Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 108019 Texas, USA

Storage Terminal Design/Air Emission/Pollution Control/Combustion Systems

Expert has spent 10 years of his career with a company that designs and sells various combustion systems. His experience with gas flares and flare systems runs from the design to the installation and operation of the actual equipment. He…

ID: 108004 Minnesota, USA

Physical Chemistry of Food & Drugs

FOOD CHEMISTRY; FOOD DRYING. Expert is a recognized authority in the physical chemistry of the stability of dry and semi-moist systems including foods, drugs, and biologies. His major research areas deal with the effect of temperature and are properties of…

ID: 715780 New York, USA

Process Analysis & Simulation

DECAFFEINATION & OTHER SEPARATION PROCESSES; NONSOLVENT DECAFFEINATION. Expert (prefers "Expert") is a recognized authority in the field of decaffeination. He has many patents involving decaffeination, including two of the basic nonsolvent procedures (water and supercritical carbon dioxide.) In his work…

ID: 715305 Georgia, USA

Chemical Engineering; Pulp & Paper Engineering

Expert (pronounced "Shay") has over 30 years of combined academic and industry R & D experience in the chemical and pulp and paper industries. He has worked in production capacity expansion, cost reduction, new process design, product development, mathematical modeling,…

ID: 107895 Georgia, USA

Metal Can Manufacturing and Filling Problems, Printing, Anilox Rolls, Inks & Coatings, etc.

Expert has over 20 years of experience in the metal container industry with specific emphasis in can manufacturing, R&D, interior and exterior can coatings, can evaluation, cost reduction analysis, chemical/ physical testing of can components and canned products, and can…

ID: 714578 Connecticut, USA

Biomass Power Generation Technology and Engineering: Design, Construction and Operations

Expert has expertise in multiple forms of energy generation, including steam boilers and gas turbine prime movers. He also has experience with gas and fuel oil reciprocating engine generators and small-head hydroelectric facilities. He is expert in the utility and…

ID: 714105 California, USA

Fossil Fuel Hydroprocessing

Expert has devoted his research career to catalysis, especially in the areas of fossil fuel hydroprocessing and solid acid catalysis. He has done research on polymer supported catalysts, supported metal catalysts, especially novel catalysts made from metal clusters and other…

ID: 107793 Arizona, USA

Materials Processing

SIZE REDUCTION OF SOLIDS; GRINDING (COMMINUTION). Expert (prefers "Expert") has spent a significant portion of his career in size reduction technology, chiefly involving himself with the identification, selection, and qualification of crushing, grinding, and milling processes. He has developed processes…

ID: 107719 Minnesota, USA

Analytical Chemistry, data analysis, liquid and gas chromatography and chemical separation science,

CHROMATOGRAPHY. For the past 35 years, expert has specialized in many different sub-fields of chromatography, including HPLC, reversed phase LC, gas chromatography, affinity chromatography, and ion chromatography. He has published extensively in all of these fields. Additionally, he has pioneered…

ID: 107710 Massachusetts, USA

X-Ray Imaging

Expert is the inventor, designer, and project scientist/program manager of a number of different X-ray imaging systems, ranging from satellite-based X-ray telescopes to large systems for nondestructive imaging of 50 ton rocket motors and nuclear pressure vessels. Expert has both…

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