Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, Nanofibers, Droplets, Sprays, Microfluidics, Nanofluidics, Aerosols, Thermal Management of Electronics, Electronics Cooling
His current research focus is on fluid/particle transport and interfacial phenomena relevant to emerging micro and nanotechnologies. Specific projects use advanced experimental diagnostics and high-resolution electron microscopy techniques to investigate fluid behavior in nanoenclosures, droplet dispensing and deposition (ink-jet printing),…
Aerosol Dispensers, Atomizers, Pumps, Closures, Trigger Pumps, Expert Witness, Consumer Products
Expert has 40 years of experience with three types of atomizers. The first is with vertical piston type finger atomizers using displacement of a compression chamber to deliver liquid from a container. The second is with vertical piston type finger…
Catalytic Organic Chemistry
Expert has over 30 years of experience in catalytic organic chemistry. His exceptional skills encompass basic research, product development, scale-up, manufacturing, sales and marketing, joint venture, and contract negotiating on catalytic-related issues important to the chemical, pharmaceutical, and petroleum industries.…
Imaging Systems, New Products
Expert has applied his experience in research and development and new business development to technology planning and management in many fields, especially those related to the electronics, medical imaging, and printing industries. Using a broad range of strategic planning tools,…
Acoustics, Vibration and Sound Quality; Lighting, Daylighting and Vision; Audio and Visual Technology; and Perceptual Research
Expert's thought leadership encompasses the following areas within architecture: Acoustics, Audio and Visual, Daylighting, Lighting, Thermal Comfort, Indoor Air Quality and Occupancy Research. His expertise in Product Development includes Acoustics, Audio and Visual, Lighting and Vision, Thermal Comfort, Consumer Research,…
Robust Design, Quality Systems Design, Key Characteristics, Six Sigma, etc.
DESIGN ENGINEERING; PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT. Expert does research and consulting work to help companies improve their product development process. She has worked with several US design and manufacturing companies including ITT, Kodak, Chrysler, HP, Boeing, Polaroid, GM, Teradyne, and Ford. Her…
Flexible Printed Circuitry, Rigid-Flex Printed Circuitry and Flexible Printed Circuit Materials
Expert has more than 40 years of experience with flexible printer circuitry, with 19 years as Director of R&D. With 21 patents in this area, Expert has extensive knowledge of custom materials, connectors, design, and manufacturing technology. He can answer…
Automotive Electronics
Expert has been involved in the automotive electronics business since 1963. He is experienced in applying electrical and electronics to the vehicle, including body, chassis, and power train systems. He is currently assisting clients with understanding how and when new…
Fuel Cell Manufacturing
Expert has been developing chemical process technology for industrial materials and chemical firms for over 14 years. He has developed several novel chemical processes, including those for synthesis of advanced ceramic powders, pigments, and a wide range of inorganic materials.…
Surface Mount Technology
Expert has been involved with surface-mount assembly for the past 18 years. He has extensive knowledge of solder paste printing, component placement, reflow and wave soldering, cleaning, inspection, and repair. He is familiar with materials, component packages, and the related…