Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Scrap Metal Recycling, Marketing, Valuation, Processing, Handling, Contracting
Expert is an expert in most aspects of scrap metal recycling. He has a B.S. in Materials Science (Metallurgical Engineering) from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1972. He has worked in, and owns processing and marketing companies in the scrap metal industry…

Recycling, Scrap Metal, Paper, Plastic, and Rubber
Expert has almost 40 years of experience in the recycling and scrap processing industry. He spent the first 15 years in senior management at scrap processing companies, where his vast responsibilities included operations, sales, marketing, quality control, environmental compliance, and…

Scrap Metal and Electronics Recycling and Operations
Expert has over 45 years of experience in the scrap metal industry in management, marketing and operations, new steel fabrication and business brokerage and business development. As a part of a scrap processing facility in St. Louis, he was directly…

International Metals Trade
Expert is a scrap metal trader with 15+ years of experience in non-ferrous metals, ferrous metals, industrial scrap, international trade (import and export), INCO terms, payment terms, quality issues/negotiations, shipping lines, operations, contractual terms, and industry best practices.

Recycling, Auctioning of Machinery and Equipment, Real Estate, Demolition, Renewable Energy
Expertise is in the Recycling, auctioning of machinery and equipment, and real estate. Formed his company in December 1985. Contracted services for over 10 years to several auction companies including Ross-Dove Co. where, as Senior Vice President was charged with…

Scrap Metal Shredding, Operation of Scrap processing Plants, Separation of Metals, Safety At and Around Shredding Machines, Management of Scrap Processing Plants
Expert has been involved with the design, selling and manufacture and operation of shredding machines since he invented the first practical scrap shredding machine in the early 1960's. Expert's shredders are the most widely used shredders in the world. From…

Steel and Material Handling
Expert has had operational management positions in blast furnace, coke oven, EAF steelmaking, continuous casting and hot rolling mills. Following from his career in the direct steel industry, Expert has had ten years' consulting experience in the steel and material…

Precious Metals Chemistry, Mining, Refining
Expert is an inorganic chemist/ extractive metallurgist who has been active in precious metals recovery and refining for 24 years, mainly gold, silver, platinum and palladium. He has a thorough knowledge of pyro-, hydro- and electro-metallurgy methods, processes, capital equipment,…

Copper Smelting, Copper Refining, Copper Recycling and Copper Rod Making
Has extensive experince in Copper Melting in Induction furnace, Arc Furnace, Oil fired furnaces as well as Shaft furnace Set up a secondary copper smelter for recovering Copper from wastes using Kaldo Technology Operated a Conventional copper refinery at Khetri…

Textile Flammability and Dyes, QC for Color, Textile Environmental, Training
Expert has over 25 years experience with bleaching textile materials composed of cotton, flax, wool, polyester and viscose on a full range of equipment including continuous steaming(roller and flatbed), jiggers, pad-batch, jets yarn package, skein and garment laundry. He is…