Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Energy & Process Piping Design
PIPE; PIPELINE; CIVIL ENGINEERING. Expert has over 35 years of experience in mechanical and civil/structural engineering, principally in the design and analysis of industrial process and energy-related structures, equipment, piping, pipelines, and support. PIPING CODE; BOILER CODE. Expert is an…

Theoretical Physics, Acoustics, SONAR, Signal Processing, Piezoelectric
Expert has studied theoretical acoustics for the past 20 years. His work is strongly mathematical, extending beyond the wave equation to non-linear acoustics and propagation and to noise and even temperature. His work applies to a very wide range of…

CAD, Computer-Aided Design, Mechanism Design, Product Design, Equipment Design
COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN; COMPUTER-AIDED MECHANICAL DESIGN. Expert has been a 3D CAD user for the past 14 years. He has done recent studies analyzing and justifying his companies migration from 3D wireframe design systems to solid modeling design and simulation systems.…

Thermal Spray Technology
Expert has expertise in thermally sprayed coating, with particular emphasis on their production, characterization and mechanical testing. He is the co-director of a thermal spray laboratory. He has 18 years research experience in thermal spray coatings; with a particular focus…

Protein Biochemistry, Glycoproteins
Expert has spent much of his career involved in studies of the glycoprotein hormone family of gonadotropins. He has been involved in their protein chemistry, including purification of hormones and important natural fragments, primary structural work, and generation of antibodies.…

Mechanical Engineering, Cavitation Erosion
HYDRAULICS; OCEAN ENGINEERING; WATER-JET CLEANING. Expert (prefers Dr. Thiru) has extensive experience applying his expertise in hydraulics to ocean engineering and industry. Dr. Thiru is a recognized expert in materials research and has demonstrated a deep understanding of material behavior…

Threaded Fasteners Reliability
THREADED FASTENER TIGHTENING. Expert is trained in the stress and reliability disciplines of engineering. He has over 25 years of experience designing transducers, instruments, and controls for testing, measurement, and control of the threaded fastener tightening process. THREADED FASTENER RELIABILITY.…

Composite Materials
Expert has had extensive experience in cost/performance trade studies for the selection of composite materials. These materials use graphite, aramid, glass, and polyolefin fibers with epoxy, vinyl ester, and other thermosetting resins. Expert has knowledge of the structural capabilities, limitations,…

Patran, Apex, Finite Element Analysis, Nastran, Metal Failure, Random Vibration, Strength Assessment
ABAQUS; PATRAN; NASTRAN. Expert has had three years of experience in the application of NASTRAN to space shuttle dynamics problems. He has ten years of experience in the development and technical support of PATRAN FE modeling software and interfaces between…