Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 733836 Colorado, USA

Environmental and Spatial Statistics, Especially Site Assessment and Remediation

Expert is a statistician with many years of experience in environmental statistics, especially related to site characterization and remediation. He has developed numerous environmental sampling designs for field projects and experimental designs for studies and has analyzed and reported the…

ID: 733143 Texas, USA

Pipelines and Facilities Engineering (Upstream and Midstream)

- Background includes +15 yrs. project management, pipelines and facilities engineering with upstream and midstream experience (conventional developments as well as unconventional shale plays) in both gas/liquids process facilities, and pipeline systems both gathering and transmission, project delivery performance metrics,…

ID: 732622 Florida, USA

Electrical Engineering

Expert has broad and deep capability in motors and generators. He knows the design process from the centerline out. He has designed machines with special design constraints. He knows the theories of operation and control, and can specify a machine…

ID: 731766 Michigan, USA

Geostatistics, Multivariate Statistics, Site Characterization, Uncertainty Modeling, Sampling Design

Expert has 20 year experience in the geostatistical analysis of environmental data and health outcomes. He has more than 140 referred publications in the field of theoretical and applied geostatistics, including the 4th most highly cited textbook in geostatistics, totaling…

ID: 731170 New Jersey, USA

Statistics (Pharmaceuticals (CMC): Design of Experiments, Process Validation, Stability)

After receiving a Expert in statistics, expert has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years as a non-clinical statistician applying statistical methodologies, performing data analysis, and interpreting results with scientists in research and development. He collaborated with scientists…

ID: 730609 Venezuela

Maintenance Engineering, Reliability and Logistics.

Expert is a consultant with formal training and extensive experience in the application of methodologies for solving problems related to: * Maintenance Engineering: -Organization, planning, programming and maintenance control under MPT or RCM approaches. -Design and implementation of Maintenance Management…

ID: 729617 United Kingdom

Systems Management, Databases, Linux, Biodiversity informatics, Ecological Niche/Envelope Models

Started his career as research assistant (marine ecologist, analyst) at the Fishery Research Lab and Marine Research Centre in his native town (Klaipeda, Lithuania) by observing patterns of benthic and fish communities of the Baltic Sea and Curonian Lagoon. Initially…

ID: 729100 United Kingdom

Statistics, Medical Statistics, Applied Statistics

Expert is an active researcher and lecturer in Statistics for the last 10 years. His primary research areas are Multivariate nonparametric statistics, statistical computing and medical statistics. He has many published research work in Internationally reputed journals and provided miscellaneous…

ID: 728992 United Kingdom

Probability Theory, Levy Processes, Aspects of Financial Mathematics

Expert works on stochastic analysis and in particular the theory of Levy processes. More generally he is an expert in probability theory.

ID: 728461 Saudi Arabia

Statistical Methodology, Data Analysis and Reporting

Expert. Expert has an advanced degree in Applied Statistics from the University of Oxford. He has taught statistics for over 20 years and has been consulted by researchers (for grants and papers). He has written articles on statistical methodology &…

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