Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Podiatric Medicine and Surgery, Wound Care and Limb Preservation, and Osteomyelitis
Expert is a key global opinion leader in the field of lower extremity osteomyelitis and wound care. He is the founder and medical director of a osteomyelitis center. Expert has pioneered several highly successful surgical techniques in the treatment of…

Asphalt Materials, Pavement Design, Forensic, Maintenance, Preservation, QC/QA, Roadway Construction, Traffic Safety and Sustinability
Expert is a professor of Civil Engineering and manager of the Superpave facility at UTSA. He has more than 20 years of experience in roadways sustainability, maintenance, pavement management and safety. Prior to his arrival to UTSA, he participated in…

Fungal Degradation of Wood, Wood Preservation, Forest Products, Bioconversion and Bioprocessing
Expert is Expert at a nationally ranked university. He is highly experienced in the Forest Products Industry and has strong expertise in a number of areas ranging from the Structural Degradation of Wood by Decay Fungi, to the Production of…

Collection Management, Conservation and Preservation (Museums, Galleries, Libraries and Archives)
Expert earned his PhD on the topic of cultural property risk analysis. This field-pioneering work applies risk assessment and management to the protection of museum collections (museum conservation). He is an accredited member of the Canadian Association of Professional Conservators…

Pathogen Detection, Rapid Methods, Food Preservation, Antimicrobial Effectiveness Testing, Herbs
Expert has extensive experience (20+years) in food microbiology research including molecular pathogen detection methods and antimicrobial effectiveness testing. She has provided technical leadership and contributed expertise to develop and evaluate DNA-based methods and immunoassays for detection of pathogens including E.…

Wood Preservation, Independent Inspection of Wood Poles
With background in Wood Science and Technology, Expert has worked over the last eight years as production manager and consultant in wood preservation and independent inspection for many companies and the government of Ghana. He has developed a drying schedule…

Wood Preservation, Wood Decay, Wood Poles, Wood Failure, and Wood Science; Insecticide and Bio-sciences
This expert is a Consulting Independent Wood Scientist in Wood Preservation from Memphis, Tennessee. Previously, he was Technical Manager of ISK Biosciences, Industrial Biocides Division in Memphis where his responsibilities included Product Chemistry, Patents, Research and Product Development, new products…

Wood Deterioration/Preservation; Wood-Inhabiting Fungi and Insects, Prevention and Control
Expert has a B.S. and M.S. from the State University of New York College of Environmental Sciences and Forestry and a Ph.D. in Plant Pathology from North Carolina State University. Following graduation, he accepted a position as Plant Pathologist with…

Fruit, Vegetable, Meats, and Dairy Products Preservation and Quality Assurance
Expert B. Expert provided technical expert advice to South African fruit, vegetable, and meat canners for eight years on can type product compatibility, heat penetration studies, solving spoilage problems, researching the detinning rates of various foods in unlacquered cans, and…

Wood Products, Preservation and Recycling; Marketing and Sales Management
Having been raised in the wood products area and having worked in the field more than 25 years, Expert L. Expert is well versed in many areas of the wood and lumber industry. As an associate professor at Virgina Tech,…