Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Development, implementation and monitoring of clinical pharmacy services consistent with current practice guidelines for the following units: Neonatal Intensive Care, Pediatric Oncology, Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Emergency Medicine, General Pediatrics, and Pediatric Intensive Care units. Formulary management and drug…
Rotating Equipment
Oil & Gas Rotating Equipment SME focusing on dynamic issues and performance related to gas compressors and high energy pumps. Oil & Gas Rotating Equipment Project Manager. Mechanical reliability engineering for turbo & reciprocating machinery, troubleshooting, failure investigations, dynamic analyses,…
Pulp and Paper
Expert has worked for over 50 years in the pulp and paper industry. All phases of mill operations (20 years) plus 30 years of consulting on mill operations, feasibility studies, capital cost project development, audits, due diligence, expert witness, bank's…
Engineering, Project Management, Corrosion Protection, Aluminium Metal Composites, Mechanical Material Corrosion
Expert is is an internationally recognized leader in the field of materials science and engineering with more than 27 years of independent research project management, teaching, and consulting. He has a blend of both industrial and academic leadership as a…
Electronics Assembly and Manufacturing
Expert's expertise is in electronics assembly and manufacture. Summary: - Seasoned "Get it Done" (Electronic) Design/Process/Manufacturing Engineer with a proven track record of making a significant impact. Able to flourish in a fast-paced global organization that runs 24/7. Averted customer…
Silicone Process Chemistry
Expert has a strong background in experimentation, mechanism reaction kinetics, chemical synthesis, experience with silicon/silicone materials, computational chemistry/engineering, and material characterization. Expert has been inventor and project leader for multiple projects that results in +$1MM/yr in cost savings. Previous roles…
Architecture and Strategy: Hyperscalers, ML and AI, DRAM/NAND Memory, CPU and Emerging Computing, IOT and Edge Computing
Technology veteran with over 30 years of experience, specializing in imaging, machine learning, silicon and semiconductor design, high performance computing, edge and IOT systems, and hyperscale datacenters. Expert has served as chief architect of Hewlett Packard $100B Imaging and Print…
Amazon Marketplace
Expert is a Senior Amazon Seller & Vendor Consultant and E-commerce with 12+ years of experience leveraging entrepreneurial vision, branding, e-commerce, Amazon and other global online marketplace specialization to deliver lucrative results for rapid growth brands, entrepreneurs and corporations. Professional…
Semiconductor Back End of Line Processes, Process and Thin Films Characterization, Film Stresses and Reliability. PVD, ALD, CVD, HiPIMS
Back-End-of Line (BEOL) Integration in SRAM, Spin-Torque, Resistive Random Access Memory. PVD, CVD and ALD thin film deposition. Film micro-structure and properties. Stress-related problems in BEOL. DC, RF and HiPIMS sputter deposition. Arc evaporation. Plasma-Surface interactions. 13 years academic experience…
TRIZ-expert, Information Systems Developer
TRIZ. TRIZ is a methodology that emerged in the mid-XX century in the USSR, which is a set of heuristics (methods, algorithms and procedures that promote productive creative thinking and the creation of previously unknown). TRIZ practitioners create and improve…