Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 723993 North Carolina, USA

Agronomy, Regulated (GMO) & Regulated Crop/Seed Production, Management, USA, International shipments

Expert's experience in agricultural development includes introduction of center pivot irrigation for irrigated corn to western Nebraska in the early 1970's when the area had previously been considered only as a dry land wheat production land. He also worked in…

ID: 721781 Ohio, USA

Biomaterials and Product Development R&D for Orthopedic, Cardiovascular, and Other Implants

Expert has helped assemble, and been lead author on 510(k) and IDE applications to the FDA. This has often included telephone conversations, and occasionally personal visits, with the FDA to discuss unique aspects of the devices and/or materials in the…

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