Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Plastic/Cosmetic Surgery and Hand Surgery
Having been involved in Plastic and Hand surgery for more than 30 years, Bill Expert has developed a large and successful private practise largely concentrating on Cosmetic surgery and in which he has a well founded reputation over many years.…
Gut Microbiology, Prebiotics and Probiotics, Antibiotics, Antibiotic Resistance
• antibiotic As a leading expert in this field, Expert was invited to publish reviews in professional journals (Evolution and ecology of antibiotic resistance genes; The role of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance in nature.) and to serve as a Chief…
Human Genetics, Genomics, Genotyping, Realtime QPCR, Sequencing, Forensic, Pop & Statistical
Expert has extensive experience of molecular and human genomic technqiues, DNA extraction, PCR, QPCR, sequencing, forenisc analyses and consulting on design and analysis of genetic disease studies using a range of analytic technqiues. Molecular physiology and genomic services are available.
Platelets, Megakaryocytes, Calcium Signalling, Ion Channels
Expert Smith has 20+ years of experience in cell signalling and functional assays of platelet activation. He has edited 3 major books on techniques to study platelets and their precursor cells, and has a patent for development of novel anti-thrombotics.…
Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Pharmaceutical, IP, Biology, Patents, Molecular Biology, BD
Expert has a Ph.D and two postdocs in Physiology, Molecular Biology and Genetics. B.S in Chemistry/Biochemistry. Over 25 years of experience (at an executive level and as a consultant) in the Life Sciences industry. Founder and President of a life…
Biomedical Sciences, Vascular Biology, Angiogenesis
Expert completed his PhD at St George's Hospital Medical School, on the microvascular parameters affecting post mastectomy lymphoedema in patients. After a year learning molecular biology at Glasgow University in Drosophila genetics, he spent three years as a postdoctoral researcher…
Neurobiology, Neurodegenerative and Vascular Disorders, Estrogen-mediated Vascular Modulation
The Expert has conducted intensive research in vascular biology including modulation of vascular tone by regulation of calcium homeostasis. Calcium (Ca2+) enters the cytoplasm of vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells via various pathways (calcium channels, intracellular calcium stores) and…
Statistical Methodology, Data Analysis and Reporting
Expert. Expert has an advanced degree in Applied Statistics from the University of Oxford. He has taught statistics for over 20 years and has been consulted by researchers (for grants and papers). He has written articles on statistical methodology &…
Medical Devices; Product Development, Manufacturing, Marketing, Business Practices, Intellectual Property, Commercial Contracts, Corporate Finance, M&A
Global leader and serial entrepreneur in the medical device industry with multiple successes in building companies, teams, products, and revenues. Experienced at bringing new products to the world market in a high-growth dynamic environment. Experienced Board member and Chairman in…
Occupational and Office Ergonomics, Human Factors Engineering, Occupational Safety
This expert has worked as an ergonomic-human factors engineering consultant and expert witness in the areas of industrial, office, agriculturial, transportation ergonomics, human factors engineering, industrial engineering and occupational safety and health. This has required competence, familiarity and understanding of:…