Expert Details
Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) Compliance
ID: 731387
Massachusetts, USA
Expert's years of experience performing inspections of commercial and industrial facilities have been brought to bear in supporting environmental crime investigations. He has worked on cases of alleged criminal behavior: conducting interviews of facility personnel and others, drafting inspection reports; and analyzing documents and sampling environmental media. Expert has supported enforcement against environmental crimes by using his expertise with regulations and in environmental chemistry to provide regulatory and technical support to attorneys and other investigators and to testify in court at grand jury and trial proceedings.
Expert has (29) years of continuing involvement in the hazardous waste regulatory program and has developed expertise with hazardous waste regulations and policies, both at the State and Federal levels (RCRA). Expert has contributed to the development of regulations and policies regarding all aspects of hazardous waste management at the State level by writing draft polices and regulations, serving as a liaison between the State of Massachusetts and USEPA on regulatory development and providing his technical expertise to regulatory personnel. Expert has (29) years of experience providing technical and hazardous waste regulatory compliance assistance to commercial and industrial facilities, including in the areas of hazardous waste determinations, compliance requirements for hazardous waste generators, transporters, recyclers and treatment,storage and disposal facilities.
Expert provided technical and regulatory compliance assistance to business and industry for (29) years as a staff member of a state environmental protection agency.April, 2014--- present
Senior Consultant (on-call)., in the areas of solid and hazardous waste management. Provide input on projects to support regulatory compliance by company's clients nation-wide.
Year | Degree | Subject | Institution |
Year: 1969 | Degree: M.S. | Subject: Chemistry | Institution: Purdue University |
Year: 1964 | Degree: BA | Subject: Chemistry | Institution: Brandeis University |
Work History
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 2014 to Present | Employer: Undisclosed | Title: Senior Consultant (on-call) | Department: Environment & Infrastructure Solutions, Inc. |
Responsibilities:He provides regulatory and technical expertise in the areas of solid and hazardous waste management to support environmental compliance by employer's clients nationwide. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1990 to 2013 | Employer: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection | Title: Environmental Analyst V | Department: Bureau of Waste Prevention |
Responsibilities:He provided compliance assistance to regulated entities.He drafted regulations and policies in hazardous waste management. He performed or oversaw inspections of hazardous waste transporters and facilities. He conducted enforcement conferences with violating entities. He drafted and issued administrative enforcement actions. He supported enforcement activities of other regulatory programs. He supervised (4) professional staff. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1988 to 1990 | Employer: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection | Title: Investigator | Department: Environmental Crimes Strike Force |
Responsibilities:He investigated allegations of environmental crime.He sampled environmental media to collect evidence. He drafted reports of inspections and interviews of personnel. He participated in formulating enforcement case strategies. He testified in court proceedings to support environmental litigations and prosecutions. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1984 to 1988 | Employer: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection | Title: Environmental Analyst III | Department: Division of Hazardous Waste |
Responsibilities:As a member of the Hazardous Waste Major Case Unit, he performed inspections and investigations of alleged violators of the hazardous waste law and regulations.He drafted reports of inspections and investigations. He sampled hazardous waste and environmental media. He helped develop enforcement strategies and testified in civil and criminal proceedings. He drafted and issued administrative enforcement actions. |
Years | Employer | Title | Department |
Years: 1982 to 1984 | Employer: Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection | Title: Junior Air Pollution Control Inspector | Department: Division of Air Quality Control |
Responsibilities:He inspected sources of air pollution to determine compliance with Mass. air quality regulations.He drafted inspection reports. He supported permit writers drafting air pollution permits. He drafted notices of violation. |
Government Experience
Years | Agency | Role | Description |
Years: 1982 to 2013 | Agency: Mass. Dept. of Environmental Protection | Role: Environmental Analyst | Description: His service with a Government Agency is described in the section, Work Experience. |
Additional Experience
Expert Witness Experience |
Expert has testified in state grand juries and trial courts as an expert on the Mass. hazardous waste regulations to support criminal prosecutions by the State Attorney General. During his career with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) serving as an environmental compliance inspector or investigator for MassDEP’s Environmental Crimes Strike Force, He gave testimony on multiple occasions in court in civil litigation and criminal prosecution cases on behalf of the Massachusetts Attorney General or county District Attorneys. Testimony in court was before grand or trial juries in criminal cases and before trial juries in civil cases. He also provided testimony in negotiation sessions with alleged offenders to attempt to settle civil litigation cases before a trial. Expert's areas of expertise are the Massachusetts hazardous waste management law, and its implementing regulations, and their Federal analogues, RCRA (Resource Conservation & Recovery Act) and its implementing regulations, 40 CFR 260 et al, respectively. His background in Chemistry allowed him to also give expert testimony on technical issues in the regulations such as on laboratory test methods for analyzing waste materials. Typical criminal prosecutions in which he provided testimony involved allegations of illegal storage and/or disposal (abandonment) of hazardous waste threatening human health, welfare and safety and/or the environment. Some of these prosecutions resulted in jail time for those persons convicted of environmental crimes. Typical civil litigation cases involved management or storage of hazardous wastes in a manner not in compliance with regulations and resulted in assessment of civil penalties. |
Training / Seminars |
Expert developed and delivered portion of seminar on Remediation Waste devoted to hazardous waste regulations affecting environmental media. Seminar was attended by private industry professionals who re-mediate hazardous waste sites. |
Marketing Experience |
Expert has witnessed business trends in the hazardous waste industry, servicing of hazardous waste generators by consultants and hazardous waste transporters; and operations of treatment, storage & disposal facilities. |
Other Relevant Experience |
Expert has provided compliance assistance by telephone and advisory letters primarily to hazardous waste generators & hazardous waste transporters and consultants to hazardous waste handlers. He was primary lead on developing several fact sheets in areas of hazardous waste management that provide compliance assistance to industry. |
Fields of Expertise
case investigation, environmental protection, criminal investigation, crime scene investigation, Resource, Conservation, and Recovery Act regulation, hazardous waste, hazardous waste management regulation, hazardous-waste disposal, hazardous-waste storage equipment, criminal defense investigation, facility closure, hazardous material storage, corrective action, hazardous waste treatment facility, hazardous material, Environmental Protection Agency regulation, Clean Water Act, CERCLA regulation