Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 739246 Pennsylvania, USA

Biomedical engineering, Biology, Neuroscience, Nanotechnology, Bioengineering

Expert is an Assistant Professor at the University of Pittsburgh. He is a bioengineer and a neuroscientist who is building technologies to treat diseases of the nervous system (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and brain cancers). His expertise includes molecular biology, protein engineering, neuroscience,…

ID: 738923 Kenya

Urban Planning/GIS Analysis/Environment

An urban and regional planner with aspirations of bringing new ideas and approaches to the profession. Expert has an avid interest in data science with in-depth knowledge of Urban planning, Urban Resilience, GIS, Resettlement Action Planning, Environmental Management, and research…

ID: 733497 Canada

Geomatics and Geospatial Technologies

Summary of Qualifications: • A Senior Geomatics Engineer/Specialist with 16 years of local and international experience (Canada, USA, UK, The Netherlands, Qatar, Oman and Dubai) in Engineering, Construction and Information Management fields as Senior Technical Consultant, Development Manager, Design Engineer,…

ID: 731766 Michigan, USA

Geostatistics, Multivariate Statistics, Site Characterization, Uncertainty Modeling, Sampling Design

Expert has 20 year experience in the geostatistical analysis of environmental data and health outcomes. He has more than 140 referred publications in the field of theoretical and applied geostatistics, including the 4th most highly cited textbook in geostatistics, totaling…

ID: 729707 Switzerland

Semiconductor Radiation, Relative Humidity, Gas Flow, Differential Pressure Sensors

Expert received his M.Sc. in Physics from the Technical Institute of Zurich (ETHZ in German) in 2002 and his Ph.D. in Physics about semiconductor silicon radiation sensors from Helsinki University in 2006. He spent his Ph.D. studies at CERN, Geneva,…

ID: 729201 United Kingdom

Software Development, Spatial Data Processing, Image Processing, and Earth Observation

Expert joined the Institute Geography and Earth Sciences in September 2004 for his Ph.D. where upon completion in the summer of 2007 he received a lectureship in remote sensing and GIS. Prior to joining the department, Expert received a BEng(Hons)…

ID: 727749 California, USA

Electromagnetic Systems, Directed Energy, Radar, Electronic Warfare, New Technology Acquisition.

Expert has researched the PV cell technologies now in production and in the pipeline. While promising incremental efficiency and cost improvements abound, several "completely different" approaches were found that can produce 80%-90% conversion efficiencies across broad spectral bands at roll-to-roll…

ID: 725039 India

Aerial Remote Sensing, Mapping, Surveying, Photogrammetry and GIS

Expert has planned many aerial survey tasks for mapping, reconnaissance using large format aerial cameras, ALTM systems and other sensors like aeromagnetic scanners, Deadulus scanner etc. He has good track record of fixing flying altitude, scale and selecting type of…

ID: 724829 North Carolina, USA

Biomaterials, Medical Device Rapid Prototyping, and Laser Processing of Materials

Since their invention in the early 1960s, lasers have found many uses in the medical field. Most current medical applications of lasers involve use as a “universal scalpel” in minimally invasive surgeries, which offer little contact, little blood loss, shorter…

ID: 721783 Maryland, USA

Defense and Law Enforcement Technology: Remote Sensing, Infrared & Optical Systems, Radars, etc.

Through his experience at DARPA, expert has done numerous evaluations of technology and developed many contacts in industry. This allows for the possibility of a technical idea becoming an actual product or capability. He has also done consulting for various…

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