Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Organic Chemistry and Sulfur Chemistry
Expert has expertise in chemistry, especially in the area of sulfur chemistry. His research interests include synthetic and mechanistic chemistry with an emphasis on organosulfur, selenium, phosphorus, silicon, and tin molecules. He is particularly interested in new methods of synthesis.…

Power Electronics and Switched Mode Power Supplies
Expert has spent a large part of his career developing products in technical leadership positions in the general category of power electronics. He is a member of the IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Society and has attended and presented papers and…

Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Technology
Expert has expertise in the areas of multiphase flow and heat transfer technology, particularly the measurement and modelling of vapor/liquid and solid/fluid systems. His expertise includes boiling and condensing heat transfer, two-fluid modelling, and instability analysis. Expert has applied his…

Colloid Chemistry, Coolant & Antifreeze Formulations, Organic Coatings & Shelf Life, etc.
COOLANT FLUID; ANTIFREEZE FLUID. Expert has expertise in the formulation of colloidal suspensions, such as Latex, antifreeze, and coolant formulations. He has acted a an expert witness in lawsuits involving antifreeze formulations. ORGANIC COATING MATERIAL; PAPER COATING. He has over…

Mathematics, Modeling, & Thermodynamics
Expert R. Expert has written commercial software using Microsoft Visual Basic that incorporates .DLL's compiled in other languages. This software incorporates sophisticated user interfaces as well as computational and database capabilities. Expert has extensive experience in the efficient implementation of…

Manufacturing Technology
MANUFACTURING; INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING. Expert has extensive knowledge in the applications of manufacturing technology. He has taught and consulted for more than 20 years on topics such as setup reduction methods, just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing systems, design for manufacturability, mistake-proofing, and world…

Corrosion in Plant, Buildings, HVAC, Hi-Temp, Surveys/Failure Analysis; Expert Witness, Seminars
Expert has over 35 years of experience in practical aspects of materials utilization involving steels, stainless and high alloy steels, nickel and nickel alloys, copper and copper alloys, aluminum and aluminum alloys, and titanium and titanium alloys in many corrosive…

Product Design and Manufacturing, Materials, Fastening and Joining, Consumer Product and Safety
Expert was responsible, as a project engineer, for the origination of four product lines that have achieved No.1 with Consumer Reports, plus a significant contributor to others. Clients have ranged from start-ups to Kirby, Stratasys, Black & Decker, Toro, Andersen…

Paper Processing, particularly Tissue Processing
Expert has spent 40 years in the area of paper web forming, especially tissue grades, both layered and monoply. He has taught portions of the TAPPI short courses on tissue, wet end operations, and twin-wire forming. He has performed laboratory…

Structural Engineering
STRUCTURAL MECHANICS. Expert has expertise in all aspects of structural mechanics. He has consulted with many federal agencies and private firms on diverse structural problems. He taught undergraduate and graduate courses in engineering mechanics and structural analysis and design while…