Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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RNAi, Proteomics, Functional Genomics, Gene Expression, Automated Image Analysis
Expert. Expert's has 30 years of experience in the fields of developmental genetics, signal transduction and genomics. By developing, improving, and applying a number of genetic techniques (germline clones, FLP/FRT, Gal4/UAS, etc.), his group identified many key components of the…
Organic Chemistry, Chromatography, Spectroscopy, Pesticide Analysis, Sugar Cane and Editing
Expert. Expert is an expert in organic chemistry. While working on his projects, he synthesized various organic molecules. His project on the production of bio-plastics from sugarcane biomass attracted a research grant of € 934,500 from the European Union to…
Remote Sensing, Satellite Communications, Radar, Microwave and RF technologies
Expert is a Fellow of IEEE with over forty years experience in NASA, DOD and commercial space programs. He is experienced in radio frequency space communications and satellite microwave remote sensing systems engineering and program management. He has served as…
Nanotechnology, Nanomaterials, Carbon Nanotubes, Thin Films, and Patent Strategy
A young veteran of the technology startup world, Expert most recently held the position of chief executive officer at a carbon nanotube supply company that was spun out of Northwestern University in early 2007. Initially hired as business development manager,…
Chemical Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery, Cancer Pharmacology, Hypoxia
A major aspect of Expert's research is focused on how to circumvent or exploit resistance mechanisms by the development of tumour-selective agents targeting abnormal enzymatic expression in cancer tissues. He has had a long-standing interest in certain heterocyclic aromatic pharmacophores…
Set-up of Fully-integrated Plants for Iron Powder in India and Market Network Creation
Expert has in depth knowledge of the Iron Powder Market in India and he can advise any new company which wants to enter this field of business on setting up a fully integrated project for the manufacture of Iron Powder.…
Technical and Financial Analyses of Mining Projects; Redacting Reports and Studies
Expert has over 30 years' practical experience that extends across a wide spectrum of the mining industry. Besides South Africa he has worked in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Guinea, Tanzania, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Botswana. His experience covers the…
wound healing, burns, clinical research, FDA regulations, drugs, devices, medical writing
Expert provides scientific knowledge and regulatory background to assist companies in the research and development of clinical, animal and laboratory studies designed to promote pharmaceutical drugs and medical device products specializing in wound healing and burn care. Additional Services: •Development…
Mine Safety, MSHA Part 46/48 Training, Audits, Risk Assessment, Accident Investigation
Expert began his mining career in 1966 at a large Arizona underground copper mine. He is a professional mine safety and health consultant with approximately 40 years combined MSHA and industry experience. He owns RMB Consulting Services, Inc., which primarily…
Diabetes, Diabetic Complication, Biomarker, Stroke, Market Research, Competitive Intelligence
Ginny has much expertise in diabetes developing new models for screening anti-diabetic drugs, and his expertise includes not only the area of NCE but also herbals. Ginny was involved in developing NCV models for neuropathy and his PhD work consisted…