Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Corporate Governance, Business Strategy Review, Business Intelligence/ Audit, and Compensation
Expert J. Expert has experience with board director and executive review, evaluation, and management of events as they change and occur in business. He believes that effective board and managerial control succeeds when strategies acknowledge a logical view of decision-making…

Edible Oil
An expert on edible oils, Expert is well known in the industry for his studies of oil-related issues. During his 16 years at Proctor & Gamble, he served in various capacities on oil refining, quality assurance, and product manufacturing. He…

Market Assessments, Competitive Intelligence
Expert. Expert has over 15 years experience in identifying and analyzing competing technology-based products or services and their producers. During this time she has provided competitive analysis and intelligence to private- and publicly-funded venture/seed capital investment funds as well as…

Extrusion Technology, Food and Feed Extrusion, Soybean Processing, Halal Foods,
Expert directs the food and feed extrusion program at the University's Food Protein R & D Center. With eight different extruders, Expert believes he has the most complete food and feed extrusion pilot plant at any U.S. university. The Center…

Plant Breeding, Plasticulture, Agricultural Plastics, Mulch Film, etc.
Dr. J. Expert's expertise lies in breeding cucurbit crops, including melon, squash, and pumpkin. He has developed popular early varieties of melon for northern latitudes which are widely used by commercial growers, bush strains of Cucurbita maxima, and high yielding,…

Insulating Oils, Heat Transfer, Electronics Cooling, Environmental Lubricants, synthetic lubricants
Expert has many years of experience working with electrical insulating and heat transfer fluids (including insulating oils) and the dielectric properties of liquid and solid materials. He is considered an expert on material characteristics and heat transfer with all types…

Electronics Manufacturing & Testing
Expert has been consulting with electronics companies on manufacturing and test strategies and processes for devices, printed-circuit boards, and systems for more than 15 years, including test-strategy development, design-for-testability, design-for-manufacturability, electronic fault diagnosis, failure analysis, and concurrent engineering. He emphasizes…

Chemical Engineering, Enzymes
Expert has spent the majority of his professional career developing and refining the use of chemical engineering techniques to design biochemical reactors holding enzymes and microbial cells. Expert is an Anson Marston Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Employer's Chemical Engineering program.…

Materials (grain, fertilizer, rock, coal, wood chips, etc.) Handling, Storage and Processing. Facilities, Bins, Silos, Mills and Related Equipment and Processes
Expert has expertise in bulk materials handling, storage, and processing systems particularly in regard to the agricultural industry. He specializes in the structure and systems design of pre-engineered buildings, bins, silos, and bunkers. He has experience in the specification, design,…

Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Science Management
Expert has centered a major portion of his research on the study of process technologies for use in the fruit and vegetable industry. These process technologies include traditional concerns such as thermal processing, filtration, concentration, and raw product storage. In…