Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

For inquiries or more information, please contact us at


Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 730210 Alabama, USA

Construction Safety

Expert has over 40 years' experience in worldwide professional safety. His work experience includes tenure as Corporate Safety and Security Director for four Engineering, Design and Construction Management Firms. This work has involved over 600 worldwide construction projects. Additionally, as…

ID: 729210 South Africa

International Industry Specialist in World Class Manufacturing

Expert consults internationally. He has designed and reengineered manufacturing plants for world leaders in their respective fields of manufacturing. Expert's work in the area of performance improvements has been exceptional with achievements of 770% and higher for his clients. Expert…

ID: 727790 Hong Kong

Physical Protection Systems

Expert has extensive knowledge of physical protection systems with expertise in Access Control, Analogue and IP Video Surveillance Systems for a wide range of markets with considerable experience within the Gaming/Casino sector. He has been involved in many high profile…

ID: 725392 Nebraska, USA

Metallurgical Engineering, Corrosion Engineering, Marine & Pipeline Corrosion, Cathodic Protection

Expert has performed research in aqueous corrosion, primarily in seawater. He has provided assistance in the design of equipment and facilities exposed to aqueous environments, including seawater, freshwater, potable water and wastewater. As seawater contains substantial amount of chloride, this…

ID: 724531 Maryland, USA

Accident Reconstruction,Brakes,Vehicle Safety;Automotive Engineering;Airbags,Seat Belts, Restraints

Expert (Ph.D., M. Eng) is the Principal Engineer of an internationally recognized consulting engineering firm with over 30 years of Scientific Motor Vehicle & Traffic Accident Reconstruction experience. Expert is an Automotive Engineer (M. Eng.) with Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Automotive…

ID: 724516 Pennsylvania, USA

Biomechanics, Vehicle accident reconstruction, Stress Analysis, Quality Control by Image Analysis

Everyday physiological activities generate impacts between the foot and ground. This dynamic loading influence the musculoskeletal system, especially bone creation and resorption. Dynamic loading on the human system is evaluated by the expert developed in-vivo, non-invasive methodology, where a small…

ID: 723388 California, USA

Display Materials, Lamp Materials, Electronic Materials (Powders, Thin Films, Nano) and Solar Cells

Expert is a multidiscipliarian managing development & commercialisation from start-ups to sales in electronic displays, lamps & electronic materials. He has spent nearly a decade developing hot, cold & sintered cathodes for gas discharge lamps including use in signage, automotive…

ID: 723350 California, USA

Adhesives for Medical Device, Biotech, Pharmaceuticals, Aerospace, Materials Science, QA, QC

With a PhD in organic chemistry expert has spent over 25 years developing adhesives, resins and advanced composites for a variety of applications. He started at the bench chemist level and worked his way up into R&D management. Some of…

ID: 722286 Spain

Sensing & Measurements, Quantum Mechanics, Solid State, & Thermal & Optical Technology

Expert received his Ph.D. in condensed-matter physics. He used quantum mechanics and Surface Green Function techniques to calculate electronic states and electronic bands at metallic superlattices, discovering, for example, the existence--under determined conditions-of the so-called Fermi beaches with high density…

ID: 107589 California, USA

Design for Manufacturability, Mass Customization, Build-to-Order, Concurrent Engineering

Expert is a const reduction expert that helps companies reduce cost as much as half the total cost through product development and cost savings through on-demand production and spontaneous (pull based) supply chains. He has developed leading-edge methodologies that show…

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