Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 729232 Ohio, USA

Thin-Film Deposition, Lasers, Optical Spectroscopy, Cryogenics

The last twenty years Expert has worked in France, Japan and US holding positions in the industry, academia and government. He has contributed to the fields of nonlinear optics (bistability), superconductivity, thin-film deposition (in particular pulsed-laser deposition), photoluminescence of low…

ID: 729137 Missouri, USA

Near Infrared Spectroscopy, Multivariate Analysis, Pharmaceutical Analysis, (GMP)

Expert is an internationally recognized expert in pharmaceutical analysis, regulatory compliance, laboratory management, design quality, and process analytical technology using spectroscopic methods, including near-infrared and multivariate analysis. Nineteen years of industry experience with increasing responsibility and five years of policy…

ID: 727864 Maryland, USA

Product Development and Manufacturing Technology Transfer in Composite Materials for Industrial, Biotech and Medical Devices

Expert's principal expertise lies in conducting original research, development, and evaluation of alternative process capabilities, in support of new product development. His work has typically led to the establishment of new manufacturing platforms for a variety of material science-oriented businesses…

ID: 727451 Austria

Surface Technology, Coatings, Thin Film Deposition, PVD, Physical Vapour Deposition, Sputtering, PLD

He studied materials science with a focus on thin film materials, focussing in his PhD on process equipment and design of room-temperature deposited coating. As post-doc, he was employed to scale up deposition process from laboratory to industrially useable process…

ID: 727047 Spain

Semiconductor Device Modeling and Simulation, Compact MOSFET Models, EDA Tools

Prof Expert is has an extensive experience in research on semiconductor device physics, analysis - and, in particular, modeling. He is considered one of the top scientists in the compact modeling of semiconductor devices. He has been a pioneer in…

ID: 726178 Minnesota, USA

Polymer Design and Synthesis, Coating Formulation, Defect Analysis, Process Improvement

Expert in Formulating, Applying, Curing, and Troubleshooting Coatings for Ophthalmic Lenses, as well as Other Transparent or Polymeric Articles Chemistry With over 25 years of industrial experience, Expert, a degreed chemist, is an authority on the materials, equipment, and processing…

ID: 726164 North Carolina, USA

Flexible Packaging Processes: Rotogravure Printing, Extrusion Coating/Lamianting, Dry Bond

He has experience developing flexible packaging materials utilizing cold seals as sealants. His primary experience is in candy wrappers. He developed simplistic methods for assuring cold seal registration during production runs. He has developed flexible packaing laminations for food and…

ID: 726017 Minnesota, USA

Surface Engineering, Diamond like hard coating, material science, Medical device, hard disk

Most of Expert's scientific career has been devoted to the development of surface modification and thin film deposition technologies, including plasma nitriding, plasma carbonization, boriding, chromizing, cathodic arc, filtered cathodic arc, pulsed laser ablation, magnetron sputtering, pulsed mid-frequency dc magnetron…

ID: 725794 Washington, USA

Personal Care Cosmetics, Skin & Underam Care-Formulation Development-Application-Claim Support, INC Regulations, Ingredients, Formulation, Expert Witness

Besides working as Senior Principle Scientist for Kao Brands (Curel Technical Brand Mgr, Jergens Technical Leader, Ban AP innovation, John Frieda Innovation), Expert has worked for Dow Corning as a Senior Technical Service Scientist in the field of silicone chemistry,…

ID: 725142 California, USA

Photovoltaics, CdTe, Microfluidics, Bioengineering, Ultrasound, MEMS, E+M Simulation

Expert has a PhD in physics from Harvard and has subsequently spent four years of his career working on all aspects of solar from semiconductor device physics through utility-scale power plant design. Early stage biotech start-up, all around assistance. Purchased…

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