Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Pharmaceutical Formulation (Tablets, Capsules, Semi-solids, Liquids), QbD, and CMC Regulatory/Risk Assessment Issues
Expert is a Pharmaceutical Formulation Scientist with 25+ years' industry/FDA experience developing and commercializing tablets (fast dissolving, effervescent, chewable, coated), capsules, ODT's, coated beads (i.e., controlled release and taste-masked), topicals (liquids and semi-solids), & CBD/hemp products. He also has experience…

Pharmaceuticals, Drug Delivery, OTC, and Rx products
Expert actively consults in nearly all routes of drug delivery, including oral, transdermal, topical, inhalation, injection/infusion, nasal, buccal and others. He holds a Ph.D in Polymer Science and Engineering, as well as an MS on the same topic. He holds…

Medical Devices, Combination Products, Biotech, Pharma, R&D, Operations, Manufacturing, and Supply Chain
Experienced global leader of R&D, Technical Operations, and Manufacturing organizations. Industrial focus in Medical Devices, Small Molecule Pharmaceuticals, Biotech, Packaging/Labeling, and Combination Products. Broad functional experience in the fields of Project and Personnel Management, Logistics, Supply Chain, and Finance. Successful…

Greases and Specialist Industrial Lubricants: Formulation, Manufacture and Application
Expert's specialty areas cover all aspects of grease and other industrial lubricant technology. He has gained this expertise by working in the world's largest non-governmental lubricants business. Expert worked in this area for over 17 years planning and executing a…

Surfactants, Specialty Chemicals, Emulsions, Disperisons, Formulations, Phase Change, Softeners, and Silicones
Expert has over 35 years' experience in the development, manufacture, use and sale of surfactants and surfactant formulations. His specific areas of expertise include: HI&I, personal care, oil field, food, agriculture, paints and coatings, and cleaning products. Expert has extensive…

Materials, Packaging, Sustainability
Expert has worked on thermoplastics for almost 30 years and on bioplastics and sustainable materials and packaging for over 20 years. For bioplastics and sustainable materials and packaging, he has worked on processing, formulating, developing, commercializing, testing and certification of…

Biotechnology, Microbiology, Renewable chemicals and Fuels, Fermentation, Enzymes, Technology Transfer, Scale-up at Pilot and Commercial Scales
• Hands-on experience in growing yeast and bacteria for producing renewable fuel, chemicals, and therapeutic proteins • Scale-up of laboratory data at pilot and commercial scales • Experience in technology transfer for the production of renewable fuel, chemicals, and therapeutic…

UV/EB Technology
Expert can provide formulations, processing guidelines and help select proper equipment for clients. He can also work with customers to solve problems such as air entrapment in the coatings or inks or wetting out problems or poor adhesion to a…

Advanced Materials, Surface Engineering, Powder Metallurgy and Composite Materials
As an expert in Material Science, he specializes in advanced powder metallurgy and wrought materials, including cemented carbides and ceramic-based composites, refractory metals, chromium-based and copper-based materials, titanium and nickel alloys; as well as materials for soft and hard magnetic…

Open Innovation, New Product Development, Intellectual Property Management, Technology Strategy
Experienced leader of new product development, technology strategy and development, open innovation, alliance management, licensing, deal structuring and negotiation, intellectual asset management, competitive intelligence, consumer and sensory science. Proven results based on sound business and technical judgement and excellent relationship…