the regulatory agency suggested.Expert assisted a Taiwanese polymer manufacturer in finding a more cost-effective way to reduce their VOC and odor emissions to below local standards. He recommended, designed and installed a regenerative catalytic oxidizer which had a much lower operating cost than a thermal oxidizer being considered for this VOC and odor emission problem.Expert assisted a large lead smelter to reduce their sulfur dioxide emissions by over 100,000 tons/year by recommending a state-of-the-art sintering machine exhaust gas cleaning system. This system consisted of multiple wet scrubbers and a wet electrostatic precipitator so that the exhaust gas was sufficiently cleaned, allowing it to be the inlet gas to a new sulfuric acid plant on-site.Expert developed a compact design for systems to control air pollution from steam boilers and electrical generation plants in Asian countries such as China, Korea and India. The system design minimized space utility and waste treatment/storage requirements as compared to conventional air pollution control systems.Expert developed accurate VOC emission data, designed, cost-estimated, fabricated and installed the first rotary concentrator and oxidizer system in the United States. This was done for a Big Three auto firm and required helicopter lift of the system to the roof of the facility.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1965 Degree: Ph.D. Subject: Physical Chemistry Institution: Purdue University
Year: 1961 Degree: B.A. Subject: Chemistry Institution: Boston University

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 2001 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Independent Consultant Department:
Available upon request.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1996 to 2001 Employer: Monsanto Enviro-Chem Title: Process Engineer Consultant Department: Environmental Systems
Expert was responsible for gaseous air emission estimation, control system selection, system design and cost estimation as well as startup and testing. He conducted this work in the U.S., Asia, Latin America and Europe. His experience includes catalytic or thermal oxidizers, biofilters and wet scrubbers.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1995 to 1996 Employer: McLaren/Hart Environmental Engineering (now Jacques Whitford Co.) Title: Principal Engineer Department: Environmental Management
With McLaren/Hart, Expert was responsible for developing and conducting air quality and air pollution control consulting projects. His experience included carbon adsorbers and thermal oxidizers.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1978 to 1995 Employer: Met-Pro Corporation Title: Director of Engineering and Development Director Department: Systems
He was responsible for air pollution control system design, cost estimation, fabrication, installation, startup and testing. Expert also acted as technical liaison with the Japanese licensor of two air pollution control products. His experience included wet scrubbers, thermal or catalytic oxidizers, carbon adsorbers as well as rotary concentrators.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1974 to 1978 Employer: TRC Companies Title: Industry Manager Department: Engineering
He was responsible for developing and conducting air and water pollution control projects in the automotive, chemical and pharmaceutical industries. His experience included carbon adsorbers, thermal oxidizers and wet scrubbers.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1969 to 1974 Employer: Engelhard Industries Title: Laboratory Supervisor Department: Research & Development
At Engelhard, Expert was responsible for the development of catalytic systems for the purification of exhaust gases from automobiles and chemical processes. This included technical liaison with customers, on-site and laboratory testing, as well as full-scale testing. He was a key member of the team that developed the catalytic converter for Ford cars and light trucks.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1965 to 1969 Employer: Oiln Corporation Title: Scientist Department: Research
He was responsible for the development of catalytic processes for the production of petrochemicals. This included laboratory and pilot testing as well as liaison with the plant engineers.

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 2001 to 2001 Country / Region: Italy Summary: Expert inspected a large catalytic oxidizer in Italy for mechanical defects because of poor VOC removal efficiency and also performed tests to find the cause of the problem. His thorough investigation found a problem with organic dust not being removed by the customer-supplied filter on their process exhaust.
Years: 1996 to Present Country / Region: Asia (China, Hong Kong, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand) Summary: Expert has been a technical liaison between Asia-based sales engineers of his company and the technical engineers in the U.S. responsible for design and cost estimation of air pollution control systems. This has required frequent travel throughout Asia. He has also turnkey-installed a catalytic oxidizer in Taiwan, started up a wet scrubber in Malaysia and developed a unique air pollution control system design for power plants and steam generating boilers.
Years: 1980 to 1996 Country / Region: Japan Summary: Expert served as a technical liaison between his firm and the Japanese firm that they licensed two proprietary air pollution control technologies from. This included frequent trips to Japan for technical meetings and technical discussions with many Japanese firms he hoped to do business with in the United States.
Years: 2002 to 2002 Country / Region: Philippines Summary: Expert was responsible for supervision of consultants working for Asia Development Bank to improve the air quality in the Metro Manila area. He coordinated efforts of several government agencies and local firms in achieving this vital result. This project developed plans for reducing air pollution from power plants, factories and mobile air pollution sources in Metro Manila.
Years: 2004 to 2004 Country / Region: South Asia and Southeast Asia Summary: Expert served as a key member of a task force contracted by US AID to review the direction and effectiveness of the US AID program to assist Asian nations in solving their environmental problems. He traveled to India, Thailand, Sri Lanka and the Philippines in this effort.

Career Accomplishments

Associations / Societies
Expert is a member of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME), the Air and Waste Management Association (A&WMA) and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE).
Publications and Patents Summary
Expert has over 20 technical publications, two patents and over 50 presentations at technical meetings, all on his area of specialty, air pollution control.

Additional Experience

Training / Seminars
He has given numerous training courses and seminars on air pollution control in the United States, Brazil, Mexico, Japan, Korea, China, Philippines, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore.
Vendor Selection
He has a thorough knowledge of all the major gaseous air pollution control technologies and their suppliers.
Marketing Experience
He was responsible for successfully introducing two Japanese air pollution control technologies to the U.S. market. One was a unique carbon adsorber and the other was a rotary concentrator.
Other Relevant Experience
He has experience in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Italy, Japan, Korea, China, Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Sri Lanka and Taiwan

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
German Expert translates technical articles pertinent to his field.

Fields of Expertise

activated carbon fiber, carbon adsorber, air odor control equipment design, odor control, odor abatement equipment design, odor abatement, odor, air-pollutant control equipment, air-treatment organic chemical, high-temperature air pollution control, air pollution, gaseous air pollution, carbon monoxide emission, physical industrial wastewater treatment, pollution control, water pollution assessment, water pollution control, water pollution process, smokestack analysis, Boiler and Industrial Furnace regulation, new source performance standard, wastewater treatment equipment, gas scrubbing, drinking water purification, adsorbed contaminant, gas purification, oxidation catalyst, smog, odor absorption, cement plant pollution, particulate testing, flue gas deNOx, toxic chemical control, toxic air pollution control, smokestack flow, air sample, smelter, emission control, nitrogen oxide treatment, nitrogen oxide removal, emission control device, air pollution control system, air pollutant measurement, maximum available control technology, flue gas desulfurization scrubber fabrication, metal melting, lawn and garden engine air-pollution control, air toxic chemical, odor measurement, hydrogen sulfide removal, particulate emission control system, pulp-and-paper industry air pollution control, gaseous pollutant disposal, automotive emission control, gas scrubber, in-plant fume control, air purification, air-treatment inorganic chemical, air-quality assessment, air-pollution control regulation, air-pollutant environmental effect, mobile-source air pollution control catalyst, mobile source air pollution control, mobile air-pollution-source catalytic converter, stationary source toxic air pollutant control, stationary source sulfur dioxide control, stationary-source particulate control, stationary source nitrogen oxide control, stationary source air pollution control regulation, stationary source air pollution control, secondary municipal wastewater treatment, tail gas treating, air pollution control, industrial wastewater treatment, particulate pollution process, air pollution process, adsorption, mist eliminator, best available control technology, catalytic destruction, drinking water, wet scrubber, biofilter, flue gas, emission process, incineration, absorption application, exhaust afterburner, automotive exhaust, emission-reducing incineration system, water purification, venturi scrubber, toxic chemical, toluene, pollution catalysis, physical municipal wastewater treatment, metal foundry process, metal finishing wastewater treatment, mercury, industrial gas cleaning, flue gas treatment, emission monitoring, wet electrostatic precipitator, chemical industrial wastewater treatment, automotive catalysis, air pollutant

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