Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Polymer Processing, Rheology and Composites, including Nanocomposites
Expert has personal experience with resin transfer molding and pultrusion. He has published work on modeling of pultrusion of vinyl ester composites. He teaches a graduate-level course on composite material processing. Expert has been doing research on polymer nanocomposites since…
Internet, Ecommerce, Advertising, Search, Data Mgmt, Business Intelligence, Forensics, Mobile Apps
Expert has over seven years of professional experience in business intelligence, data warehousing and data integration with three patents granted in the areas of data transformation (ETL) and metadata. He has used and is familiar with number of products from…
Engineering and Operations in Thick Films, Components and Fuel Cells
He has cost engineering experience in materials system and component development and manufacturing. As part of broader product development activities, only materials and processes which are consistent with cost targets are selected. Validating that cost targets are met are critical…
Waterway Project Planning & Engineering Design, EIS’s, Permitting, Contaminated Sediment Remediation
Land-Forming and Waterway Engineering Project Development The processes associated with stepping through the “Project Continuum” associated with today’s high complexity/high diversity land-forming and waterway engineering projects are overwhelming. To progress through the gauntlet, each project must comprehensively address a spectrum…
Antitrust, Banking, Damages, Demography, Discrimination, Finance; IP Surveys, Statistics, Economics
Expert and his firm are responsible for all Quality Control on all litigation support activities for the Department of Justice. With an office of 15 professionals in the Washington DC metro area, they sample and evaluate the work of multiple…
Renewable Energy, Strategic Planning, Technology Development, LEAN Six Sigma, TQM, SBIR, R&D, etc.
Expert is an emerging leader in the field of hydrokinetic renewable energy and has provided expertise in business re-engineering, strategic planning, product development, and technology management to organizations operating in the nascent ocean renewable energy market space. He has directed…
Tire Design, Construction, Performance, Failure and All Related Matters
Expert has extensive experience in tyre (tire) design and failure analysis, having held senior positions with two of the world's largest tyre (tire) manufacturers, with experience spanning Australasia, Asia, the Middle East and parts of Africa. His subsequent consulting work…
Thermal Analysis, Finite Element, SINDA
All models start from simple schematic models. The simple model has as few nodes as possible in order to capture important features and gain insight. Complexity is added to the models until the desired refinement and accuracy is obtained. The…
Knowledge Visualization, Technology Integration, Open Standards, etc.
Expert has thirty years professional experience in private, consulting and government organizations. Throughout his career, he has focused on helping organizations develop business rules, manage knowledge, and develop more intuitive scientific, technical and business visualizations to better control and understand…
Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene, and Ergonomics
Twenty years of experience enables Expert to address the widest variety of occupational safety program issues. He is familiar with the federal regulations as well as the requirements in each of the dozen or so states which mandate written occupational…