Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Nuclear Oil Well Logging
NUCLEAR OIL WELL LOGGING; HYDROCARBON DETECTION. Expert (Expert initially, then Expert) is a physicist with extensive knowledge of nuclear oil well logging. His primary area of focus has been on neutron and gamma-ray transport to determine the presence of hydrocarbons…
Cryogenic Materials
AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL. Expert has expertise in the development of new nitrogen-strengthened steels. He was the U.S. representative to the High Nitrogen in Steels International Conference. He has also published three review papers and about 50 technical papers on low-temperature…
Heat Transfer
HEAT TRANSFER; HEAT CONDUCTION; HEAT CONVECTION. Expert has worked in the field of heat transfer for 20 years, both as a researcher and as a teacher. His experiences have encompassed all aspects of heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation, boiling, and…
Organic Coatings: Comprehensive Knowledge of the Theory and Practice
COATINGS; LIQUID COATINGS; POLYMER COATINGS. Expert has over 40 years of research, development, and teaching experience in coating technology. He was trained as an organic chemist but switched to synthetic polymer chemistry early in his career. While his experience in…
Underwater Structural Inspection
Expert specializes in nondestructive testing (NDT) inspection of American Bureau of Shipping and United States Coast Guard surveys for underwater inspection in lieu of drydocking. He writes procedures, administers qualifications, and has conducted several research studies on various NDT techniques…
X-Ray Imaging
Expert is the inventor, designer, and project scientist/program manager of a number of different X-ray imaging systems, ranging from satellite-based X-ray telescopes to large systems for nondestructive imaging of 50 ton rocket motors and nuclear pressure vessels. Expert has both…