Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Precious Metals Chemistry, Mining, Refining
Expert is an inorganic chemist/ extractive metallurgist who has been active in precious metals recovery and refining for 24 years, mainly gold, silver, platinum and palladium. He has a thorough knowledge of pyro-, hydro- and electro-metallurgy methods, processes, capital equipment,…

Change and Performance Management, Business Process Reengineering
Expert has applied her expertise in change and performance management in different environments. The majority of which is in the Refining industry. She was theme lead for the develop of competency profiles and performance management coaching training manual for management…

Chemical Patents, Air Bags, Product Contamination, Fires and Explosions, Chemical Exposure
Expert has been retained by plaintiff, defense and state Attorney General attorneys to investigate and provide expert opinions, expert reports, depositions, Daubert, Grand Jury & trial testimony for 91 air bag cases filed in Federal and State courts in 19…

Engineering Project Management, Project Risk Management, Project Value Improvement
Expert is a highly qualified Senior Consultant with an impressive track record in Engineering Project Management Consultancy. He brings a wealth of experience, gained from a wide range of international assignments, to both large and small companies looking for a…

Chemical Plant Safety Services, Hazard Studies, SIL, Risk Assessment, DSEAR, Water Hammer
Expert's main area of interest is chemical plant and process safety. He has led HazOp [Hazard and Operability] studies on many plants from large scale, high hazard plants using well-established technology (e.g. manufacture of hydrogen fluoride, high density polyethylene, etc)…

Process Safety, Risk Assessment/Management Major Accident Risks, Hazards and Land Use Planning
Process Safety has been the main focus of Expert's work as he seeks to assist companies avoid accidents completely (by eliminating hazardous materials or processes) or prevent them through providing protection (containment or control). In some circumstances the only available…

Energy Efficiency, Waste Minimisation, REACH/Product Stewardship, EHS Compliance
Expert has 9 years experience within the environmental consultancy field gained across a wide range of industrial sectors and technical disciplines. He has led over 50 compliance and due diligence audits in the UK and The Republic of Ireland. His…

Decontamination, Precision Cleaning, Ferrofluids, Nanoparticles, Process Design and Development
The behavior of colloidal particles (now nano particles) has been the focus of Expert's professional career, starting with his doctoral studies on the spontaneous agglomeration of fine powders in graduate school. While at AVCO Corporation, he did pioneering work in…

UK Health and Safety (Chartered Safety Professional), Human Factors and Ergonomics
Expert has applied his engineering upbringing in avionics and design engineering to practical solutions through his flying of Jaguar and Tornado aircraft in the RAF. He retired to research and man machine integration at Farnborough where he played a key…

Ergonomics, Human Factors Engineering, Health Care Ergonomics, Workplace Injury
Expert develop and implement program policies, procedures, and guidelines; develop and conduct training classes; coordinate and collaborate on projects involving purchasing managers, facility planners, operations managers, risk managers, and occupational physicians; organize and facilitate employee-based committees; and oversee the day-to-day…