Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Medicinal Plants Sourcing, Growing and Layout, and Maintenance of Botanic Gardens
Expert with his knowledge in agronomical aspects of crops, was able to grow and conduct research in wide range of vegetables, fruits, flowers and medicinal herbs. He worked in coconut research station, potato and vegetable and fruit research stations before…

Medical Devices; Product Development, Manufacturing, Marketing, Business Practices, Intellectual Property, Commercial Contracts, Corporate Finance, M&A
Global leader and serial entrepreneur in the medical device industry with multiple successes in building companies, teams, products, and revenues. Experienced at bringing new products to the world market in a high-growth dynamic environment. Experienced Board member and Chairman in…

Forestry, Tally
Expert has nine years experience as a Forester in the Department. His main duty is the conservation of nature by protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction. He has worked in the evergreen remote forest areas…

Economics and Funding of Regeneration
Expert is a chartered accountant in practice as a management consultant for over 30 years. He has specialised in the economics and financing of physical regeneration with particular reference to the development of property and the operation of businesses serving…

Agricultural Engineering, Post-Harvest Technology, Grain Storage and Processing, Farm Machinery
Since graduating in Agricultural Engineering (Machine Design) from the National College of Agricultural Engineering at Silsoe (UK), Expert worked as a product design engineer dealing with original designs of tractors, harvesting and planting equipment and carried out analysis of warranty…

International Taxation, Auditing & Assurance Services
Promoted first green field project for UB Group/Chabbria Group in India, Commercialised Broadcasting Corporation in Zambia successfully and turned the department into commercially viable organization; Advising MNCs in International Taxation and expatriates in Global Tax Compliance; Associated with more than…

Agri-Supply Chain Management, Cotton, Sesame, Tobacco, Coffee
Expert has applied his supply chain management with special emphasis to cotton and sesame crops growing, buying in Uganda with two major international companies Olam Uganda and The Defunct Copcot East Africa Cotton Trading Company which operated under Expert Reinhart…

Wheat Flour Milling; Maize Grit Milling; Gram Flour Milling
Expert. Expert has the experience and proficiency in designing lay out, complying as per guidelines of HACCP, of cereal and grain milling industry. Expert. Expert has the expertise to prepare process flow chart, supervising commissioning of the project and also…

China Sourcing and Manufacturing, Importing and Exporting, Supply Chain Strategy and Software
Expert is president of a consulting firm. She is a seasoned executive with an MBA, 25 years of experience in Supply Chain Management, Project Management and ERP Systems Consulting. Prior to BSC, she was a Senior Director at SAP, the…

Agricultural Biotechnology, Genetically Modified Crops, GM Food, Biosafety
Dr. C.S. Expert, Professor in Plant Molecular Genetics and the Director of Center for Plant Biotechnology Research at Tuskegee University, oversees the research on food crops of importance to developing countries and training of scientists and students in plant biotechnology.…