Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Environmental Analysis and Forensic Ecology
Environmental forensics The field of environmental forensics is an emerging discipline, and covers a wide range of environmental sciences. Expert specialises in forensic ecology - the examination of environmental accidents, especially (but not exclusively) affecting aquatic habitats. His work has…
Agricultural Engineering, Post-Harvest Technology, Grain Storage and Processing, Farm Machinery
Since graduating in Agricultural Engineering (Machine Design) from the National College of Agricultural Engineering at Silsoe (UK), Expert worked as a product design engineer dealing with original designs of tractors, harvesting and planting equipment and carried out analysis of warranty…
Sensors and LabVIEW Based Instrumentation Systems
Expert. Expert is an Electrical/Electronic Engineer (PhD, CEng) with an extensive background in product line life-cycle management and R&D of sensors and LabVIEW based instrumentation/measurement systems. Currently, he manages as a Senior Systems Engineer the development, life-cycle and production of…
Behaviour Management, Physical Restraint, Special Education Needs, Personal Safety
Expert has worked with children and young people who exhibit serious challenging behaviour for over 20 years with 12 years experience as a school principal managing a series of successful groups of schools. He has also advised government departments, local…
Training, Conflict Resolution, Diversity
Expert, BSc (Hons) Psych, Dip PM, Chartered FCIPD has worked in Personnel, Training, and Safety, for over 20 years. He holds a Statement of Competence in Occupational Testing at Level A from the British Psychological Society and is certified at…
Environment, Sustainable Development, Climate Change, Resilience, and Vulnerability
Expert gained a BSc and a PhD, in 1975 and 1978 respectively, from the University of London. At around the time of finalising his PhD he took a three-month course in coral reef ecology at the Discovery Bay Marine Laboratory…
Occupational and Office Ergonomics, Human Factors Engineering, Occupational Safety
This expert has worked as an ergonomic-human factors engineering consultant and expert witness in the areas of industrial, office, agriculturial, transportation ergonomics, human factors engineering, industrial engineering and occupational safety and health. This has required competence, familiarity and understanding of:…
Human Factors, Ergonomics, Usability, Learning and Development
Expert provides a full suite of human factors and ergonomics services to help you plan, design, develop and assess environments, products, or systems that are effective, efficient, safe, easy to use and easy to learn. With 18 years experience involved…
International Standards – Quality, Environment, H&S, Business Continuity, Information Security
Expert has implemented a number of management systems around the globe for organisations looking to improve their business through standards. Having worked for the British Standards Institution for over 10 years and with now over 10 years consultancy he is…
Implementation and maintenance of Quality Management Systems, Pharmaceutical GMP for Excipients
Expert has applied his scientific background in various companies over the past 25 years. He has set up and managed spectrophotometric and electron microscopy laboratories - choosing and installing (including EDX and WDX analysers), undertaking research and developing a range…