Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Refractories and Ceramics
Expert has had extensive experience in industry as well as academia in the area of advanced ceramics. He was a professor of Ceramic Engineering for 12 years, and has been a Summer Researcher at three national labs. He has been…
Fatigue, Spate Methods, NDE, Product Liability, Thermomechanics, etc.
LIFE PREDICTION METHODOLOGIES FOR COMPONENTS OF STRUCTURES, MACHINES, AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES. Expert's work centers on life prediction methodologies for components of structures, machines, and electronic devices. The major parameters of interest are stress, strain, time, temperature, and damage. These quantities…
Engineering Analysis and Modeling
ENGINEERING ANALYSIS; COMPUTER MODELING; COMPUTER MATHEMATICS; PHYSICS MODELING. Expert and his colleagues run a small company dedicated to problem solving and research in the engineering and physical sciences. They are experienced in computer modeling of engineering systems (thermal, mechanical, fluid,…
Technology Licensing and Intellectual Property Management, Oil Well Logging, Acoustic Forensics
Expert served as a technology and licensing consultant to numerous technology-based companies and during the period from 1994 to 2000, managed the worldwide licensing of Mobil Oil Corporation's exploration and producing technologies. As principal of Expert Technology Licensing, he now…
Product Development, QFD, QA Professional Value Services
Expert (pronounced Seeverson, ) is a Certified Value Specialist with expertise in product, process, and systems development, with an emphasis on value, quality, and cost. He is very skilled in many facets of his field, including value management and assurance,…
Powdered Metals & P/M Products
Expert has founded and operated businesses that produce powdered metal parts. He is the co-founder and President of his organization. The development of metals and alloys has been the focus of his career. He understands thoroughly the manufacturing process that…
Fatigue and Experimental Mechanics
Expert has spent the bulk of his career in developing improved methods for predicting the fatigue life of mechanical parts. He has helped dozens of companies in designing and evaluating products for adequate fatigue performance, covering the spectrum from construction…
Chemical Process and Design
Expert has expertise in design, system engineering, and practical applications focusing on packed and tray towers, evaporators, heat exchangers (i.e. shell and tube, spiral and plate type, and specialized heat transfer equipment), heat pumps, pressure and vacuum filtration, dryers, centrifuges,…
Chemical Reactor Design & Control
Expert is one of the country's foremost experts in the design and control of chemical reactors. Expert's expertise involves modeling and scale-up of batch and continuous reactors for both homogeneous and catalytic reactors including multi-phase reactors such as trickle bed…
Sol-Gel Processing
The overall focus of Expert's activities is the synthesis and processing of ceramics and glasses using the sol-gel process. She edited the first volume on the applications of this process, which established the technological basis for further developments. She also…