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High-quality Metal Casting Methodology, Aluminum Alloy Processing, and Root Cause Analysis and Quality Improvement
Expert grew up in a foundry business that his family still owns and operates in Istanbul, Turkey. Before becoming the Director of the School of Engineering at a Employer in 2010, he was a Distinguished (University) Professor at the Department…

Powder Metallurgy, Powder Characterization (e.g., Particle Size and Surface Area Measurement), and Testing
As the manager of a physical testing laboratory for over 25 years, he has applied his physics and metallurgy background to develop expertise in powder metallurgy and mechanical property testing of metals, as well as in various forms of powder…

Pharmaceutical Development; X-ray Computed Tomography; Tabletting; Particle Technology
Expert. Expert has extensive experience in numerical modelling particulate material manufacturing and characerisation, modelling and characeristion of the behaviour of particulate materials during the manufacturing processes for pharmaceutical and other particulate products at microscopic and macroscopic levels. In particular, he…

Rheology, Nanotechnology, Particulate/Multiphase Processes, Chemical Engineering.
Expert operates his contract research & development small business incorporated in 1990 in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. Expert's professional experience spanning over four decades in chemical engineering has focused around the broad areas of particulate/multiphase processes and rheology. Chemical engineering…

Nanoparticles, Nanotubes, Nanofibers, Droplets, Sprays, Microfluidics, Nanofluidics, Aerosols, Thermal Management of Electronics, Electronics Cooling
His current research focus is on fluid/particle transport and interfacial phenomena relevant to emerging micro and nanotechnologies. Specific projects use advanced experimental diagnostics and high-resolution electron microscopy techniques to investigate fluid behavior in nanoenclosures, droplet dispensing and deposition (ink-jet printing),…

Cement and Concrete Technology, Planning Capital Project in Concrete: Concrete Forensics
Dr. S. Expert is a construction materials researcher with a highly successful track record in breakthrough developments in low-porosity, high-strength concrete and subterranean cement grouts using fly ash. He is adept at problem analysis, practical applications development, staff and methods…

Thermal Spray Technology
Expert has expertise in thermally sprayed coating, with particular emphasis on their production, characterization and mechanical testing. He is the co-director of a thermal spray laboratory. He has 18 years research experience in thermal spray coatings; with a particular focus…