Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 724877 India

Drug Discovery & Development Technology and Intellectual Property (Patents, Trade Marks, etc.)

He has had the Drug Discovery Department, as part of his role as Director R & D, at Wockhardt Limited, discover several new NCEs during the tenure of this position, which NCEs are more extensively described in a later section…

ID: 724874 Minnesota, USA

Scientific Data Analysis, Simulations, UML, Database, Java, C++

Expert is a high-level Object Oriented Architect specializing in n-tier interface design, development, and security; transferring his knowledge to the client after prototype completion. Primary emphasis has been on complex web-based design and implementation of large-scale databases, including transactions, security,…

ID: 724866 New York, USA

Toxicology, Environmental Medicine, Biochemistry, Cancer Causation, DNA Damage & Repair, Genetics, Arsenic, Metals

Expert has published about 120 articles, mostly on metal carcinogenesis and environmental toxicology, with an emphasis on arsenic. She was first to report on the comutagenicity of arsenic and later developed the only animal model of arsenic-induced skin cancer. She…

ID: 724863 United Kingdom

Pulp, Paper and Cellulose-Based Products – Research, Development, Product Design and Manufacturing

In 1962 he pioneered the used of Hercules Aquapel at Wolvercote Paper Mill and has introduced the technology to mills in UK, Eastern Europe, Israel, Turkey since that time. Wolvercote was one of the first mills to use chalk as…

ID: 724862 California, USA

Solvent Extraction and Process Development for Separation of Metals

Expert, while employed at B.A.R.C., a world-renowned institute, made significant contributions in Chemistry. He has been consulting to various national and international organizations since 1994 in the field of solvent extraction for metal separations, analytical chemistry, solution chemistry to name…

ID: 724855 Florida, USA

Industrial Hygiene and Safety, Infection Controls, Risk Assessment & Management, Investigation, etc.

He has worked in industry and as a consultant to industry performing injury and illness investigation and root cause analysis. Rate reduction requires an understanding of the contributing causes. As causes and key contributing factors were identified, physical conditions, programs,…

ID: 724847 Texas, USA

Assessing Hospital, Governing Body and Medical Staff Liability, Risk, Vulnerability & Responsibility

Expert, author of a guide for assessing hospital liability, has more than 30 years successful multilevel, multidisciplinary management leadership and consulting experience in Fortune healthcare corporations. She has held management positions in six hospitals and consulted with more than sixty,…

ID: 724835 California, USA

Dentistry, Forensic Dentistry, Odontology, Standard of Care Issues

Expert has been in the full time private practice of Dentistry continuously now for over 30 years. He is very familiar with cariogenic agents as they relate to patients treated over the years. He constantly evaluates and uses new Dental…

ID: 724825 New Jersey, USA

In-Process Analytical, cGMP Auditing, Polymer Characterization, Analytical Lab Design and Management

Expert has 32 years of industrial analytical chemistry experience. For the last 24 years of that period, he headed the analytical R&D organization of International Specialty Products, a $1.7B specialty chemical company (as of 2007). In his time heading that…

ID: 724824 Florida, USA

Equipment Design and Manufacturing Processes: Automated Machine, ATEX-CENELEC, and ISO Compliance

Expert managed and created the design and build of multiple machines and units used for paper converting, printing, plastics manufacture, packaging, food processing, aircraft components, vision inspection and material handling. He supervised electro/ mechanical design department, composed of engineers, designers,…

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