Expert Details
Sales and Marketing
ID: 733983
Washington, USA
He performs expert witness services in the following situations: Customer and market primary and secondary research; analysis of case materials and development of reports, rebuttals, and visuals; survey research and conjoint analyses for valuing features, determining customer preferences, sizing markets, and estimating market shares under different conditions; lost sales analysis; sales, marketing, channel typical practice testimony; and emerging data privacy issues.
Consulting and Expert Witness: Alston+Bird, Paul Hastings, McNaul Ebel Nawrot & Helgren, Microsoft, Telstra, Starbucks, Emerson, Fifth Third Bank, Wells Fargo, Genie, Cincom, World Vision, Belkin, Tableau, Everett Clinic, Concur, Worldvision, Wells Fargo, etc.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 2004 | Degree: PhD in Business Administration | Subject: Marketing | Institution: University of Missouri |
Year: 1992 | Degree: MBA | Subject: Marketing | Institution: Georgia State University |
Year: 1984 | Degree: MSEE | Subject: Electrical Engineering | Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology |
Year: 1983 | Degree: BSEE | Subject: Electrical Engineering | Institution: Georgia Institute of Technology |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2005 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Professor | Department: Business School |
Responsibilities:Expert conducts research and teaching. His teaching responsibilities include Ph.D seminars on Marketing Strategy, MBA courses in Marketing Strategy, and MBA courses in Sales Management. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1991 to 2001 | Employer: Raychem | Title: COO/President | Department: Management |
Responsibilities:Expert was responsible for General Management, as well as sales and marketing. |