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Pharmaceutical Development; X-ray Computed Tomography; Tabletting; Particle Technology
Expert. Expert has extensive experience in numerical modelling particulate material manufacturing and characerisation, modelling and characeristion of the behaviour of particulate materials during the manufacturing processes for pharmaceutical and other particulate products at microscopic and macroscopic levels. In particular, he…

Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Medical Device Development and Licensing
Expert. Expert has been involved with biotech and pharmaceutical drug development for over 12 years. She has worked as protocol physician or development team leader in inflammatory bowel disease, osteoporosis, sexual dysfunction and gout. She has led the development of…

Travel Technology, Enterprise Architecture, SOA, ESB, Java, Oracle, CTO, Development Process
Expert is an executive level technologist who has spent nearly 20 years on the front line of technology as both a hands on technician as well as a manager of technology and technical personnel. His overarching goal has been to…

Financial Services Technology and Quantitative Development
Expert has spent over a decade modeling fixed income securities ranging from vanilla swaps and forward rate agreements through to CDOs, CLOs, ABS and other structured finance products. His skills extend from using sophisticated mathematical techniques for modeling through the…

Product Development and Manufacturing Technology Transfer in Composite Materials for Industrial, Biotech and Medical Devices
Expert's principal expertise lies in conducting original research, development, and evaluation of alternative process capabilities, in support of new product development. His work has typically led to the establishment of new manufacturing platforms for a variety of material science-oriented businesses…

Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Product Development, Formulation and Stabilization Technology
Expert has fifteen years of experience in product development, formulation development, and drug delivery for pharmaceutical and diagnostic industries. She has thoroughly developed skills in research planning, product formulation, and analytical problem solving. Expert has expertise in the fields of…

Membrane Technology, Process Development and Innovation Processes
Expert has broad experience ranging from fundamentals of membrane science to commercial applications in chemical separation, industrial gas separations, pervaporation, microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofilteration, reverse osmosis, membrane bio-reactors, gas-liquid contactors, fuel cell and battery separator membranes. Hands-on experience in hollow-fiber and…

Medical Device Technology, Clinical Research & Business Development
Expert has decades experience in Multi-modality medical imaging: digital x-ray, ultrasound, IVUS, MRI, intra-operative MRI, multi-slice and cone beam computed tomography, hybrid PET/CT and SPECT/CT, optical coherence tomography (OCT), endo-confocal microscopy and fluoroscopy imaging. Furthermore, he has experience in Image-guided…

Steel Tube Technology Management, QMS, EMS, OHSAS, TQM, Stretch Target Process/ Product Development
General: Proficiency in the primary areas A post graduate in Metallurgy ( univ gold Medalist) and an MBA with 37 years of primary expertise in the following major areas: 1. Quality Management, Quality Assurance 2. Product and process development 3.…

Drug Discovery & Development Technology and Intellectual Property (Patents, Trade Marks, etc.)
He has had the Drug Discovery Department, as part of his role as Director R & D, at Wockhardt Limited, discover several new NCEs during the tenure of this position, which NCEs are more extensively described in a later section…