Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Commissioning, Start-up and Validation of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Processes
Expert has over 30 years' experience in research, development, QA/QC, technical service, validation, manufacturing and engineering management. All of the above have taken place in the food, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Expert has formal training in microbial physiology, biochemistry and…
Process Engineering in Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals, Food and Fermentation
Expert has years of engineering experience in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, food and fermentation industries. Training includes hands-on industrial experience in the laboratory, pilot plant, and plant with extensive scale-up and start-up experience. Expertise in fermentation and recovery of aerobic and…
nano & advanced materials application in energy, LED/OLED, environ. tech, biotech & constructions
Our focus in sustainable energy is on Thin Film Photovoltaics. We are currently conducting PV research on three TF technologies - amorphous silicon (a-Si), copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) and organic PV (OPV). Our research focuses on the fabrication of…
Plant Cell Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioenergy, Algal Biotechnology, Biomass Processing
Expert has a strong track record at internationally competitive level in plant cell molecular biology and biochemistry, mass spectrometry and proteomics, gene discovery and post-genomic systems biology and development of analytical techniques, achieved over 16 years of leading projects in…
Chemical Manufacturing, Process Hazards Analysis, Hydrogen Chloride, Cl2, troubleshooting
Expert has worked hands-on with most equipment and process technology used in the chemical industry. Reaction, purification, environmental discharge prevention, adsorption, absorbtion, are but a few areas of his expertise. He has also designed facilities for most common means of…
Assay Development, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Validation, Intellectual property
The expert has extensive experience writing proposals, résumés, cover letters, CVs, grant applications, provisional patent applications and technical publications. Additionally the expert has experience in the areas of assay development, bioanalytical chemistry and food and agricultural products testing.The expert has…
Plasma Cleaning and Treatment, Plasma sources (Magnetron, Hollow cathode, DBD amd others), Medical devises, Metals, Polymers, Thin Film and Surface Technologies, Deposition by Sputtering
Expert is the president of a consulting firm. He has more than 20 years of experience in industrial research and development and more than 30 years experience in academia. He worked for BOC Coating Technology investigating and developing vacuum and…
Flow Cytometry
Expert has been in the lab over 20 years focusing in oncology and immunology. She has been involved in assay development utilizing ELISAs, Westerns, ELISpot and flow cytometry to forward multiple research projects. Her area of expertise is in flow…
Infectious Diseases, Infection Control, Healthcare-Associated Infections, HIV/AIDS, Med-Peds
Expert S. Expert, FACP, FAAP, FIDSA, AAHIVS is Clinical Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics at the Employer and Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine in New York and former Global Medical Director and Senior Vice President for Pall Corporation. After…
Medicine and Biotech Materials, Polymers, Nanoparticles, Peptide and Protein Chemistry
Expert has a MSc in chemical engineering and a PhD in pure and applied biochemistry. Her PhD thesis was on enzyme technology (enzymatic synthesis) and molecular imprinting (preparation of chiral liquid chromatography stationary phases). Expert carried out postdoctoral studies in…