Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 730040 United Kingdom

Project Management, Defects Analysis, Construction Disputes, Defective Workmanship and Materials

Expert is a Chartered Building Surveyor with over 30 years experience in the construction industry. He specialises in providing expert opinions in residential, commercial and institutional construction matters, including: defective materials; poor workmanship; compliance of work with legislation. Act as…

ID: 724560 Maryland, USA

Construction, Standards of Workmanship, Property Valuation, Code & Quality Compliance

Expert has a formal education in Architecture and construction sciences, as well as, and more importantly, 34 years practical field experience as a forensic scientist in residential construction, project management, real estate development, home inspection/engineering and valuation science, providing expert…

ID: 738872 Illinois, USA

Construction and Building expert witness

Expert is a Chicago-based trained architect with 45 years' experience in an extremely wide variety of building types and technology. He has worked on historic structures and in the renovation and rehab of landmark properties. Expert's significant career history includes…

ID: 736548 Texas, USA

Engineering, Procurement, and Construction of Global Capital Ventures; Industrial and Commercial Project Development and Execution

More than 35 years of technical, managerial, and executive experience in engineering, procurement, and construction of global capital ventures have provided Expert with exceptional prerequisites to address any facet of industrial and commercial project development and execution. Since 2003, he…

ID: 735690 Texas, USA

Aerospace, Defense & MedTech

Expert has led global operations management for Boeing's Defense, Space & Security Organization, responsible for developing and sustaining efficiency in the supply pipeline, supporting both new and legacy technologies that bolster U.S. national security. Expert Focused on cost reduction strategies…

ID: 731711 Washington, USA

Commercial and Architectural Glass and Glazing Systems; Commercial Doors and Hardware

Summary of 36 Years’ Experience in Commercial Glazing Executive, Curtain Wall Senior Director, Director of Technical and Scientific Services, Master Journeyman Glazier, COO, CEO and Executive Consultant. Director of Technical Services; scientific and field investigation team leader for mitigation and…

ID: 730392 Pennsylvania, USA

Materials, Processes and Hermeticity Testing of Microelectronics for Aerospace and Medical Implants

He has demonstrated expertise in hermetic sealing and leak testing processes for cavity style packaged microcircuits intended for high reliability military, aerospace and Class III medical implants. He has worked as a hermeticity consultant for prominent military and aerospace companies…

ID: 730350 Florida, USA

Automotive Collision Damage and Repair Valuations, Appraisal, and Diminished Value Assessment

A second-generation collision repair professional, Expert is the founder and CEO of an automotive consulting firm providing professional services to all parties. Clients include the general consumer, fleet operator, corporate clientele, insurance claims person, legal professional, and governmental agency --…

ID: 730084 United Kingdom

Construction Projects, Property, Building Surveying, Construction Design, Construct Management, CDMC

Expert is one of the Directors of Mason Clark Associates, a multi disciplinary practice of Civil and Structural Engineers, Project Managers, Building Surveyors and CDM Co-coordinators, with staff of 25 and turnover in excess of £2 million. Expert has over…

ID: 729070 United Kingdom

Construction Refurbishments in Listed Buildings

The commitment shown to produce the highest standards of workmanship is evident in a portfolio that encompasses a highly varied range of refurbishment and construction projects. Whether these projects have included the careful refurbishment of listed buildings, the development of…

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