Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Process Science, Process Equipment and Thin Films Material Characterization for PVD Poly-Crystal (AlN, AlScN, Mo, Ti, Al), CVD Epitaxial (Si, SiGe, GaAs, AlGaAs) and PECVD Amorphous Dielectrics.
Engineer with a strong background in semiconductor materials, characterization, and process. Experienced compound materials, HEMPT, and solar cell development, manufacturing, and reliability. Strong background in epitaxial materials growth, device failure analysis, and process troubleshooting with hands-on most of the epitaxial…

Polymer Compounding, Recycling and Degradation Sciences
Expert has a strong background in polymer blend, processing and rubber/plastics formulation design, with an emphasis is in long-term weathering, stabilizer choices, burn resistance and code approvals. Expert has a proven record to show that he meets marketing goals and…

X-ray Diffraction, Microscopy, Spectroscopy and Imaging
Experienced in synthesis and characterization of superconducting oxides, doped metal oxides, minerals, metals, nanocrytsalline materials, single crystals, polycrystalline and epitaxial films. Specialties: X-ray Diffraction, Small angle x-ray scattering, Pair distribution function analysis, reflectivity and epitaxy, Spectroscopy (FTIR, Fluoroscence, Raman, EXAFS…

nano & advanced materials application in energy, LED/OLED, environ. tech, biotech & constructions
Our focus in sustainable energy is on Thin Film Photovoltaics. We are currently conducting PV research on three TF technologies - amorphous silicon (a-Si), copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) and organic PV (OPV). Our research focuses on the fabrication of…

Computer Vision, Image Analysis, Face Recognition, Appearance Modeling & Rendering, Data Acquisition
Expert has extensive experience in computer vision and image analysis, especially in the representation and recognition of faces under variable lighting and viewpoint, and in the estimation of object geometry and surface reflectance from image brightness. Work by Expert has…

Metal Finishing; Anodizing to Zinc Plating – Processing, Design, Engineering, NAPCAP, ISO
Expert has been in the metal finishing business since 1980. With more than 30 years direct experience in aluminum anodizing, he specializes in plant deign and engineering, and installation and training. He is bilingual (English and Spanish). An expert troubleshooter.…

Silicon: Processing, Defects, Devices, Silicon-on-Insulator, MEMS, Nanotechnology, and Semiconductors
Expert works in collaboration with Kayex, Adema, and other companies that grow Czochralski silicon. Expert has worked on radiation hardening of semiconductor devices since 1980. He has several patents on Rad Hardening of semiconductors. Most of his 30-year experience pertains…

Photonics, Fiber Optics, Laser Micromachining, SEM analysis, DWDM, Applied Optics
His area of expertise is design, modeling, characterization and development of photonic (fiber optic/optoelectronic/electro-optic) components and devices. His experience (50% industrial, 50% academic) includes 10 years in photonics, working with various technologies (glass fibers, InP, silica on silicon, ion exchange,…

Vacuum Processes, Optical Multilayer Thin Films, Ophthalmic Lenses, Photochromic Dyes, Diamond film
THIN FILM, HIGH VACUUM, THIN-FILM DEPOSITION PROCESS. Expert has expertise in many aspects of thin film deposition processes including physical vapor deposition, rf and dc magnetron sputtering, ion beam sputtering, ion-assisted deposition, and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). He developed an…

Material Analysis/Spectroscopy
During the past 15 years, Expert's research has become increasingly oriented toward vibrational spectroscopy, particularly Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. In the early 1980s, he developed modern step-scan FT-IR instrumentation for photoacoustic and photothermal spectroscopy of surfaces and opaque or…