Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Mechanical Engineering
Expert specializes in the analysis of products and systems in the automotive, thermal design, consumer product, and industrial environments. His work includes investigations of technical issues related to vehicles, liquid and gas flows, consumer appliances, and consumer electronics. He has…

GMP Compliance EPCMV of BioPharmaceutical Process, Clean Utilities, Systems, Facilities Engineering
He is a Health Canada Expert (in 2007) and a Senior BioProcess Engineer & Project Manager Consultant; He acquired more than 21 years’ experience with various BioPharma Industries & Consulting companies (SNC Lavalin Pharma), where more than 50 projects were…

Applied Mathmatics, Fluid Dynamics, Mineral Thickeners, Algae Growth, Aircraft Corrosion
Expert's PhD was in Civil Engineering on computational wind engineering, which led to engineering research work in many aspects of fluid dynamics and its mathematical modeling. There was a major project on sludge thickening for the minerals industry that was…

Fluid Mechanics
Expert's research interests are in the following areas: •Hydrodynamic stability theory, flows of liquid films and jets, non-linear wave processes, multiphase flows, interface phenomena, heat and mass transfer •Dissipative dynamical systems, bifurcation theory •Computational hydrodynamics He has published more 40…

Analysis, FEA, CFD, Medical Devices, Heat Transfer, Elastomers, Diffusion, Solar, Coupled Systems
Real invention and innovation most often springs from cross-fertilization and analogies from broad experience, quite apart from an entire career in a narrow field. See, for instance, Holyak and Thagard, "Mental Leaps: Analogy in Creative Thought". Expert is a broad…

Fluid and Thermal Science, Interfacial Fluid Flow
Expert has over 15 years of experience performing interfacial fluid flow research. The bulk of her work in this area has relied on mathematical modeling and numerical techniques. She has developed computational fluid dynamics algorithms to simulate incompressible, interfacial flows…

Thermal Management, Electronic Packaging, Mechanical Engineering
Worked on experimental and numerical simulation in two-phase heat and mass transfer, high-heat-flux cooling, spray, jet, flow boiling, aerospace thermal management, heat pipes, ice accretion, HVAC, turbomachinery, computational fluid dynamics: incompressible and viscous flows with heat transfer, signal processing, computer…

Fluid Agitation, Mixing, Fermentation, Vendor Evaluation, Blending, Gas Dispersion, Biofuels
He received his BSChE from the University of Cincinnati in 1976, and has taken a course on Fermentation Biotechnology from The Center for Professional Advancement. A registered Professional Engineer in Ohio, he has over 40 years’ experience in the design…

Fires, Explosions, Hazardous Chemicals, Chemical Burns and Toxic Exposure; Consumer and Industrial Products and Processes
CFEI, CPC, CChE, FAIC, FRSC, DABFET; Forensic Litigation Expert; Products Liability; Personal Injury Experienced, forensic expert witness for plaintiff or defense; both Federal and State. Accepting cases including, but not limited to: fires and explosions, hazardous chemicals, chemical burns and…

EUROPEAN ELECTRICAL STANDARD. Expert has worked in Europe since 1990 where he has become intimately involved with the modification of American-made products for the purpose of meeting European requirements and expectations. Specifically, he has coordinated the design and certification process…