Expert Directory
Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.
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Plant Cell Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, Bioenergy, Algal Biotechnology, Biomass Processing
Expert has a strong track record at internationally competitive level in plant cell molecular biology and biochemistry, mass spectrometry and proteomics, gene discovery and post-genomic systems biology and development of analytical techniques, achieved over 16 years of leading projects in…
Advanced Diesel/Bio Injection Control; Laser Precision Instrument; Hi-speed Underwater Projectile
I am very delighted to write this letter personally to you having nearly 30 years experiences in automotive and aerospace fields, including engineering, industry and government projects accomplished in Russia, Germany, Japan, USA, and France. My engineering projects started in…
Strategy Development and Implementation; Operations; Organization Change; Higher Education; Leadership/Development; Culture Change
Expert is a renowned leader and pioneer in strategic management systems and leadership, and one of a select group with executive leadership experience in academe, nonprofits, government, and business. Over the course of his career, his change initiatives and counsel…
Assay Development, Bioanalytical Chemistry, Validation, Intellectual property
The expert has extensive experience writing proposals, résumés, cover letters, CVs, grant applications, provisional patent applications and technical publications. Additionally the expert has experience in the areas of assay development, bioanalytical chemistry and food and agricultural products testing.The expert has…
Remote Sensing, Radiative Transfer, Light Scattering, Optical Particle Sizing, Spectroscopy, Optics
I have 30 уеаrs expertise in the area of light interaction with light scattering media such as atmosphere, ocean, tissues, fabrics, paper, foam, paint, snow, aerosols and clouds. My education in theoretical physics is essential to the solution of corresponding…
Plasma Cleaning and Treatment, Plasma sources (Magnetron, Hollow cathode, DBD amd others), Medical devises, Metals, Polymers, Thin Film and Surface Technologies, Deposition by Sputtering
Expert is the president of a consulting firm. He has more than 20 years of experience in industrial research and development and more than 30 years experience in academia. He worked for BOC Coating Technology investigating and developing vacuum and…
Materials, Processes and Hermeticity Testing of Microelectronics for Aerospace and Medical Implants
He has demonstrated expertise in hermetic sealing and leak testing processes for cavity style packaged microcircuits intended for high reliability military, aerospace and Class III medical implants. He has worked as a hermeticity consultant for prominent military and aerospace companies…
Construction Safety
Expert has over 40 years' experience in worldwide professional safety. His work experience includes tenure as Corporate Safety and Security Director for four Engineering, Design and Construction Management Firms. This work has involved over 600 worldwide construction projects. Additionally, as…
Powder Metallurgy, Powder Characterization (e.g., Particle Size and Surface Area Measurement), and Testing
As the manager of a physical testing laboratory for over 25 years, he has applied his physics and metallurgy background to develop expertise in powder metallurgy and mechanical property testing of metals, as well as in various forms of powder…
Applied Mathmatics, Fluid Dynamics, Mineral Thickeners, Algae Growth, Aircraft Corrosion
Expert's PhD was in Civil Engineering on computational wind engineering, which led to engineering research work in many aspects of fluid dynamics and its mathematical modeling. There was a major project on sludge thickening for the minerals industry that was…