Intellex Acquires Expert by Big Village

We're thrilled to announce that Intellex has acquired Expert by Big Village, effective March 22, 2024. This strategic move enhances our capabilities and strengthens our commitment to delivering exceptional solutions to our customers.

Stay tuned for more updates on how this acquisition will benefit our clients and experts.

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Expert Directory


Having an expert witness or consultant at your side can help you navigate complex situations with confidence. These professionals understand your industry and excel at conveying crucial information, whether in a courtroom or a consulting environment. At Intellex, we have experts in over 30,000 areas in our database. We enable you to partner with an individual who has the knowledge, educational background, and relevant experience to support your needs effectively.

Utilize our expert finder tool to handpick the ideal mentor or consultant for your specific application.

ID: 725809 Colorado, USA

Metallurgy, Material Science, Failure Analysis, Microscopy, X-ray

Expert has successfully worked with a variety of industrial clients to develop bases for process and product development in solidification processing, deformation processing and heat treatment of Al alloys. Specific applications have been semi-solid metal (SSM) forming, deformation processing of…

ID: 725726 Belgium

Nanotechnology, Biomaterials, Sol-gel Sciences, Optics, Biotechnology, Glass, Ceramics, Spectroscopy

Expert is a specialist of sol-gel chemistry. He developed a new non-aqueous method for sol-gel glass coating to obtain transparent films for integrated optics and photonics using polysiloxane materials. The aim was to obtain low-softening temperature glasses to permit facile…

ID: 725543 California, USA

Optical Coatings, Vacuum Engineering, Ion Beam and Sputtering Technologies and Equipment

ExpertChutko has 38 years experience in optical coating, vacuum engineering, ion beam sources and their applications. He managed coating labs in Russia and USA producing a wide range of optical coatings; developed, designed and manufactured technological ion sources for ion…

ID: 725467 Oklahoma, USA

Structure-Property Relationships of Polymers, Polymer Composites and Polymer Nanocomposites

Expert has published numerous papers on surfactant and polymer adsorption at water-solid interfaces. A great deal of his work involves characterization and properties of amorphous polymers, especially polystyrene and its various derivatives. He earned B.S. and PhD degrees in Chemical…

ID: 725365 New Hampshire, USA

Data Storage, Recovery, Data Networking, Magnetics, Optics, etc.

Involved in the development of contrast agents for MRI & molecular imaging. Involved in the design, development and commercialization of magnetic, optical and storage products Involved in the design, development and commercialization of magnetic, optical and storage products- tape &…

ID: 725337 United Kingdom

Intellectual Property and Patent Litigation, Shoe Industry, Footwear Design Matters, etc.

Expert has a life long history and involvement in intellectual property and shoe design, asmore fully set forth in her resume. She has desinged shoes for the leading US, German, Italian and UK shoe companies and has served as an…

ID: 725244 Texas, USA

LED technology: MOCVD, Fab, packaging, optics, integration, solid-state lighting

Expert has worked with LED technology for over 23 years and have direct experience in both R&D and manufacturing environments related to MCOVD growth, LED fabrication, LED die testing and reliability, LED package design (optical and thermal) and integration into…

ID: 725198 Hawaii, USA

Criminal Profiling, Forensic Psychology, AI, Neural Circuitries, Psychodiagnostics, etc.

Human behavior falls within a range with some behavior being common, some unusual, some acceptable, and some outside acceptable limits; And is the collection of behaviors exhibited by human beings and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport,…

ID: 725173 Germany

Cleanrooms, Contamination Control, Ultrapure Media, Qualification and Validation, GMP, AMC

Expert has been active in aersol physics for more than 25 years. His PhD covers also the areas of environmental, indoor and cleanroom aerosols. He worked in a variety of scientific and technical projects covering the health effects of particles…

ID: 725091 California, USA

Hand Injuries, Hand Tool Design, Ergonomic Issues, Work Related Injuries in Dental/Medical

Expert is a certified associate ergonomist. Expert is founder and owner of a nationally based ergonomic consulting firm. Expert's background in ergonomics has allowed her to utilize her skills in preventing work related accidents and in assisting with the development…

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