Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Mucosal and Systemic Immunity to Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens
Expert performs research in the area of infectious diseases (bacterial and mycotic) in germfree and conventional animal models. He is the acting director of the Germfree Research Laboratory at Employer, and has over 20 years experience performing research and teaching…
Web Development, Database Driven Wrb Applications dDvelopment, Yahoo! Stores and Ecommerce Solutions
Expert has spent the past 20 years in engineering of surface mount technology (SMT) and hybrid microelectronics. He has concentrated on automated assembly and design for manufacturability. He founded AMTI (The Advanced Manufacturing Technology Institute) to provide a core group…
Pharmaceutical Technology, Manufacturing, Quality Systems and Regulations; GMPs and GLPs
Expert specializes in the field of pharmaceutical technology with particular emphasis on the development, manufacture, quality control and quality assurance of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. As a professional consultant to the healthcare manufacturing industries, he works with about 30 worldwide…
Molecular Sieve Systems, Activated Carbon Systems, and Cryogenic High Purity Adsorption
ACTIVATED CARBON SYSTEM. Expert has spent most of his 36 year career applying various adsorbents to separation or purification functions. He has designed and supervised the construction and startup of numerous activated carbon adsorption systems for use in hydrogen purification…
Educational Assessment and Curriculum Development for Early Childhood, Special Education Assessment
A significant portion of Expert's career in educational assessment has involved the research and development of assessment tools and procedures for young children and adolescents. She considers herself a problem solver who solves learning problems. She developed a screening test,…
Geophysical Investigations
GEOPHYSICS; MINERAL RESOURCE EXPLORATION. Expert has extensive experience in the use of geophysical techniques for solving geological and engineering problems. His primary skill lies in the application of non-seismic geophysical methods for environmental, groundwater and geotechnical investigations. He has also…
Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Science Management
Expert has centered a major portion of his research on the study of process technologies for use in the fruit and vegetable industry. These process technologies include traditional concerns such as thermal processing, filtration, concentration, and raw product storage. In…
Business Strategies
Strategic Planning; Project Planning; Performance Measurements; Balanced Scorecard: Expert has extensive experience in strategic planning, and C-level team facilitation. He has conducted strategic business planning for manufacturing, construction, publishing, distribution, and service industries. He has been involved with formulating mission…
Enterprise Management Systems
Expert has spent a majority of his career involved in assisting companies select and implement systems to manage the process of manufacturing. His work has included almost every major software product for mainframe, mid-range, and minicomputers, as well as many…
Industrial Relocation, Manufacturing Efficiency & Engineering, Industrial Economy Analysis, etc.
SIMULTANEOUS ENGINEERING. Expert has consulted with several companies and taught graduate-level classes in simultaneous engineering. He is the author of technical articles on the subject, including his best selling book. He has conducted seminars, written articles, and consulted with several…