Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Usabililty Analysis, Human Factors, Premises & Product Safety & Liability
Ms. Expert has an extensive background in Human Factors, Ergonomics, Usability, and Research Psychology, totaling over 25 years of experience. Her career began in aviation and aerospace where she worked on the design of displays & controls for military and…
Safety, Ergonomics and Human Factors
Has provided workplace safety and injury reduction programs for several organizations including hospitals, industrial organizations and governmantal entities. Has investigated hundreds of product liability and personal injury accident cases in the area of human factors, safety, and industrial-organizational psychology. Issues…
Industrial Hygiene, Safety, Indoor Air Quality, Mold, Asbestos, Lead Based Paint, Environmental
Performed indoor air quality assessments for over twenty years. Experienced in testing for fungi (mold), bacteria, endotoxins, allergens, volatile organic compounds (VOC), welding fume, asbestos, silica, particulates, and gases. Managed and performed numerous asbestos projects for over twenty years. Inspected…
Ceramic, Graphite & Composites. Forensic engineering in glass & ceramic.
He has a comprehensive ceramic component manufacturing experience. This encompasses everything from ceramic materials and process development, production scale up and running of a production operation, as well as marketing and sales, excelling in all areas. He has worked in…
HVAC, Air-Conditioning and Fire Protection Systems
Expert is a Specialist Mechanical Engineer with excellent design experience in facilities development, Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (HVAC), Fire Protection and Plumbing services for industrial and commercial building services projects. He has been involved setting up grass root projects from…
Forensic Electrical Electronic Engineering, Fire Investigations, Patent Infringement, Reverse Engineering, and Failure Analysis
Expert has worked in electronic forensics and patent infringement analysis. He specializes in all types of electronic devices, systems and products. Expert is a registered Electrical PE in the following states: North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia,…
Forensic Engineering, Failure Analysis, Metallurgy, Corrosion, Slip and Fall, Mechanical Design, R&D
Expert is a registered & Board-Certified Professional Engineer in the State of Texas, with 74 publications, 23 Invited Talks and Lectures, and 27+ years of experience in engineering R&D in industry and academia, Consulting, and Expert Witness Litigation Support including…
Statistical Consulting, Biostatistics, Statistical Support to Litigation
Expert has over 13 years experience as statistician and Director of Biometrics in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, he has 8 years experience as a Professor of Statistics at the University of Florida. He served as functional manager for statistics,…
Environmental Management, Hazardous Remediation, Wastewater Treatment, Stormwater, Groundwater
The expert has been involved in the design of biological industrial wastewater treatment plants, and he was a key official in the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, where he regulated these plants. The expert has been involved in…
Chemical Engineering, Process Plant Design, Biofuels, Economic Feasibility
Interests in adsorption go back to his PhD when he studied adsorption of proteins to polymers. He did an extensive surface chemistry course at the time and did a lot of work on zeta potential of particles. Since then he…