Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Green and Clean Energy: Petrochemical, Refining, and Downstream Chemical and Utilities Sectors: Pre-commissioning, Commissioning, and Plant Startup
Executive summary: Expert has 17 years' experience in the petrochemical, refining, and downstream chemical and utilities sector. His experience includes pre-commissioning, commissioning, plant routine startup, shutdown, and emergency operations. His management roles include service as process trainer and process commissioning…

Organic Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Material Science
Expert has over 25 years of industrial experience in a variety of areas ranging from chemical synthesis, pharmaceutical chemistry, sensors, light to energy conversion, membranes, nanotechnology, security technology, analytical methods, chemical additives, combinatorial chemistry and process separation technologies. Expert is…

Diving Accident Investigation
Bob notes that corrosion is a major problem that affects many industries. Bob has spent over forty years studying and solving corrosion problems in the construction, aerospace, defense, petroleum, utility and related industries. He was also the technical editor of…

Petroleum Processing Chemistry and Oil Products Compositional Chemistry
Expert was the lead process chemist supporting Acid Gas Amine Treating units in Shell US and Canadian Refineries and for Shell Canada Gas Plants. Expert also provided technical support Canadian Gas plants operating Shell licienced Amine systems (SCOTT and Sulfinol-D…

Oil and Gas and Refining: Processing, Consulting, Advisory, Supervision, and Process/Operations Commissioning
Through many years of studying and working on numerous different sour/acid gas treatment sections, he was able to resolve and manage both large and small absorbers, ( normally called contactors ), bringing the cleansing ratios down 0.0 on both grains…

Process Engineering and Chemistry of Inorganic Chemicals
Expert W. Expert has 20 years’ experience in process design and operation of chlorine manufacturing facilities. He has worked on projects including the development of material and energy balances and the equipment sizing for a 15% chlorine plant expansion, troubleshooting…

Corrosion and Metallurgical Failure Analysis
Expert notes that corrosion is a major problem that affects many industries. Expert has spent over forty years studying and solving corrosion problems in the construction, aerospace, defense, petroleum, utility and related industries. He was also the technical editor of…

Air, Water and Solid Waste Pollution Control & Energy Recovery in US & Asia
Expert was responsible for the introduction of activated carbon fiber adsorption systems into the U.S. as a licensee of the Japanese firm that developed them. This involved technical liaison with the Japanese as well as sales/marketing to customers. He was…

Mercury Recovery/Recycling
Professional Summary: With more than thirty years of metallurgical, corrosion, environmental and chemical engineering experience, Expert offers expertise in: • Large steel tanks nondestructive inspection with ultrasound, magnetic particle, dye penetrant, X-ray, and gamma-ray • Large tank repair and corrosion…

Sour Gas Chemistry
Expert A. Expert has spent over eight years conducting research on the Claus process for a major sour gas producer. During this time he compared the performance of commercial and experimental catalysts, investigated catalyst deactivation, and improved procedures for catalyst…