Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Polymer Rheology and Plastics Processing
Expert is currently working on constitutive modeling of the extensional behavior of molten plastics. He has developed models that allow the behavior in extension to be inferred from measurements in exponential shear. The material behavior in exponential shear is measured…

Plastic Molding Processes
Expert has extensive experience with plastic molding processes and with injection molding in particular. He is often called upon to help clients with issues such as injection molding machine selection, injection mold lubrication, and in-mold labeling. He has been responsible…

Rheological Measurement
Expert has expertise in applied research and product development combining the fields of rheology and colloidal chemistry. He is experienced with the formulation and rheological classification of dyes and pigments. He has investigated the rheological properties of magnetic and carbon…

Plastics Selection, Design, Compound, Processing, Testing, Failure, Pipes and Membrane
Expert is an expert in plastic piping, having in-depth knowledge of polyethylene pipe, PE gas pipe, PVC pipe, ABS pipe, crosslinked-polyethylene (PEX) pipe, polybutylene pipe, and related fittings. He is equally proficient with pipe joining processes using solvent cement and…

Materials Processing and Manufacturing
Recent work in Expert's group has shown that high velocity sheet metal forming can dramatically improve material formability (the amount of stretch available without tearing) and wrinkling can be greatly suppressed. Electromagnetic forming is a very convenient way of flexibly…

Cryogenic Materials
AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL. Expert has expertise in the development of new nitrogen-strengthened steels. He was the U.S. representative to the High Nitrogen in Steels International Conference. He has also published three review papers and about 50 technical papers on low-temperature…

Fatigue and Experimental Mechanics
Expert has spent the bulk of his career in developing improved methods for predicting the fatigue life of mechanical parts. He has helped dozens of companies in designing and evaluating products for adequate fatigue performance, covering the spectrum from construction…

Geomechanics and Material Testing
Expert has applied numerical methods and constitutive models for a wide range of soil-structure interaction problems. He has in-depth knowledge of rock mechanics, soil mechanics, and groundwater flow modeling. His knowledge of geotechnical engineering allows him to answer complex questions…

Polymeric Materials
POLYMERIC MATERIALS; PLASTIC MATERIAL SELECTION. Expert has extremely diverse industrial experience. He has worked at GM as an engineer of plastics and rubber parts and consulted with over 25 companies in the areas of rubber, adhesives, FRP's, plastics, and fiber-related…

Ceramics: Fabrication, Fracture, Powder Dispersion, Alumina, Nano-materials; Tapecasting, Creep, Sintering
Expert has been involved in ceramic processing since 1973. He served as a member of the research staff of the MIT Ceramic Processing Center. He has taught a graduate course at Rutgers University entitled "Colloid Chemistry of Slip Casting" since…