Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Blown Film Coextrusion, Corona Treatment, Sheet Extrusion, Bag Making, Food Packaging, Distillation
Expert graduated from Universidad of Trujillo – Peru in 1972. Just after that, he was hired by Nissan Motor Company to perform as a supervision engineer for the car painting section. Here, he developed technical skills related to formulation of…
Rotogravure Printing, Flexo Printing Operation, Flexible Packaging Manufacturing, and Printing Inks
Expert can suggest and design any type of pouches/bags/packaging in flexible packaging. He also has extensive experience with different bagging machinery. He knows "bag-in-box packaging; he designed it for Bangkok based converter. Expert has worked on different structures of flexible…
Food Service Management and Institutional Kitchen Design, Food Safety, Food Service Training, Food Operations Review, Retail Foods, FDA
His expertise in business management is related to the management of food service operations and systems. He uses his thirty five years of managing multi-unit food service facilities and his experience teaching Food Organization and Management, a upper division class…
Predictive Diagnostics, Machinery Vibration, Industrial Data Science, Sensors and Instrumentation, and Industrial IoT
Expert spent many years working with vibration issues in machinery. His experience ranges from engineering research and design of low noise and vibration machinery to practical vibration analysis and control of machinery installed in the field. The success in resolution…
Filtration Membrane Processes and Equipment, Converting and Process Equipment Design and Startup
Professional Engineer (Chemical) with 20+ years of experience in process development, project engineering and project management roles. Expert provides multi-disciplined versatility with superb analytical skills to identify issues during equipment/facility design and construction, and provide solutions to keep projects on…
Polymer Processing; Pilot Plant Design; Process Development
After 20 years working for chemical companies expert changed his career to work full-time on chemical plant design. He has worked 15 years for engineering and construction companies doing chemical plant design (chemicals, polymers, pharmaceutical and related fields). He continued…
Chemical Process Industries, Waste Water and Air Pollution Control
Expert has wide ranging experience in the efficient application of Chemical Engineering principals such as Unit operations, Unit Processes and materials of construction towards economic & safe conversion of raw materials into useful products, and sound environmental stewardship. He has…
Food Packaging, Retail Products Packaging, Foodservice Packaging, Packaging Materials and Processes
Expert has shown the ability to identify and implement packaging cost savings throughout his career. He reduced the material usage of a cupped pudding product by reducing the plastic cup material thickness while maintaining production line speeds and the stacking…
Grinding Processes and Technology, Power Tool Accessories Testing and Manufacture
52100 steel is the primary material used for standard bearings and automotive products that act as raceway materials. It is also common to use the material for bearing balls. The expert has extensive experience grinding the hardened form of this…
Optical and Photonic Design and Engineering
He has extensive experience designing optical systems for astigmatic coherent laser beams. He is familiar with techniques for laboratory measurements of beam properties and can use real beam profiles as inputs to beam propagation analysis and the design of corrective…