Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Details

Food Marketing

ID: 728702 New Jersey, USA

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Expert is currently Professor and Chair of a university food marketing department. He holds a Ph.D. in Quantitative Methods and Marketing. He has written over 100 peer-reviewed articles and 15 books about food marketing. He has 50 years of experience as an academic and subject matter expert.

Expert has also worked in the food industry, where he has been Vice President of Marketing for an international coffee company. He has also worked in Germany for one of the world’s largest food retailers and owner of A&P in the USA. Expert was also Director of Research for an advertising agency and has consulted for many nationally known food companies, including Campbell Soup Company, Procter & Gamble, Acme, Kroger, Frito Lay, Florida Dept. of Citrus, Kellogg and others.

He has served as an expert and expert witness to many food and beverage companies, including Whole Foods, Target, Coca-Cola, Ahold, Supervalu, Boars Head, Safeway and many others. Expert is also on the Board of Directors for Herr Foods and Frankford Candy Company. He's worked on about 40 cases, including writing reports in 35 of those cases and about 5 trial testimonies.

Expert has spoken at many major U.S. food association meetings and conferences, including the International Mass Retailers Association, National Retail Federation, National Grocers Association (NGA), Food Marketing Institute (FMI), Institutional Food Distributors Association, Institute of Food technologists (IFT), National American Wholesale Grocers Association (now FDI), Snack Food Association, National Frozen Pizza Institute, Private Label Manufacturers Association (PLMA), Produce Marketing Association, National Pasta Association, National Confectioners Association, Biscuit and Cracker Association, Refrigerated Foods Association, and many others.

Expert has also worked with many of the commodity agriculture groups including the Florida Department of Citrus, Mushroom Council, Sweet Corn Association, Dairy Management Inc, cranberry growers of Ocean Spray, and numerous farm groups.

Expert has spoken to food associations in International Speeches and seminars including Russia (Russian Fruit Juice Federation) Germany (Tengelmann, European Fruit Juice Association), France (Monoprix), Argentina (Argentine Grocery Association, Denmark (AC Nielsen conference), Uruguay (Agri-business Congress), Taiwan (National Quality conference), Japan (Dairy convention), Singapore (Retail leadership conference), Sri Lanka (CMS), Brazil (ABRAS, APAS, HSM World Marketing Seminars), Italy (Deutsche Bank Venice conference), Poland (Posnan university program), Thailand (Fresh Food Association), Norway (AC Nielsen conference), Chile (Chilean Grocers Association), Sweden (AC Nielsen conference), Colombian ( Colombia Grocers Association and Seminarium), Costa Rica (IICA), New Zealand (Food and Beverage Association), Finland(AC Nielsen conference), Mexico (Mexican Grocers Association) and Ireland (Northern Irish Food and Beverage Assoc., Musgrave), Czech Republic (USDA Food Show), and Estonia (Talinvest, US Embassy).

Expert has been regularly quoted in the media. He was interviewed on CNN, the Today Show and was interviewed on NBC Nightly News with Tom Brokaw as well as numerous local channels. He has been quoted in most of the food marketing magazines, as well as in the print media, and has been quoted in Forbes, Fortune, Advertising Age, Brand Week, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and many others. He hosted an episode of the History Channel’s Modern Marvels regarding the supermarket industry.


Year Degree Subject Institution
Year: 1973 Degree: PhD Subject: Marketing and Quantitative Methods Institution: Syracuse University
Year: 1968 Degree: BS Subject: Wood Engineering Institution: State Univeristy of NY Syracuse

Work History

Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1984 to Present Employer: Undisclosed Title: Chairman and Professor Department: Food Marketing
Expert conducts research, teaches, and administrates the Department of Food Marketing.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1994 to 1996 Employer: Melita Coffee Company Title: VP Marketing Department: Marketing
He managed all aspect of the company's marketing program.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1980 to 1991 Employer: Tengelmann/A&P Title: Special Assistant Department: Marketing
Expert prepared a report on the emerging issues in food retailing in Europe.
Years Employer Title Department
Years: 1983 to 1984 Employer: Weightman Advertising Title: Director of Research Department: Research
Expert was responsible for all research for clients at the agency. Most were food companies.

International Experience

Years Country / Region Summary
Years: 2009 to 2009 Country / Region: UK/NI Summary: Worked for Univeristy of Belfast directing Masters and PhD research.
Years: 1992 to 1992 Country / Region: Germany Summary: Worked on research on the emerging issues in food retailing in Europe.
Years: 1979 to 1980 Country / Region: Tanzania Summary: Senior Fulbright Scholar at the University of Dar es Salaam.
Years: 1977 to 1979 Country / Region: Brazil Summary: Professor at the Federal Univeristy of Rio de Janiero.

Career Accomplishments

Professional Appointments
Editor of the Journal of Food Products Marketing;
Board member, European Retail Academy;
Board Member, Herr Food Company;
Board Member, Frankford Candy Compnay.
Awards / Recognition
Making Niche Marketing Work (McGraw Hill) was a BusinessWeek Book club first choice.
Honorary degree Karol Davia (Romania) for contribution in food Nutrition and health.
Publications and Patents Summary
He has written over 100 peer reviewed articles, published over 15 books, and delivered over 100 presentations to academic audiences and professional food associations including international groups. He has also written a column in Food Processing magazine for about 20 years.

Additional Experience

Expert Witness Experience
He has testified in numerous cases, including a criminal case involving misuse of promotional money, an anti-trust case injunction, trademark violation, value of a brand and source of brand value, a lease between the parties limited sales of “food” to a specific number of sq ft., a zoning case, a case involving a contract dispute over promotional issues, a trade secrets case in the cheese business, a lease violation case, a contract dispute involving international issues, a personal liability case, a case involving trade secrets, and a fraudulent conveyance case.

He's worked on about 40 cases, including writing reports in 35 of those cases and about 5 trial testimonies.
Training / Seminars
He has created and developed many different seminars in food marketing which range from category management, strategy, customer service, marketing planning, advertisisng research, and international marketing.
Marketing Experience
Expert has been VP of marketing for an international coffee company.

Language Skills

Language Proficiency
Portuguese Conversational

Fields of Expertise

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